Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 686 Ziwei Emperor Bo Yikao (Subscribe again tomorrow)

After having Jiang Ziya as his backer, Li Jing immediately felt confident. Anyway, no matter what happens, Jiang Ziya will support him.

To be fair, Jiang Ziya doesn't like Li Jing. However, after he became the Emperor of Heaven, he could not employ people according to his own likes and dislikes.

Heaven is fair, if even the Emperor of Heaven has selfish motives and does things with selfish motives, what justice can there be between heaven and earth?

Now that he is the Emperor of Heaven, he must do things consistent with his status as the Emperor of Heaven.

He didn't want to be driven out of office miserably like Haotian. Even if he wants to step down, he must step down with immeasurable merit.

Li Jing is not very capable, so it is most appropriate to let him do errands.

Jiang Ziya did not dare to let Li Jing fight. Without Yin Shiniang, Nezha, and Liu Pipa, Li Jing would be a defeated general, defeated repeatedly in battles.

Li Jing lost the battle, and it was Jiang Ziya who was embarrassed.

Li Jing did not realize that Jiang Ziya was using him as an official. He thought that he had Jiang Ziya's favor and could continue the glory of the Haotian era.

Ziwei star is huge and vast. It is the main star alongside the sun and lunar star. The dojo of Emperor Ziwei is in the Ziwei Palace on Ziwei Star.

During the Lich Tribulation, Emperor Ziwei (Ji Fa's previous life) once led many star gods to fight against Emperor Jun and Taiyi, but was later defeated and died.

During the Conferred Gods Tribulation, Emperor Ziwei was reincarnated as Ji Fa and awakened the destiny of the Destined King. Therefore, he gave up returning to Ziwei Star and gave up the position of Emperor Ziwei to his brother.

Boyi tests a mortal, he is no match for God Haotian. Not long after, all the gods commanded by Emperor Ziwei joined the command of Emperor Zhenwu.

The current Boyikao is an empty shell of the emperor.

Despite this, Jiang Ziya still wanted to summon Boyikao. If the name is not correct, then the words will not be correct. Emperor Ziwei is the orthodox Four Emperors. Jiang Ziya, the orthodox emperor, must recognize Boyikao's status.

When Li Jing entered the Ziwei Palace, there were only five goddesses in the entire hall: the Three Immortals (Fairy Qiongxiao, Fairy Bixiao, and Fairy Shiji), Empress Yushui, and Empress Dengchanyu.

Bo Yikao was wearing a dark purple starlight imperial robe, sitting on the throne, with a calm expression and a somewhat imperial demeanor.

"Chen Tuo Pagoda Heavenly King Li Jing, meet Emperor Ziwei!"

"King Li, please rise. Is the king here to convey Brother Jiang Huang's wishes?"

A faint smile appeared on Boyikao's face.

When Sanxiangu, Yushui Empress and others heard this, their eyes did not squint, as if they had not seen Li Jing, let alone heard Boyikao's words.

These proud daughters of heaven were favored by the Lord Tongtian in the past. After being severely beaten by society, I finally realized the dangers of society and became much more sensible.

If God gives them another chance, they will never insult Yuanshi Tianzun again.

Li Jing flashed the magic whip in front of him: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has a decree, and he ordered Emperor Ziwei to come to Lingxiao Palace to pay his respects as soon as possible!"

All the gods in the temple were shocked when they saw the whip.

Don’t forget, the gods in Ziwei Palace are all gods on the list of gods! Even though Boyikao was the Great Emperor Ziwei, he had to bow his head in the face of the divine whip.

Boyikao hesitated for a moment, stepped down from the throne, and bowed in the direction of Lingxiao Palace.

"I obey the decree!"

Boyikao was already ignored and lost his pride as Emperor Ziwei. It was normal for him to surrender to Jiang Ziya.

Li Jing left with satisfaction. Boyikao ordered Lady Yushui to close the door of Ziwei Palace and hold a meeting.

"Your Majesty, as one of the four emperors, you can be on an equal footing with the Emperor of Heaven, so why do you want to submit to him?"

The Yushui Empress was very puzzled and asked.

Boyikao smiled and looked at Lady Yushui: "Don't Lady Yushui think that this is our chance to take back the power of Ziwei Palace?"


Fairy Qiongxiao's eyes moved and she immediately understood Boyikao's thoughts.

Being a god in heaven does not seek power, but merit. However, without power, it is impossible to perform the duties of a god.

You can't even fulfill your clerical duties, so trying to gain merit is just a fool's errand.

Therefore, Boyikao would rather give up the status he had lost and use this status in exchange for power.

As long as you can regain these powers, even if you lose your status, it is worth it.

Even if Emperor Ziwei has the same status as the Emperor of Heaven, he still has to bow his head when he sees the saint, ancestor Hongjun, and Jiang Ziya holding the magic whip.

"The emperor is wise."

Leaving Ziwei Palace, Li Jing headed west.

Emperor Gouchen of the West is Lei Zhenzi, Jiang Ziya's nephew, who once followed Jiang Ziya in a battle to become a god.

Regardless of the seniority of his uncle and nephew, or the friendship between him and the Conferred Gods, Lei Zhenzi would not refuse to seek refuge with Jiang Ziya.

Of course, Li Jing was also betting that Lei Zhenzi had not surrendered to the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor is also Lei Zhenzi's master and disciple, but the Antarctic Immortal is an outer disciple and Jiang Ziya is an inner disciple, so Jiang Ziya still has some chance of winning.

Lei Zhenzi and Boyikao both became empty-handed emperors because of their lack of ability. Boyikao was ousted by Emperor Zhenwu, while Lei Zhenzi was deprived of power by Emperor Taiji of the West.

However, Lei Zhenzi was much worse than Boyikao, because Boyikao still had several fairy girls supporting him, but Lei Zhenzi didn't even have a reliable subordinate under his command.

Lei Zhenzi's only confidant was Cao Fanchun, an officer on duty sent to him by Ji Fa.

When Cao Fanchun was in Xiqi, he was the chief steward of the Great Zhou. After Ji Fa came to power, Cao Fanchun's adopted son inherited his father's position.

"Your Majesty, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Tower, wants to see you!"


"Announce Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Tower, to see you!"

With a great official by his side, Lei Zhenzi put on airs even though he had no real power.

According to Cao Fanchun, you can lose anything except your face.

Li Jing looked at the officials in the hall and the cold expressions on their faces. He really didn't know what the Great Emperor Gou Chen was thinking.

"This Great Emperor doesn't have a single real god under his command, but he's so arrogant!"

Although he thought so, Li Jing still bowed respectfully. After all, the Great Emperor Gou Chen was one of the Four Imperial Gods.

If someone caught him doing something wrong and reported it to Jiang Ziya, he didn't think Jiang Ziya would protect him.

"Li Tianwang, please don't bow!"

Lei Zhenzi's smile was uglier than a ghost, but there was nothing he could do. Who made his master a swindler who tricked him into eating the Wind and Thunder Fairy Apricot?

In fact, he was very dissatisfied with Yun Zhongzi, especially Yun Zhongzi's behavior of morally blackmailing him.

He was the essence of thunder and lightning, born and raised by nature. Ji Chang just hugged him, and he had no grace of birth or raising him. They became father and son inexplicably, and he had to sacrifice his appearance to save Ji Chang.

He felt that he had been controlled all his life.

He didn't choose his father, nor did he choose to become an ugly monster, and entering the heaven was even more confusing.

He knew that Yun Zhongzi was planning for the Conferred God. But if possible, he would rather be like Longxuhu, at least he lived a carefree life before his death. (End of this chapter)

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