"Brother Zhang, how are we going to deal with Feng Yi? As far as Che Nu knows, Feng Yi broke the boundary of life and death 90,000 years ago. He has no life and no death. As long as he transcends the long river of fate, he can achieve the Great Dao."

After deciding to surrender to the Heavenly Court, Che Nu stopped calling him "Lord" and called Feng Yi by his name.

This change made the Snake God very satisfied.

The Snake God had a calm smile on his face: "If Feng Yi's cultivation was not high, we would not be able to kill him. For countless years, he suppressed the heart of the Yellow River and saved the creatures on both sides of the Yellow River from disasters. He has accumulated a lot of merits. Killing a person with great merits, even His Majesty, will have to pay some price. Although His Majesty can definitely afford it, it will more or less affect His Majesty's luck."

Che Nu and Li Gen were confused.

The Snake God himself said that Feng Yi had great merits. How could they kill a person with a high cultivation and great merits?

Che Nu asked directly: "Che Nu doesn't understand this."

Tian Nu looked at Che Nu with contempt and turned his face away. He couldn't stand Che Nu. He said he was a brother, but he wanted to take his position as the chief steward of Lingxiao Palace.

Caoshen noticed this scene and was secretly happy, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"Your Majesty once said that those who follow the will of heaven will survive, and those who go against the will of heaven will perish. If you want to kill Feng Yi, you can't go against him. We must help him."

Che Nu and Li Gen looked at Cao She Shen nervously.

"Since Feng Yi's cultivation is so high, why don't we help him and let him achieve Daluo in advance."

Cao She Shen's eyes flickered and said strangely.

"Helping Feng Yi achieve the Tao, how can this be possible?"

"Brother Zhang, are you kidding?"

Che Nu and Li Gen were shocked, and Che Nu even exclaimed.

The Snake God showed an unfathomable smile: "Do you think that it is a simple matter for a post-natal soul to achieve the Great Luo Dao? A slight mistake can lead to a great mistake! Feng Yi does not know what the conditions are for a post-natal soul to achieve the Great Luo Dao. If he does not understand this, even if his magic power is heaven-shattering, he cannot achieve the Great Luo Dao."

His face suddenly became ferocious, raised his right hand, clenched his fist, as if he was holding Feng Yi.

"It is no wonder that a casual cultivator would not know this. If Feng Yi and Luo Shen were in love, there would be some hope of learning the secret, but he was greedy and lustful, cutting off the last hope. If it were not for the guidance of Your Majesty, I would not know that there is such a secret in achieving the Great Luo Dao."

"If Feng Yi wants to achieve the Great Luo Dao, there is only one way to die!"

He has not said what the secret of achieving the Great Luo Dao is, but from his expression and tone, this secret must be important.

Che Nu and Li Gen were extremely shocked. They also thought that as long as they kept practicing, they would reach the level of Taoism and magic power, and they would be able to impact the Great Luo Jinxian realm.

Seeing Che Nu's expression, Tian Nu chuckled in his heart and cursed him, "You are a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."

The Snake God spread out his right hand and turned into a translucent spherical object.

Everyone looked at the palm of the Snake God and saw that inside the spherical object was a pill emitting the light of the sun. The medicinal gas was dense and gathered into countless tiny medicinal spirits. These medicinal spirits flew up and down, singing and dancing in the void, interpreting countless immortal sounds of the great way.

"This ball is not a real ball, it is a tiny world. And this pill, when your majesty ascended the throne, the Morality Heavenly Venerable gave your majesty a generous gift, that is, a Nine-Turn Daluo Golden Pill."

Under the light of the Nine-Turn Daluo Golden Pill, Li Gen, Tian Nu, and Che Nu all showed greedy eyes.

The Nine-Turn Daluo Golden Immortal is the most precious elixir in the world. It requires countless rare treasures to be refined. Taking one pill can immediately cultivate into a Daluo Golden Immortal.

As if deliberately teasing people's appetite, the snake god withdrew his hand towards himself.

He looked at the three people and continued:

"Of course, the one in my hand is just a replica made by your majesty based on the Nine-turn Daluo Jinxian."

As soon as the snake god said this, the greed in the eyes of Li Gen and the others disappeared.

After all this time, it turned out to be a fake.

"Even so, this replica of the Nine-turn Daluo Jinxian contains a trace of the medicinal energy of the Nine-turn Daluo Jinxian. Although it cannot make people become Daluo Jinxian directly, it can improve people's cultivation to the edge of Daluo and trigger the catastrophe of Daluo. Once the Daluo catastrophe comes, will Feng Yi still be alive?"

The snake god smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a slit.

Now, Li Gen and Che Nu suddenly realized.

No matter how rich the merits of Feng Yi were, he could not resist the catastrophe of Daluo.

He died under the heavenly catastrophe, which was God's will and had nothing to do with them.

They were kind enough to send elixirs to Feng Yi to help him improve his cultivation. Feng Yi himself could not survive the catastrophe and died in it. Who can be blamed for this?

This is why Fang Yang was not moved by merit and luck.

The more merit and luck a person has, the easier it is for him to be noticed by the powerful and the faster he will die.

In the prehistoric times, if the powerful wanted to kill someone, that person would have almost no chance of survival, no matter how much merit or luck he had.

With a little planning, the powerful can make you seek your own death. You seek your own death, and it has nothing to do with them.

Besides, if the powerful is determined to kill you, will he still care about your merit and luck? Because when you grow up, he may be the one to die.

Only by reducing your sense of existence can you stay away from all kinds of calculations.

While Cao Sheshen and others were discussing how to deal with Feng Yi, Fang Yang was investigating the location of the Water Palace Treasure House in the Yellow River Water Palace.

It would be fine if the Water Palace Treasure House was in the Water Palace. If it was in Feng Yi's natal cave, he would have to be prepared to snatch Feng Yi's body.

Different situations require different plans and be flexible.

Fang Yang found the more senior shrimp soldiers in the barracks and talked with them, mentioning intentionally or unintentionally how rich the Yellow River Water Palace was.

He got a lot of information from these shrimp soldiers.

Of course, the shrimp soldiers' favorite thing to do is to brag, and the information Fang Yang got may not be true.

"Things are a bit difficult to handle. Feng Yi's cultivation is too powerful. Once I use magic, he may sense it. Unless Feng Yi leaves the Yellow River Water Palace, I can't act rashly."

He returned to the shrimp soldiers' cave, deeply embarrassed.

If he really can't find the exact location of the treasure house, he can only "grab both hands, both hands must be strong", both to seize Feng Yi's body and to make a big fuss in the Yellow River Water Palace.

"No! Can't make a big fuss. If there is really no chance, just grab Feng Yi's body. There must be a lot of good things in his natal cave. Doing this will definitely not be wrong."

What to do, it will be on the shelf tomorrow!

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