There was a thunder on the ground, and the establishment of the Western Heavenly Palace caused an uproar in the ancient world, and the world was shocked by it.

Clouds shrouded the sky above Shouyang Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, and Jin'ao Island at the same time, thunder surged, and the boundless aura of destruction descended, squeezing out a series of dark space cracks in the void.

In the Eastern Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven was so angry that he was so frightened that the chariot slave beside him broke his most beloved glass lamp.

The car slave who hit the muzzle of the gun was very unfortunate and was demoted to the small world by the Emperor of Heaven, where he suffered the pain of being pierced by thousands of arrows day and night.

Zhen Yuanzi and other Taoist masters saw that something was wrong, so they closed their doors tightly, forced themselves to retreat, and ignored the outside world.

Everyone knew something was going to happen!

Of course something is going to happen! When Western religion established the Western Heaven, it not only slapped Heaven in the face, but also slapped Sanqing in the face.

Although Patriarch Hongjun had long said that the Second Sage of the West had a shallow relationship with him, and all the saints knew what it meant, when the Second Sage of the West actually did such a thing, Sanqing could not help but feel angry.


A quarter of an hour after the establishment of the Western Heavenly Palace, all the swords in the ancient world vibrated uncontrollably, making bursts of sword sounds.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the sword masters, their swords all bowed to a certain direction in the east.

Only those who have reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian know that this is the reason why the Four Swords of Zhu Xian were unsheathed!

As soon as Zhu Xian came out, thousands of swords surrendered, and the leader of Tongtian Cult became the first person in the ancient swordsmanship. The anger of the leader of Tongtian Cult symbolizes the anger of swordsmanship.

At this moment, the white-clothed Tongtian under Hidden Sword Peak let out a sad sigh.

He knew he couldn't get angry. Every time he gets angry, the source of his anger hurts him more deeply.

However, how could he not be angry when the Second Saint of the West did such a thing.


The creatures in the primitive world saw that four avenues to the sky flowed from Jin'ao Island, covering the ancient sky and flowing towards Mount Xumi.

Following the auspicious aura of the saint, Master Tongtian arrived above Mount Sumeru in an instant.

"Jie Yin, Zhunti, you two dare to privately hold the Heavenly Court. Do you want to betray the teacher?"

Boom, boom, boom!

The four sword paths fell down and turned into four sky-reaching giant swords filled with murderous intent. They were inserted into the earth, and a world was opened up.

This world envelops Mount Sumeru, and not even an ant or a fly can fly out.

The two Western Saints looked at each other with surprised expressions at the same time.

They saw that something was very wrong with the leader of Tongtian!

The Tribulation of the Gods is about to begin, and the normal approach is to recruit allies from all over to survive the calamity.

However, the leader of Tongtian Cult did the opposite and came to oppose them and make enemies for himself.

They know that Tongtian Cult Master has an upright temperament, but being upright is just a temper and does not mean that Tongtian Cult Master is stupid.

As a result, the Second Saint of the West took the initiative to appear outside the mountain gate and negotiate with the leader of Tongtian.

Now, the entire Sumeru Mountain is trapped in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and even if they take two saints, they can't break it. There is no other way except negotiation.

"I wonder where our Western religion offended Senior Brother Tongtian and made Senior Brother Tongtian so angry?"

Saint Zhunti took a step forward and bowed to the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Seeing the appearance of Saint Jieyin and Saint Zhunti, Master Tongtian snorted coldly and asked.

"The Heavenly Court is the ancient orthodoxy and can only be established according to the teacher's decree. It is really bold for you two to establish the Western Heavenly Court without the teacher's permission."

Hearing that Master Tongtian had moved Ancestor Hongjun out, Saint Zhunti felt an unreasonable anger in his heart.

Originally, he didn't want to be angry, because a saint cannot get angry casually. However, Sage Zhunti was angry.

Saint Zhunti sneered and said: "Brother Tongtian, when the Heavenly Court was established, Pindao once proposed to send Western disciples to the Heavenly Court, but the three brothers disagreed. Senior Brother Tongtian also said that things in the East have nothing to do with us in the West. It doesn’t matter. Today, Pindao returns this sentence to my senior brother, my affairs in the West have nothing to do with you in the East!”

After saying this, Saint Zhunti suddenly felt that the breath that had been held in his chest for countless years dissipated.

They Western religions once wanted to work hard to integrate into Taoism. For this reason, they have been working hard for the prosperity of Taoism. However, no matter how much they did, Sanqing would not recognize them and treat them as outsiders again and again.

In this case, the Western religion simply parted ways with the three religions of Ren, Chan, and Jie. From now on, everyone will live their own lives, and no one can think of being superior to anyone else.

As soon as Saint Zhunti said this, both Saint Jieyin and Master Tongtian were shocked.

If you mention Taoist, you are breaking up with Dongfang!

Leader Tongtian was angry at Zhunti Saint's words, but he could not refute it. Don’t you still acknowledge what he said?

When Saint Jieying saw that Master Tongtian was in a dilemma, he was unwilling to fight with Master Tongtian and immediately stepped in to mediate.

"Junior brother, you passed!"

He first scolded Saint Zhunti in a moderate way, and then said to the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Brother Tongtian, all of this is the will of the creatures in the West. There is no god in the West, and all living beings cannot be protected by the gods. That's why the two of us came up with this strategy. The heaven we established is just a small heaven, located under the heaven. There are three officials in the east Great Emperor, if I establish a King of the West in the West, it is not considered a betrayal of the teacher, right?"

The words of the saint Jie Ying revealed the reason for the anger of the saint Zhunti.

Every time during the Sanqing Dynasty, "Only state officials were allowed to set fires, and the common people were not allowed to light lamps."

After the establishment of Haotian Heavenly Palace, the Three Pure Ones regarded the Heavenly Palace as their back garden and established many divine posts in the Heavenly Palace, almost to the point of emptying the Heavenly Emperor.

Now the West has only established a small Heavenly Palace, and even the Lord of the Heavenly Palace calls himself "King of the West" instead of "Emperor of the West", and dares not go beyond the slightest.

However, Tongtian Sect Master made a big fuss because of this matter and sacrificed the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Although Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun did not come, the strange phenomenon shrouded in the sky above Shouyang Mountain and Kunlun Mountain was clearly seen by the two Western saints.

Even clay figures have three points of anger, let alone saints.

"Please return to the East, the Eastern saints will decide the affairs of my Western saints!"

"Please return to the East, and do not interfere in the affairs of my Western saints."

When Tongtian Sect Master came to the West, there was a lot of noise, so it attracted countless attention.

When the Western creatures knew that Master Tongtian had established the Western Heavenly Court because of the Western religion and used the Sword Formation to besiege Mount Xumi, they immediately refused to do it.


When the Heavenly Court was established, we Western creatures wanted to join it, but you Eastern saints tried to stop us. When we gave up entering the Heavenly Court and established our own Heavenly Court, the Eastern saints came to besiege our Mount Xumi.

What does Eastern saint mean?

Under the instigation of Western religious disciples, Brahman disciples, and demons, the Western creatures spontaneously gathered together and shouted to Master Tongtian.

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