Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

$ Chapter 80 Corpse Ancestor Hanba (please support)

As soon as he entered the Hengshan Cave, Fang Yang frowned.

There’s no other reason than it’s too hot!

The temperature in the Hengshan cave is no lower than the temperature in the crater outside. Under such a temperature, there are definitely not many creatures that can survive in this cave.

What is Dongtian Paradise? The winter is warm and the summer is cool, and the four seasons are like spring. Any living being can live freely in it. This is a blessed land.

The current temperature in the Hengshan cave is as high as a fiery hell. No matter how abundant the spiritual energy is, it is not suitable for the survival of ordinary creatures.

"After I solve the problem of the female slaves, I have to find a way to restore the environment in the cave. Otherwise, how can I preach in the cave and improve my strength?"

Fang Yang couldn't help but think as he looked at the Hengshan cave sky, which was thousands of miles away from the red ground and sparsely populated with life.

Seeing the scene in the Hengshan cave, he understood why the Yellow Emperor had to drive the female demons out of the human race.

With the physique of the female demon, she is even worse than the god of plague. Wherever she goes, there will be mass extinction of living things.

Only bystanders would think Huang Di was ruthless, but if one personally experienced the harm of the female slave, everyone would want to drive her away.

"The True Monarch of Heavenly Medicine has come to pay homage to the Taoist female Taoist friend. Please come out and see me."

Fang Yang stood in the void, facing the cave sky, and made a sound.

The sound was like thunder, like a tsunami, spreading throughout every void in the cave sky, and even reaching into the depths of the earth.

He was too lazy to use his spiritual consciousness to find the whereabouts of the female demon. The easiest way to find her was to yell.

"Who is shouting in the cave, Heavenly Doctor Zhenjun? Who is he? I have never heard of him."

After a moment, a powerful thought awakened, and this thought was directly transmitted into Fang Yang's mind.

Then, Fang Yang saw a mummy wrapped in blazing flames emerging from the ground. The crimson flames had the power to burn the sky and destroy the earth.

The mummy flew into the sky and came to him.

When he got closer, Fang Yang looked through the flames and finally saw the image of the mummy clearly.

The skin of this mummy is blue, the hair is so sparse that there are only a few strands left, and the eye sockets are large, somewhat like the Loulan female mummy.

Of course, all mummies look alike.

"Who do you think I am? It turns out to be just a little golden immortal. With your level of cultivation, you are not qualified to talk to me, get out!"

The female demon went crazy as she talked. She let out a loud roar, raised her hands to claws, and rushed towards Fang Yang.

Although she became a zombie, her strength was much higher than when she was alive. If she hadn't been trapped in the pain of the past and couldn't get out of it, she would have attained enlightenment long ago.

As soon as these two claws appeared, they tore through the void, and monstrous power shot out from the claws, trying to tear Fang Yang into pieces.

But the next moment, a ninth-grade lotus platform appeared above Fang Yang's head. The lotus platform rotated slowly, and white lotus flowers fell from the sky and landed on the female slave.

When the female demon was beaten by these petals, the flames on her body were like meeting a nemesis, and the intensity of the fire quickly decreased.


The female demon's claws were caught on the lotus platform, and when illuminated by the white light on the lotus platform, it was corroded as if sulfuric acid had been poured on it.

After receiving a profound lesson, the female master became sober. She took two steps back and stopped attacking.

"I didn't expect that you still have treasures to protect you. Tell me if that person sent you here. Go back and tell him that I will never forgive him!"

The female demon said sternly.

Hearing the words of the female slave, Fang Yang felt baffled as to why he was sent by "that person".

He realized that there might be something wrong with the female slave's spirit.

"Fellow Taoist, you have seen it clearly. I am not from your human race. The person you are talking about is the Human Emperor. Whoever he sends will not send me."

Fang Yang said with a smile.

Although it is said that the Yellow Emperor and the female slave turned against each other, the relationship between father and daughter cannot be easily broken off.

The father and daughter are at odds with each other, but outsiders can just watch it as a family drama. If you take the family drama as real and go out to bully the female tyrant, then you think your life is too long.

"Then you're here to slay demons?"

The female slave asked sternly again.

"No no no!"

Fang Yang smiled and shook his head, "Actually, I like to challenge all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases most in my life. Thousands of years ago, I once competed with an old friend of the Jiuli tribe in the field of medicine, and I was lucky enough to beat him. The Taoist friend refused to accept, so he I made a promise to fight again in the future. Unexpectedly, when I came out of seclusion, my old friend passed away."

"Hmph! Then what are you doing to come to me? I don't understand medicine."

When the female slave heard that Fang Yang was not here to hunt her down, she was no longer so excited.

"Indeed. But back then, that old friend said that the weirdest poison he had ever seen was Chi You's Xuanyin Charming Fire Pill. It is said that anyone who is poisoned by this poison is incurable. Because of this poison It will cause fundamental changes in the body and soul of the poisoned person. Even if they take the antidote, the essence of life has been changed and can no longer be undone. "

Fang Yang said with a harmless look on his face.

Xuanyin Charming Fire Pill can be regarded as a high-end version of Fenglingxianxing. They have two things in common.

First, anyone who takes them can gain powerful power.

Second, the price of gaining great power is that the essence of life changes, from human to non-human.

The power of Xuanyin Charming Fire Pill is obviously stronger than that of Fenglingxing, so its side effects are stronger than that of Fenglingxing.

Lei Zhenzi swallowed the Fenglingxianxing, but turned into an ugly monster, while the female demon became a zombie that was neither human, immortal, demon, demon, god, nor ghost.

"Xuan Yin Charming Fire Pill!"

When Nvba heard the name, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Memories from tens of millions of years ago flashed through her mind, and she seemed to have returned to the past when she cried out to the heavens and the earth but got no response.

Her face was ruined, she was mocked by her tribe, despised by others, her ministers stopped attending court, she was driven out of the house by her father, Yinglong fell, and she was exiled

"Enough! Stop talking! Stop talking!"

Nvba roared, her zombie eyes turned red, and the power of the flames rose steadily.

"Fellow Daoist Nvba, don't be angry. What if I can cure you?"

Facing Nvba who was about to go berserk, Fang Yang was very calm.

In fact, few people in the prehistoric world knew what poison Nvba was poisoned with. He was able to find out thanks to the Hundred Poison Boy. Moreover, he couldn't cure Nvba.

What else could he do for a disease that even Shennong couldn't cure?

Nüba's body is no longer a problem of poison, but a problem of the essence of life. Except for Taiqing Daode Tianzun and Nuwa Niangniang, no one can cure Nüba.

However, he has a way to let Nüba walk out of Hengshan Cave Heaven as a normal person.

He can't cure the root cause, but he can cure the symptoms. He has his own way to suppress the poison fire and restore Nüba to her former youthful image.


Nüba was stunned.

She looked at Fang Yang with a serious face, thinking about what Fang Yang had just said, and a long-lost hope actually emerged in her heart.

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