The drama played by Wushengjiao is not a good one. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of loopholes.

However, the reason why calculations become calculations is because calculations are in the interests of some people.

When everyone dislikes Buddhism, no matter what charges Wusheng Cult accuses Buddhism, no matter how unreasonable the evidence Wusheng Cult gives, it will become a murderous knife.

It's like a country that takes a fancy to another country's resources and casually says that the other country is secretly developing weapons of mass destruction and uses this as an excuse to attack the other country.

So, in the final analysis, all calculations are planned based on interests.

Nezha didn't like Buddhism from the bottom of his heart. Especially after he learned that Li Jing's teacher, Du'e Zhenren, went to the West and became Lingji Bodhisattva, his sense of Buddhism became even worse.

Before he left heaven, he came to the conclusion that Buddhism must be related to a cult.

With this preconceived idea, Nezha entered the scope of Xiniu Hezhou.

Buddhism is strong enough, but its credibility is too poor, which makes Xiniu Hezhou without stable order.

Today there are monsters slaughtering the city, tomorrow there is an emperor trying to rip out the heart, and the day after tomorrow there is a big fight between Buddhist and Taoist families. Xiniu Hezhou is in chaos.

And chaos happens to be the best soil for cults to grow.

The cults in Xiniu Hezhou can be said to be one after another. Every once in a while, old cults will be destroyed and new cults will be born.

The creatures in Xiniu Hezhou are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered and can only be slaughtered by others.

Nezha doesn't understand the suffering of the people in Xiniu Hezhou, and he doesn't need to understand.

His mission is to investigate the relationship between the Xiniu Hezhou cult and Buddhism. To be more precise, he came with the purpose of looking for evidence.

In his heart, Buddhism has long been sentenced to death, and he will not feel that cults have anything to do with Buddhism.

Although it is said that the Heavenly Court has lost its power in the earthly and immortal world, the extermination of the evil cult is something that all forces must complete.

"Hit them, hit them hard, and see how they pray to God and worship Buddha in the future. In our country of Varavady, only the Mayi Sect will protect us."

"Yes, foreign sects are all heretics, and we will fight these heresies to the end."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As soon as Nezha came down, he saw a group of monks who had not become immortals using inferior magic weapons and destroying a temple.

This temple is not dedicated to the Emperor of Heaven, Yama, Taoist ancestors, or demon ancestors, but to a little-known little god or immortal.

Miao Zhu tried his best to stop him, even crying with runny nose and tears, hoping that the other party would take pity on him. However, what he ushered in was the monks' more crazy destruction.


With an explosion, the statues in the temple were blown to pieces.

"The cult in Xiniu Hezhou is too rampant! Above this temple, there is a faint light of merit. They dare to destroy even temples with merit, and they are not afraid of damaging their own immortality. No wonder these people have been refining their souls all their lives. The gasification stage is spinning.”

Yes, the cultists are just cultivators who refine their Qi.

The West is too poor, and most of the resources in the West are in the hands of Buddhism. Ordinary living beings cannot enjoy the support of resources at all.

This has resulted in polarization in the West. Those with higher cultivation levels are getting higher and higher, while those with lower cultivation levels are pitifully low.

It can be said that if you were born in Hezhou, Xiniu, as an ordinary person, without special adventures, it is basically impossible to turn over.

When the cultists left happily, a divine light flashed in the original position of the statue, and a god appeared.

This is a male god, tall, with black hair hanging down on his shoulders like a waterfall, and his eyes are gentle, as if full of compassion.

"Hey, the world is ignorant and deceived by evil spirits. Who is the devil and who is the Buddha?"

The god sighed and was about to leave invisible, but heard a "Wait a minute".

The god looked up and saw a young man holding a fire-tipped spear and a hula hoop hanging on his body standing at the door of the temple.

"The Great God of Santan Haihui!"

The god lost his voice, and then his eyes burst out with intense light.

He trembled and knelt on the ground: "Xiaoxian joins the Great God of Santanhaihui!"

"You recognize me?"

Nezha asked strangely.

The spirit said: "The little fairy is called Shi Jiuling, and he is the incarnation of a spiritual stone on the tide-watching cliff of Chentangguan. At that time, the great god was still playing on the little fairy's body, and used your sweet rain to nourish the little fairy's body. Without your Even if it is moistened by sweet rain, the immortal may not be able to transform."

"Tide Viewing Cliff, Lingshi?"

As soon as Nezha recalled it, he thought of the situation in the past.

When he was sent to Nuwa Palace by Li Jing, he liked to play near the tide-watching cliff. Although he was young at that time, he was born with wisdom and would not forget it.

"You, are you that spiritual stone?"

After learning Shi Jiuling's identity, Nezha immediately felt close to Shi Jiuling.

"That's right! The Great God may have forgotten it, but the Little Fairy will always remember it. Now that the Great God is here, the Little Fairy is willing to serve the Great God no matter what the instructions are."


Nezha put one hand behind his back, raised his head and said, "Get up!"

When Shi Jiuling stood up, Nezha asked again: "Since you are the spiritual stone of Chentangguan, why did you appear in Xiniu Hezhou?"

Shi Jiuling's face looked troubled and he stopped talking.

"Just say it, I will make the decision for you."

Shi Jiuling said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. When the little immortal was cultivating to become an immortal, he was injured by a thunderstorm and fell into the sea. He was rescued by a tilapia spirit. Later, the little fairy became a decoration in the Dragon Palace. The stone used. Half a million years ago, the fourth prince of the East China Sea brought Xiaoxian to Xiniu Hezhou in order to help the Dragon King of the West Sea live. "

"You have been in Xiniu Hezhou for half a million years, so you must know Xiniu Hezhou very well?"

When Nezha heard the key information, his eyes suddenly lit up. He felt that he was very lucky.

Shi Jiuling said with a smile: "It's impossible to talk about understanding, but as long as the little immortal knows, he will definitely tell the great god."

Nezha asked directly: "There are many evil cults in Xiniu Hezhou. Do you know the origin of these evil cults?"


When Shi Jiuling heard this, he immediately became frightened, as if he had seen a savage beast, "Xiao Xian didn't dare to say it."

When Nezha saw this situation, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

"You just don't dare to say it, it's not that you don't know. So, you know the conspiracy behind the evil way?"

Shi Jiuling was really frightened. His face turned pale and he kowtowed crazily to Nezha.

"Xiaoxian dare not say anything. This matter is too big. If Xiaoxian tells it, his life may be at risk."

Nezha's face was straight: "With me here, what are you afraid of? As long as you can tell the truth and make contributions, I will accept you as a disciple and teach you the Fire Point Spear Technique and Hot Fire Wheel Technique."

"Fire point marksmanship?"

Shi Jiuling was startled, then overjoyed, "Xiaoxian must know everything and say everything."

Then, Shi Jiuling began to make up random things, sparing no effort to pour dirty water on Buddhism. (End of chapter)

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