Next, Fang Yang conducted the same test in several mountain villages, and the results of the test made him very excited.

Except for one village where the villagers were simple and honest, they helped Wu Huan drive Jia Ren away. The villagers in the other villages were very extreme.

In Dafeng Village, the villagers caught Wu Huan and Jia Ren together, and secretly put them in a pig cage in the middle of the night.

In Yanhu Village, the villagers beat the two to death on the spot without saying a word, and buried them in the fields.

In Paifang Village, the villagers held a trial meeting in the ancestral hall, and all the men, women, and children in the village criticized Wu Huan and Jia Ren together. Finally, the village chief said that a gentleman should use his mouth instead of his hands, and the villagers rushed up and bit Wu Huan and Jia Ren to death with their mouths.

The only village that helped Xu Huan also repeatedly warned Xu Huan to shut up and not tell the story after driving Jia Ren away.

A country of gentlemen, is that it?

Fang Yang felt that he had broadened his horizons. Such a wonderful thing is much more interesting than fighting with others.

He opened the Haoran Yangqi Sutra and read it carefully.

He got the skills of the Gentleman Country as soon as he arrived in Jukuzhou. However, he has never comprehended the principle of the skills.

It's like a prescription. He knows how to get the medicine, how to stay up late, and how to drink the medicine, but he doesn't know why the prescription is written like this.

This time, he peeked into the corner of the truth of the Gentleman Country and had a new understanding of the gentleman's spirit. He tried to comprehend the Haoran Yangqi Sutra again.

"It still doesn't work!"

Half a day later, Fang Yang closed the skills in his hand.

He still knew too little information. In the absence of information, it was difficult for him to fully comprehend the mystery of the skills.

He needed to investigate the truth of the Gentleman Country. Knowing the ins and outs, it would be much easier for him to comprehend this skill.

The Mermaid Country, the offspring born after the communication between fish and humans.

There are many kinds of mermaids, with fish heads and fish bodies, human heads and fish bodies, fish heads and human bodies, human heads and human bodies...

Fang Yang made a special trip to the Mermaid Country to learn about the Gentleman Country from the Mermaids of the Mermaid Country.

"Fellow Daoist, are you asking about the Gentleman Country? The Gentleman Country is the country that values ​​benevolence and righteousness the most in Jukuzhou. Every Taoist friend who came to my Mermaid Country from the Gentleman Country is a modest gentleman."

"Ten thousand years ago, the Gentleman Country and the Dali Country went to war. The old injury of the Dali Country's Marshal Ju Gang recurred and he was accidentally captured. After the Gentleman Country learned of this, it immediately released Ju Gang back to the Dali Country and retreated three thousand miles to let Ju Gang recover from his injury and fight again."

"That's right! The Gentleman Country is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness! After this battle, there was a monster plague in the Dali Country. The Gentleman Country not only did not add insult to injury, but also sent experts to help the Dali Country quell the monster plague."

Originally, Fang Yang thought that the Gentleman Country was pretending. But when he heard what the people of the Mermaid Country said, his idea immediately disappeared.

It is easy to pretend to be a gentleman for ten or eight years, but it is impossible to pretend for ten thousand years.

Except for the few times he tested, he did not find any flaws in the Gentleman Country.

"The gentleman in the Gentleman Country may not be the same as the gentleman I understand."

After some thinking, Fang Yang thought of a very simple reason.

Just like the word "sage", on Earth, it has two meanings:

One refers to the people with the highest moral character and the most profound wisdom, such as Confucius, Mencius, etc.

The second refers to the monarch or queen of the feudal dynasty, such as Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, who are called the two saints.

In the prehistoric times, the meaning of the saint is completely different, it has become a supreme state.

Similarly, the gentleman's way believed by the Gentleman Country is most likely not what Fang Yang understands, but another meaning.

After figuring this out, Fang Yang suddenly felt enlightened.

Preconceived ideas are the easiest to interfere with people's judgment.

He should put aside the word "gentleman" and observe the country of gentlemen with the thinking of ordinary people looking at ordinary people. Only in this way can he see the real country of gentlemen.

He returned to the country of gentlemen and observed it again.

After changing his angle, he finally saw the other side of the country of gentlemen.

The character of the people of the country of gentlemen is not a big problem. Everyone is upright and upright. However, the country of gentlemen is very face-conscious.

The people of this country are very generous. They are so generous that even if they are already poor, they will help others at all costs.

Their children are sick and have a fever and are in a coma. Logically, everyone will choose to treat the child.

But the people of the country of gentlemen don't do that. For the sake of face, they gave the only silver left in their family to the poor scholar in the village to help the poor scholar study.

Fang Yang thought again of what the man who sold elixir in the market said when he first arrived in the country of gentlemen.

He understood!

He opened the "Haoran Yangqi Jing" again. He only flipped through it once and saw through the mystery of the "Haoran Yangqi Jing".

The "Haoran Yangqi Sutra" is an evil skill!

To practice this evil skill, you don't need to consume the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nor do you need to devour the essence of the sun and the moon. What you need to consume is human nature.

From beginning to end, this evil skill makes practitioners behave with a "gentleman's heart". The more gentlemanly deeds a practitioner does, the more "gentleman's spirit" he will get, and the greater the change in his temperament.

This is why, even though the Junzi Kingdom was invaded by the Dali Kingdom, the Dali Kingdom Marshal was released back to the Dali Kingdom.

All the people in the Junzi Kingdom were controlled by the "Haoran Yangqi Sutra". They have lost themselves and are no longer themselves.

Fang Yang shuddered and suddenly closed the "Haoran Yangqi Jing". The Nine Yin Hell Fire flashed and burned the secret book to ashes.

He dared not keep such an evil technique. If he was hit, the end would be more miserable than the last move of the demon flag.

At this time, Fang Yang's desire to explore had reached its peak.

He vaguely felt that there might be a huge secret in the "Haoran Yangqi Jing". This secret was related to the saint's preaching and his cultivation to the Golden Immortal.

The Three Pure Ones turned against each other, and it was impossible for it to be for the concept.

The doctrines of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect did not conflict. In fact, the two were complementary. Yuanshi Tianzun also agreed with the doctrine of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

The Twelve Golden Immortals committed a killing calamity, and Yuanshi Tianzun used the method of Li Dai Tao Jiang to help the Twelve Golden Immortals survive the killing calamity. If this is not to intercept a ray of life, what is he doing?

It can't be for luck.

Luck is something that some people need very much, but some people don't.

As powerful as a saint, he can even open up the heaven and earth at will. For them, creating luck is not a difficult task.

If Yuanshi Tianzun wanted luck, why didn't the Chan Sect continue to train disciples to serve as officials in Zhou after Wu Zhou replaced Shang?


Fang Yang said this word for some reason.

He felt that he was very close to the truth.

As long as he broke through the window paper in front of him, he would know everything and get great benefits from it.

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