Hearing the woman's words, even Hongjun Laozu and Hou Tu Niangniang were stunned. It was the first time that they felt "experienced" after becoming spokespersons.

A world without love will be destroyed. What are the powerful people in other worlds pursuing?

It was Fang Yang who broke the silence: "This female Taoist friend, I would like to ask, what is the name of your world, and which supreme being opened it up?"

He was not interested in the identity of the woman or who Brother Lingfeng was. However, a world in chaos is very valuable.

The woman's voice turned cold when she saw that someone who could only sit on a cushion dared to call her a Taoist friend.

"This God is the noble five-colored phoenix, the noblest bloodline of the Phoenix clan. Except for Brother Lingfeng, all the gods in the four seas and eight wildernesses have to pay homage to this God. Only the master of your world is worthy of talking to this God."

The woman spoke so impolitely, Fang Yang did not indulge her, he sneered.

"I am not a great person, but I am still alive, but your noble brother Lingfeng has died without leaving any trace."

Everything in the world is Tao, and Tao has no fixed rules. As long as the woman practices according to the rules of her world, she can also become a saint and Tao.

However, even if this woman is really a saint, does Fang Yang need to be afraid of her?

This remark undoubtedly touched the woman's reverse scale. Her eyes turned red, and she was angry and screamed in a shrill voice:

"What do you know? Brother Lingfeng is the eldest son of the Father God and the Emperor of my Dragon God World. In order to save the people of the world, he sealed the Demon World with his own life. How can you understand his greatness?"

At this moment, Hongjun Laozu and Hou Tu Niangniang no longer wanted to talk to this woman. They felt that talking to this woman would be a loss of their status.

So, the Queen Mother of Hou Tu sent a divine thought to Fang Yang: "She is handed over to you. It would be best if you can ask for information about that world."

This woman is just an image containing thoughts, and it is impossible to search her soul. Otherwise, the Queen Mother of Hou Tu would not bother to listen to her nonsense.

Hongjun Patriarch obviously didn't want to listen either. He nodded slightly at Fang Yang and signaled Fang Yang to continue.

Fang Yang naturally understood what the two bosses meant. Of course, this kind of thing should be done by a small character like him.

The woman obviously would not let Fang Yang go easily. She said contemptuously: "Little gods like you who are afraid of death are in great quantities in my Hengyu world. If you dare to slander Brother Lingfeng in this way in our world, this god will definitely throw you off the Zhuxiantai, burn you with wild fire day and night, and strike you with thunder, so that you can neither live nor die."

"Okay, very good! Zhuxiantai, I remember this name."

Fang Yang nodded slightly, not angry at all, as if the woman despised someone else.

A long time ago, he was able to control his emotions, and his emotions were free to be released. Although he did not practice the art of beheading the three corpses, his realm was almost the same as beheading all the three corpses.

The two big men saw Fang Yang so calm, and he was not angry even when he was humiliated in front of others, and looked up to him.

"His realm has reached the point where he can become a saint anytime and anywhere. Soon, my prehistoric world will have its own Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although the saint has the combat power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is not as free and easy as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

A thought flashed through the heart of Hongjun Patriarch. He was happy and excited, but he did not have the intention to kill.

It is lonely at the top. Except for Hou Tu Niangniang, all other saints are his disciples and juniors. He has been invincible for two kalpas, and he could not find a Taoist friend who could discuss Taoism with him in two kalpas.

This feeling of loneliness brought by invincibility may only be understood by Pangu the Great God back then.

Suddenly, Fang Yang looked at the woman with pity: "You are so pitiful!"

"What is there to be pitied about me?"

The woman was very puzzled. Fang Yang had just offended her with words, but now he felt pity for her.

"Isn't this obvious?"

Fang Yang asked back, "Your brother Lingfeng would rather choose the creatures of the four seas and eight wastelands than you. This shows that in your brother Lingfeng's heart, you will never be ranked first. You just said that there is no love in your world, and you are very right, because even your beloved brother Lingfeng doesn't love you!"

Fang Yang played freely, and both Hongjun Laozu and Hou Tu Niangniang were almost stunned.

The brother Lingfeng in the woman's mouth sacrificed himself to save the four seas and eight wastelands, and he was obviously a person with great love in his heart. After being distorted by Fang Yang, he became a heartless man.

The woman was stunned for a while when she heard Fang Yang's words. In her heart, her brother Lingfeng has always loved her the most.

"You're talking nonsense. Brother Lingfeng and I have been through seven lives and seven lifetimes. No matter what disasters we encountered, he never gave up on me. He loves me. He must love me!"


Fang Yang said faintly: "He can disregard his own safety for you, but he doesn't even want his life for the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands. It's obvious who he cares more about, you or the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands. Whether you admit it or not, he abandoned you for the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands and left you in a world without love. This is a fact you can't deny."

Fang Yang's words, word by word, hit the woman's heart and made her collapse.

The woman repeatedly compared Lingfeng's attitude towards herself and the creatures of the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands. The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was wrong.

Gradually, the woman fell into memories.

Fang Yang did not let the woman go. He continued: "As long as you think about it seriously, you can think clearly. In fact, your brother Lingfeng does not love you. He protects you because you are the common people in the world. If you love someone, you should stay with that person no matter what. Even if the world is destroyed, he will always be by your side. This is true love, do you understand?

The woman's eyes were dull, and she murmured to herself: "He doesn't love me! He doesn't love me! Why, we have experienced so much, and our seven lives together are not worth all the sentient beings in the world. "

Fang Yang was not surprised that a woman could become a being above Da Luo.

It is impossible to use the Tao of the prehistoric world to measure other worlds.

Perhaps, the world on the other side is a world where only those with a love brain can realize Daluo. The more serious the love brain, the higher the power of Taoism.

When it comes to dealing with love brains, Fang Yang has a lot of experience, but he has some experience.

"Come, tell us everything about your world, and let us help you destroy the world without love."

Fang Yang's voice was full of temptation.

The woman came back to her senses, with a look of despair and sadness on her face: "Are you really willing to help?"

Fang Yang nodded solemnly: "Of course, the fact that Taoist friend's treasures can come to our world means that you are a destined person in our world. Since you are a destined person, we will definitely help you. "

"Okay! I will tell you everything."

The woman's eyes were firm and she nodded.

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