Prehistoric: The Ancestor Of Kunpeng

137 Xu Qing Minghe Re-enters Chaos

Because by chance, Xu Qing had also been to Chaos once, at that time he was just a quasi-sage.

In the chaos, the power of the avenue is vertical and horizontal, and it is not something that ordinary quasi-sages can resist. At the beginning, Xu Qing's body was almost unsupported. In his opinion, the Cultivation Base of the ancestors of the river and the red cloud is in the chaos. Among them, even if there were no accidents, this terrifying force would tear them to pieces sooner or later.

You know, although Xu Qing is now one of the Sages of the heavens, he is only the "primordial god" Sage, and his body is still at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

Of course, it's not just Xu Qing, the current seven Sages of the heavens are all facing such a dilemma.

Just as the three methods of proving the Dao mentioned earlier, the first is the best way, which is to prove the Dao by force. However, this method has been done by Pangu god-tier alone since ancient times. Apart from this, There are no others, and it will be difficult for anyone to do it in the future.

Xu Qing thought about becoming a Sage. This is not the focus of Xu Qing's pursuit. Everything has just begun. Perhaps in the future, if he wants to become a sage in the flesh, he has to seek some chance in the chaos.

Soon, Xu Qing put aside these distracting thoughts, he looked at Styx.

Styx still looked sincere and fearful. He didn't dare to breathe, saying, "Sage Beiming, what he said below is true. I really don't dare to lie. I know that you and Hongyun Daxian are the best friends. It's a pity, but it's a pity that the dead can't be pursued."

Xu Qing closed his eyes. There was still the aura of the Great Red Cloud Immortal in this huge space channel. Intuition told Xu Qing that a generation of Great Red Cloud Immortal would never die so easily. Perhaps there is a greater chance in the chaos. Waiting for him.

"Styx, would you like to follow me to the chaos for a while?" Xu Qing asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, this Sage is here, and you will definitely come back safe and sound."

Xu Qing was also afraid that he would be uneasy, and said again.

Stygian thoughtfully, then replied very cheerfully: "Since Beiming Sage has spoken, how dare you not agree?"

Styx is also a person with confidence in his heart. When the Great Immortal Zhenyuan came to the door, Styx planned to go to this chaos with him.

Although Di Jun said that there are dangers in the chaos, even if the quasi-sage is in danger of falling, but the ancestor of the river is not afraid, he has a drop of Pangu blood protection, even if his body is torn in the chaos. , He can also be reborn by this.

This is the trump card of the ancestor of Styx. He doesn't have the strength of Sage in the prehistoric times, but no one can kill him, even if it is to destroy his body 10,000 times, it will not help. If you want to kill him unless you can destroy it first Pangu's dirty blood.

"Very well, come on."

Xu Qing lifted the shoulders of the ancestor of Styx, and then jumped into the huge void.

There was darkness in front of him, and he could not see anything. Styx felt it. The horrible feeling swept through his body once again. The Cultivation Base seemed to be restricted and could not move at all.

But Xu Qing is like a okay person, which is different from the feeling he felt when he entered the chaos last time. Xu Qing also felt extremely pressured last time, but now he comes and goes calmly, relaxed and happy.

This is the strength of Sage, and only by reaching such a Realm can he come and go freely in the chaos.

Xu Qing released a wave of Hunyuan power to bless the Ancestor Styx, and the Ancestor Styx immediately felt that the pressure on his body quickly dissipated.

Styx promised to come here with Xu Qing this time, but he was actually betting. He thought everything would follow Xu Qing's wishes. If this happens, Xu Qing will have no reason to trouble Own in the future.

After all, Styx will not die. The big deal is to reshape a physical body. If Xu Qing is annoyed now, maybe he will really lose his freedom forever.

As a quasi-sage, Styx has endless life in the prehistoric, but Xu Qing is the same. Sage will never disappear. As long as Xu Qing is alive, the ancestor of Styx will be in pain forever and will never be freed. This is like killing. He is even more uncomfortable.

Compared with reshaping a physical body, the ancestor Styx can still figure out which is lighter and heavier.

Two people stood in the void, surrounded by stars, either bright or dim.

But Xu Qing released his own Divine Sense, and Sage's primordial spirit filled the chaos, covering the endless void at once, but Xu Qing did not feel the original breath of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"It seems that although these spatial channels can reach the chaos, they are no longer the same area." Xu Qing thoughtfully.

"Come with me." Xu Qing looked like a bamboo on his chest.

The ancestor of the Styx trembled in his heart, he could only follow Xu Qing closely. In the chaos, Sage's strength was only able to protect himself, and the quasi-sage did not even have the ability to protect himself.

This is a space of endless and great crisis, a space that cannot be described and cannot be described in words.

Ahead, an ancient star is floating quietly. In the endless void, it is so ordinary. Unlike other ancient stars, this star cannot see the slightest light. This is a star. The eclipsed Star seemed to have "dead".

Xu Qing and Styx descended on this ancient star. The earth is mottled and dark. No vegetation or creatures can be seen on the endless plain, and there is no breath in the air, just a gloomy ray from time to time. The wind.

Not far in front, a small soil slope appeared, like a low grave. Only when he stepped forward, he discovered that it was only due to the terrain.

"This seems to be a dead star." Xu Qing murmured.

The ancestor of the river was a little uneasy, and said: "North Ming Sage, how long do we need to stay here?"

Xu Qing sneered and asked: "Are you scared?"

Stygian laughed and said, "There are indeed some. After all, there are quasi-sages in the next place. How can I not be afraid in this place?"

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me behind you every step of the way, there will be no danger." Xu Qing comforted him. He didn't expect that this prehistoric ancestor of Styx would also be timid.

"I envelop you with the power of Hunyuan, you are very safe." Xu Qing said with a laugh.

In desperation, the ancestor of Styx could only be speechless. He didn't know what tricks Beiming Sage wanted to play, but it seemed that he would stay here for a long time.

The forces of chaos around him tore the void and Xu Qing sat quietly to polish his own body.

As long as his body Cultivation Base still stays at the pinnacle of Quasi-Sage, these chaotic powers are still good for him.

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