Unexpectedly, this person is really a dead pig. He is still sitting there motionless, not afraid of boiling water. Lin Bei is not in a hurry, just standing on the side with his hands on his chest, staring at him like this.

Maybe Lin Bei's eyes were too sharp, maybe the man himself couldn't sit still. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Lin Bei, and said something very quietly. "Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

"You finally woke up! I was sent by Taigong Jiang to accept you. The imprint on your arm proves that you should be robbed, and it seems that you should be robbed last time. You just hid like this to escape your own destiny. Do you know how much trouble you have caused people?" Lin Bei's eyes stared sharply at that person's eyes.

The last escape made that person really have no way of not being guilty. He had been afraid to look Lin Bei's eyes, but he still replied in a low voice, "Everyone wants to live, doesn't it?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Lin Bei suddenly didn't know how to answer. really! Everyone wants to live. This world is still very beautiful. No one wants to leave casually, but his death is necessary. He leaves this world to go to Immortal Ascension. The destiny is inviolable. He is heaven like this. -Defying the line can only break the laws of Heavenly Dao Samsara. But what he said is also human nature, and there is really no way to refute it.

"If this is your reason for heaven-defying, then you are too selfish. I understand that no one wants to die, but this is the destiny, you can't escape, otherwise the whole world will be because of you. It collapsed, you forgot the last great tribulation of the Conferred Gods, it happened because of a talent like you." Lin Bei's tone softened slightly, and he felt that this person's heart was very weak.

The man heard the change in Lin Bei's tone, raised his head and looked at him, as if he also thought that Lin Bei was a good person. After watching him for a long time, the man cautiously said, "Then what do you want me to do? Just die for you to see?"

"I just want to persuade you to get out of here, to accept the fate of own, if you want to come down from the altar! I don't want to let these people who worship you so much die in the catastrophe!" Lin Bei In a low voice, he didn't want to disturb others.

After hearing these words, that person’s expression became very complicated. He didn’t know how to express his own feelings. He really didn’t want to die, but he didn’t want the people who were with him in Life to die. The legs were rubbing against the lotus seat of the Buddha's niche, not knowing whether to go down or continue to sit.

Lin Bei sighed and walked over to make a decision for the person. He stretched out his hand and dragged the person off the rosette. "The man is awkward, come with me!" Lin Bei dropped a picture. The note that had been written for him a long time ago, took the man's sword and flew out of the village.

"What are you doing? I haven't decided yet!" the man yelled.

Lin Bei's voice was very cold, "If you really consider everyone, this is the path you should choose, follow us, otherwise the world will be in trouble because of you." After that, Lin Bei fell into trouble. Silent, just holding on to that person all the time and not letting go.

That person has been looking at Lin Bei, don't know why, this person feels very complicated, he feels that he is a good person, but also that he is very indifferent, everything is very rational, as if he never talks about feelings. He understands the common feelings of all people in this world, but in the face of the laws of heaven, he can treat them as non-existent. What kind of person is this? It's really hard to guess, but this person still gives him a very good impression. Maybe he should really get out of his human nature as he said, and face what he should face directly.

Soon, Lin Bei took him to the cave where the others were waiting. Everyone was very happy when they saw Lin Bei had brought that person back. It seemed that he was already willing to accept his own destiny.

At this moment, the fire suddenly burst into the sky from the direction of the village, and a ball of fire was moving towards them. It seemed that they had discovered that the god Own escaped like this and ran out to chase.

"Hurry up and get out of here! If these people chase you, they will kill you one by one. They haven't accepted civilized, don't understand other things, and their style of doing things is very savage. Don't let them catch you." This person It seems that they are still very kind. For the safety of a few people, I hope they will evacuate quickly.

But before a few people had time to leave, the group of people had already arrived in front of them. Lin Bei glanced over and was startled. These people had a red mark on their arms, telling the old man what they should do. The imprint is exactly the same.

No way! Do people in such a whole village have to take it away by themselves? This has ruined an entire village! Lin Bei was very worried and didn't know what to do! While he was still stunned, suddenly a flying spear flew over and stabbed Lin Bei's side.

"We gave you food and drink, but you abducted our gods, why are you at ease? We will definitely not let your hands go this time. It will definitely make your death ugly." With that, the whole village did it. Well prepared, started throwing flying guns at them.

But the man stretched out his arms very calmly, blocked in front of a group of people, was pricked into a sieve by a dozen flying spears, and saw that the god of own fell under their flying spears. The villagers all shocked.

Lin Bei looked at this person blocking all the flying spears for them, and was very moved. It seemed that he didn't want to be such a person who escaped from fate. Last time he hurt so many people because of avoidance, this time he wanted to make up for his own mistake with his own life.

Lin Bei stretched out his hand to drag him behind and gave Ji Qianxue and the others to take care of him, while he stood in front of a group of people and looked at them coldly, "Did you not find out? You also have that red mark on your body," It looks like I'm taking you away this time!" As he said, Lin Bei once again showed a white light all over his body.

The villagers were shocked when they saw Lin Bei's sudden radiance, and immediately turned and ran. But it was too late at this time. A white light chased the villagers and rushed over. The villagers who were touched by the white light all fell down, and the soul smoke rose up, as if only Lin Bei could see it.

"It seems that those who can emit soul smoke are those who need to be robbed. I can put their soul smoke into Calabash!" As he said, he took Calabash from Cai Xing's hand and opened the stopper. , Soul Smoke rushed into Calabash, and the names of these people slowly appeared on Calabash, leaving their final mark.

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