The demon world of Hengyu World is very recognizable. The whole world is dark red, and there are always sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling from it.

From the outside, the demon world is like a huge tomb, and the tombstone of the tomb is the entrance to the demon world.

Before the war between the heaven and the demon world, the portal of the demon world was always open. In order to protect the heaven, Emperor Lingfeng turned into a relief and sealed the portal of the demon world.

Looking at the unfathomable demon world, Fang Yang stopped temporarily. Such an important seal cannot be left unguarded.

He did not bring even a magic weapon with him as a Dharma body, and was no match for the gods guarding this place.

Even if the real body came, now is not the time to expose the Immortal Heart Lamp and the Five Elements Imperial Heaven Tower. He has to keep his trump card and survive the great catastrophe of Hunyuan.

To break the seal, he has to wait for an opportunity.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Xuanyuan Shenghuang, and Fengdu Emperor are attacking the Heavenly Palace. When the war in the Heavenly Palace is tense, the gods guarding here will definitely go to support.

That time is the best time for Fang Yang to break the seal.

"I can wait!"

Fang Yang hid in a cosmic dust and waited like this.

In the Yuchen Palace of the Heavenly Realm, Emperor Ren Xi, Emperor Feng Ci, Feng Linglong, and masters and big men from all over the world gathered together.

The atmosphere in the palace was very heavy, and an invisible haze enveloped everyone.

"Tell me what to do!"

Ren Xi secretly glanced at Feng Linglong, and asked with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

Only at this time could Feng Linglong sit quietly in front of him. In other occasions, Feng Linglong would shout and kill and roar wildly when she saw him.

Feng Linglong seemed to sense Ren Xi's pride, and looked at everyone coldly: "If Brother Lingfeng was still here, he would definitely be able to defeat the invading enemy."

Hearing Feng Linglong calling him "Brother Lingfeng" so affectionately, Ren Xi's eyes immediately turned red.

Feng Linglong had never looked at him straight in the eye, even though he had dug out his heart to show Feng Linglong.

When many bigwigs in the hall heard Feng Linglong's words, they all looked at Ren Xi with sympathy. Ren Xi's infatuation is well known.

When Feng Linglong went down to earth to experience the tribulation, Ren Xi also reincarnated as a loyal dog to guard Feng Linglong. Feng Linglong experienced the tribulation for seven lives and seven generations, and Ren Xi became a loyal dog for seven lives and seven generations.

So, when Feng Linglong ascended to the god, Ren Xi himself also overcame the tribulation of love and ascended to the god.

This incident once became a good story in the world. The play of the Emperor of Heaven being a dog for love is very popular on the stage of the human world and is a popular play.

The Emperor of Heaven's persistence in love makes all living beings admire him. In the whole world, no one thinks that the Emperor of Heaven is humble, and no one thinks that the Emperor of Heaven is self-degrading. Many immortals imitate the Emperor of Heaven in order to ascend to the immortal world.

If you love her, you will be a cow and a horse for her. This sentence is widely circulated in the world and everyone knows it.

Several bigwigs in this palace ascended to the immortal world by learning from the Emperor of Heaven.

It is not without reason that Ren Xi was able to plan a coup before Ling Feng died, cut off Ling Feng's reinforcements, and caused Ling Feng to seal the demon world with his life.

"Linglong, don't be rude to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven is the common master of the world!"

Feng Ci couldn't stand it anymore and scolded his daughter.

The son-in-law he favored was not Ren Xi, but Ling Feng. Compared to Ren Xi, Ling Feng is more handsome and more in line with his son-in-law selection criteria.

However, Ren Xi has become the Emperor of Heaven, which is a fact that cannot be changed.

Feng Linglong was of course not convinced, but the person who scolded her was her father, so she could only hold it in.

"Emperor of Heaven, I think we should concentrate all our strength to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun's side first. I have observed that Yuanshi Tianzun's side is the most powerful. As long as we defeat them, we will definitely be able to severely damage the morale of the extraterritorial demons."

A black-armored general with a black mask stood up and proposed.

As soon as he said this, he attracted opposition from others.

"No! We have all seen the battle between your majesty and Yuanshi Tianzun. The long banner in Yuanshi Tianzun's hand is indestructible, and no force can contend with it. If we want to win, it is best to defeat Fengdu Emperor first."

"Yes! Yuanshi Tianzun's strength is obvious to all. Even if the Emperor of Heaven and the two gods attack together, they may not be able to defeat this man. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Fengdu Emperor's strength is the weakest. The Emperor of Heaven and the two gods will definitely be able to suppress him together."

"I also agree with the words of the guardian gods and Lao Xianweng. The extraterritorial demons are coming fiercely, and we have no idea how strong they are. Maybe the number of gods they sent is only a small part. If we want to fight, we must fight quickly. Suppress Fengdu Emperor first, then repel Xuanyuan Saint Emperor, and finally concentrate on dealing with Yuanshi Tianzun."

Except for the black-armored war god, almost all the big guys do not agree to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun first.

Yuanshi Tianzun put too much pressure on them. He was simply an undefeated god of war. There was no possibility of victory.

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Feng Linglong suddenly regretted it.

She brought in the extraterritorial demons to put pressure on others to let them unlock the seal of the demon world. Now, things seem to be out of control.

The extraterritorial demons she brought in were much more powerful than she imagined. Now, let alone suppressing the other party and seizing the other party's origin, they were lucky to be able to keep the Hengyu world.

"No, it must be possible. If Brother Lingfeng is still here, there must be a way. Brother Lingfeng's love for me can make him overcome everything. Ren Xi always talks about loving me, but his love is fake. If he really loves me, he should give up the position of Heavenly Emperor for me. His love is too fake, and his strength is not as good as Brother Lingfeng."

Feng Linglong was confused, but Ren Xi was not panicked at all.

Feng Linglong was conveying information to the chaotic world, and he knew it and acquiesced. He needed a love tribulation, only love tribulation could make him stronger.

When he has enough strength to defeat Lingfeng, the position of Heavenly Emperor is his, and Feng Linglong is also his.


Everyone wanted to discuss it again, and suddenly, the whole Heavenly Palace shook violently, making a sound of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking.

"Your Majesty, something bad is going to happen. Yuanshi Tianzun's army has already reached the bank of the Jinshui River!"

A red-clothed Taoist stepped on a red cloud and floated into the hall. Before he came in, the voice had already reached the hall.


"The three long rivers of the void, the Jinshui River, the Yinshui River, and the Tongshui River, are the three most critical lines of defense in the Central Heaven Realm. Once they break through these three lines of defense, my Heavenly Court will be in danger!"

Everyone in the hall changed color.

"Come on! Last time I fought him, I was slightly inferior. This time, I will let him know how powerful I am."

Ren Xi was refreshed, he stood up from the throne and said with high spirits.

Feng Ci bowed his hands and said, "The Emperor of Heaven, hold on for a moment, and my real body will come immediately."


Ren Xi nodded, and did not object.

If he loses, someone has to clean up the mess. It is okay to pass the tribulation, but we can't let the outer demons attack the Heavenly Court. (End of this chapter)

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