After the sermon, it was time for the battle.

Those who participated in the battle were all very confident in their cultivation. None of the True Immortals or Heavenly Immortals came on stage.

Those who came here to listen to the sermon were all casual cultivators. What good magic weapons could casual cultivators have?

The battle was very exciting.

The cultivators who went on the stage tried their best to defeat the opponent. Even if they knew they were not the opponent's opponent, they would try their best to show their strengths.

Fang Yang noticed that most of the cultivators who won were demons and ghosts.

This was natural.

Demons and ghosts only cultivate magical powers, not morality. They have no scruples when cultivating magical powers, and they only cultivate powerful ones.

Fang Yang himself is the best example.

Immortals are different. They have many scruples when cultivating magical powers and Taoism. With the same cultivation and the same magic weapons, they are no match for demons.

"What a pity."

Fang Yang looked at the battle on the stage, and thought of the conversation between the Fire Fox Spirit and the Water Swallow Spirit, and thought to himself.

How can the fortune of Jiejiao not be affected if they only consider their cultivation and fighting ability when recruiting disciples, and completely ignore their moral character?

Things happened just as Fang Yang thought.

After the fighting meeting, the Seven Immortals of Penglai accepted the demons as their disciples according to the rules of the meeting.

Although Fang Yang felt sorry, he would not be smart enough to remind them.

If he could think of a problem, would the Golden Immortal of Daluo think of it?

When the Golden Immortal of Daluo does something, they must have their considerations. The Golden Immortal of Daluo will make mistakes, but they will never be stupid!

Whoever treats the Golden Immortal of Daluo as a fool is the real fool.

After the fighting, the Seven Immortals of Penglai immediately drove them away.

They also wanted to take their disciples to Jin'ao Island, go through the procedures for joining the sect with Duobao Taoist, and then pay homage to Tongtian Sect Master.

To put it simply, they were in a hurry to submit their tasks.

Although the listeners were reluctant to leave, the host had issued an order to expel them, so they had no choice but to leave.

So, the listeners flew away quickly.

Penglai Island is not an isolated island. There are thousands of small islands around it.

Most of these islands were built by monks for the convenience of listening to the sermons and taking advantage of the spiritual energy of Penglai Island.

Fang Yang had no intention of staying near Penglai Island. He had already realized what he wanted to realize, and there was no need to continue listening to the sermons.

He wanted to return to the fairy island and practice well.

While listening to the sermons, he resisted the urge to practice in order not to attract attention. Now that the sermons were over, he was of course eager to verify his understanding.

However, the road to cultivation is full of disasters, and no one can go smoothly.

On the third day after Fang Yang left Penglai Island, a thick fog appeared in front of him.

Fang Yang, who practiced the Hundred Poisons Sutra, saw at a glance that this thick fog was not fog, but poisonous miasma.

"Use poison in front of me, then let's see who is more poisonous?"

Fang Yang's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

As he said that, he took out a small yellow ball, flicked his finger, and flicked the ball into the poisonous miasma.


With a loud bang, the poisonous miasma in front of him turned from white to purple, from one kind of poisonous miasma to another.



Someone screamed in the poisonous miasma. Then, two figures rushed out of the poisonous fog.

Both of them were demons, a wolf demon and a wolf demon. The two demons fell on the sea, both covered their faces and wailed, rolling in pain.

In a short moment, their bodies turned purple, pus flowed from their heads, and their skin fell off, which was extremely miserable.

"Fellow Daoist, spare me! Fellow Daoist, spare me!"

The wolf demon was terrified and begged Fang Yang for mercy in a sad voice.

They had done this business several times, and they had made huge profits every time. Unexpectedly, this time they would fall into the hands of a fat sheep.


Fang Yang ignored him, waved his hand, and shot out a piece of Nine Yin Hell Fire.


The two demons screamed at the same time, their bodies exploded, and their souls fell into Fang Yang's hands.

"I thought you had some ability, but it turned out that even my heart of a woman in the world could not bear it. With this little strength, you are still trying to kill people and steal treasures. You are simply courting death."

Fang Yang grabbed the top-grade immortal tools and various treasures left by the two demons and flew away.

The ambush of the two embarrassed demons was just the beginning. After that, he was ambushed several times.

These people are veterans of killing people and stealing treasures.

They knew that those who listened to the teachings would leave Penglai Island after the Penglai Conference, so they set up an ambush near Penglai Island and surrounded and killed the monks who left the island.

"My fellow Taoist, treasures are not our own. Why should you hurt the harmony between us demons for the sake of some treasures?"

An evil dragon swirled out of the sea, creating a huge wave thousands of feet high, staring at Fang Yang with a pair of vicious dragon eyes.

Facing the oppression of the evil dragon, Fang Yang was calm.

"What you said makes sense. But I think that as a cultivator, you should be able to understand life and death. If you want to cultivate the supreme way, you must first give up your life."

As Fang Yang spoke, murderous intent surged, and he waved his hand, holding the azure fairy sword in his hand.

"Since you are unwilling to listen to my advice, I have to ask you to taste the taste of the ghosts biting your heart!"

Seeing that Fang Yang only took out a top-grade fairy weapon, the dragon's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

He kicked Fang Yang fiercely and spit out a long banner embroidered with evil ghosts.

Ten thousand ghosts banner!

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner is just as its name suggests. When it is revealed, the sky and the earth change color in an instant, and thousands of ghosts fly out of the long banner.

These ghosts are all incomplete, either missing arms and legs, or having their heads cut off and their hearts broken, which is extremely miserable.


The evil dragon gave an order, and all the ghosts came out and flew towards Fang Yang.

Fang Yang originally thought that the evil dragon would use the dragon's signature skills to deal with him, but he didn't expect that he would use a magic weapon to drive ghosts.

"You will not live if you do evil!"

He stretched out his hand, and a ray of light appeared in his palm. In the ray of light, there was a talisman.


A strong blue light burst out from the exorcist talisman, and the blue light burst out and waved on the ghosts.

Under the illumination of the blue light, the ghosts wailed together.

Fang Yang clapped his palm and slapped it on the exorcist talisman. Suddenly, a talisman appeared on the body of each ghost.


The Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner on the head of the evil dragon suddenly exploded, and the smile on the evil dragon's face froze. The next moment, he was blown to pieces by his own magic weapon.

"If you don't take revenge yet, when will you do it!"

Fang Yang showed a faint smile.


Most of these ghosts were killed by the evil dragon. After they died, the evil dragon had been enslaving them.

Now, the evil dragon can no longer enslave them, and they must find a chance to take revenge.

The ghosts turned around and pounced on the evil dragon, taking revenge for their grudges and avenging their grievances.


The evil dragon killed itself and died under the swallowing of the ten thousand ghosts.

Fang Yang used the ghost-exorcism talisman to collect the ten thousand ghosts, and then grasped the evil dragon's soul and left quickly.

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