Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 764 There is no more Zhunti Saint in the world

"Senior brother, you actually want to transfer all your great ambitions to me. Do you know what you are doing? Don't you know that if you do this, I, my junior brother, will fall from the holy position and I will never recover?"

The facts were before his eyes, but Saint Zhunti couldn't accept it no matter what.

The person in front of him must not be his senior brother. His senior brother would rather get hurt himself than hurt him even a hair.

This person, in order to get rid of debt, transferred all the cause and effect to himself.

However, no matter how Sage Zhunti questioned him, Sage Jieyin ignored him. He looked at Saint Zhunti with indifferent eyes, and did not regard Saint Zhunti as his junior brother at all.

Seeing such a look, Saint Zhunti's heart thumped and he gave up completely.

This person was indeed his senior brother, and this person plotted against him out of his own heart.

After confirming the truth, Saint Zhunti became even more painful.

"Junior brother, don't resist. As long as you don't resist, there will be no pain. If you resist and force Brother Wei to use magic against you, you will fall into pain. Brother Wei has no choice. As long as the West can prosper, I won’t hesitate to sacrifice anyone for my brother.”

Fortunately, the saint is not completely emotionless. He didn't want to hurt Saint Zhunti, so he kindly reminded Saint Zhunti.

However, in the face of the "good intentions" of the saint, Zhunti saint did not appreciate it.

At the moment when he was talking to Saint Jieyin, Saint Zhunti had already summoned his own treasure of enlightenment - the Seven Treasures Tree.

Unfortunately, Saint Jieyin had already expected such a move from Saint Zhunti. The Seven Treasures Tree had just appeared, and the God's Banner also appeared out of thin air, suppressing the Seven Treasures Tree.

"Junior brother, you are so disobedient."

The leading saint stepped forward step by step, "Brother Wei told you not to move, but you must move. Brother Wei has no choice but to give you a warning and let you know the price of disobedience."

As soon as his eyes moved, the blessed divine pestle appeared above Saint Zhunti's head, and with a sudden blow, he struck Saint Zhunti's head.


Saint Zhunti was struck by the blessed divine pestle, and his head made a muffled sound.

The warning from the Holy Saint was so severe that Saint Zhunti's eyes were filled with stars, and even the magic power that had finally been gathered in his body was scattered.

"Brother, you are so cruel!"

Saint Zhunti gave Saint Jieyin a cold look.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful. He regretted that he had followed the advice of the sage, and regretted that he put the sage first in everything.

How much he believed in guiding the saints!

He thought that he and Saint Jieyin would become brothers forever. He controls the outside world, guides the saints to control the inside, and makes the West prosper.

All this ended and disappeared the moment the saint assassinated him.

At this time, Saint Jie Yin finally showed that his cultivation was no less than that of Saint Laozi.

With the bursts of Sanskrit sounds and the scent of lotus, the cause and effect in the body of the saint is getting less and less. On the other hand, the saint Zhunti is completely entangled in the cause and effect.

The dense cause and effect, like an iron wall, trapped Saint Zhunti inside.

If it were someone else, the saint who received the invitation could not transfer the cause and effect of heaven, but the saint of zhunti was connected with his fate, and he had also made great aspirations, so the transfer of the saint's transfer would go very smoothly.

With cause and effect entering his body, Saint Zhunti was filled with despair.

Originally, it was difficult for him to repay the merit he owed him. In addition, he could not pay back the merit owed by Saint Jieyin no matter what.

"Jie Yin, you beast! Even if you are freed from the shackles of the Forty-Eight Great Aspirations, you will not be able to realize Hunyuan. You betrayed Teacher Hongjun first, and then betrayed me. Heaven will not give you a chance to betray it."

"It's still too late for you to step back from the brink. I can forget about it and just part ways with you."

Sage Zhunti was afraid that he would be knocked down from his holy position by heaven, so he tried to use words to persuade the saint to return to his lost ways. However, saints decide to do something, and they will not give up unless they encounter failure.

Saint Zhunti could only watch as he was entangled in the cause and effect of heaven and became more and more trapped in the mud.

The voice that greeted the saint sounded again: "Junior brother, congratulations, you are finally able to sacrifice your life to become a benevolent person. In the past, you often asked me why I like to cut meat and feed it to eagles. Now you should understand that only by dedicating yourself and sacrificing yourself can you achieve success. Get real joy and freedom.”


As the last bit of cause and effect entered Saint Zhunti's body, Saint Jieyin promptly withdrew his magic power to suppress Saint Zhunti.

As soon as Saint Zhunti regained his freedom, he mobilized his magic power, sacrificed the golden body of relics and the Seven Treasures Tree, and killed Saint Jieyin.

In just one moment, Saint Jieyin and Saint Zhunti exchanged hundreds of millions of moves. Every collision would destroy Chaos Void.

Prajna Heaven had been destroyed long ago, and it was destroyed in the first round of the battle between the two saints. There is no world that can withstand the attack of the saint's combat power.

However, Saint Zhunti's counterattack had no effect.

In terms of cultivation, Saint Jieyin surpassed Saint Chunti by a lot, so he easily defused Saint Chunti's attack.

On the other hand, Saint Zhunti, despite his anger, had already used all his strength. However, no matter how subtle his magical powers are and how mysterious his spells are, they cannot shake the saint in the least bit.

At this moment, the saint is like an undefeated god of war, who can never be defeated.

The Saint Jie Yin, like an adult playing with a child, slapped the Saint Zhunti aside with a palm: "Junior brother, I don't want to hurt you. If you continue to be so unreasonable, I will really be angry."

Hearing the words of the Saint Jie Yin, the Saint Zhunti was furious and almost fainted: "Jie Yin, the relationship between you and me is no longer a brother."

The Saint Zhunti stepped forward again, and the Saint Jie Yin hit him with a pestle, and the Saint Zhunti was beaten away again.

Not at the same level at all!

Just as the Saint Jie Yin said, he just didn't want to hurt the Saint Zhunti. If he wanted to hurt the Saint Zhunti, the Saint Zhunti would have been injured long ago.

The two fought for a while, and the Saint Jie Yin seemed to sense something and looked in a certain direction of the chaotic world.

He quickly retreated and said to Zhunti Taoist: "Junior brother, take care of yourself!"

Zunti Saint was confused about what he meant. Suddenly, he felt his soul beating, and the Hongmeng purple qi that had long been integrated with his soul began to beat uncontrollably.

"Could it be?"

Zunti Saint felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Before he could react, his soul was empty and a Hongmeng purple qi flew out of his body.

"No! Teacher, save me!"

At this moment, he finally knew what he was going to face next. The only thing he could do was to beg for help from Hongjun Patriarch.

However, Hongjun Patriarch ignored him.

In the rolling chaos, a shrill voice shook the eight directions, and at the same time, a secret appeared in the prehistoric world.

Zunti Saint is no longer a saint! (End of this chapter)

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