The bamboo row of arrows rushed out of the devil's way, and the two of them breathed out. It was too dangerous. Knowing that vampire bats are difficult to deal with, I didn't expect it to be so difficult to deal with. Lin Bei stretched his hand into his arms, took out the bottle, and looked at the seven drops of blood inside, "Finally got our hands, let's go back quickly and let the man save Miaomiao. But I found that the man seemed a bit sick. Too right, his face is too pale, is he also a person who should be robbed?" Lin Bei began to doubt the identity of the white-clothed man.

"Yeah! I also feel that he is surviving with a single breath. Maybe he, like Xiang Kui, has some obsession to accomplish it! Maybe we helped him fulfill his wish, and he would just Hun and Po can be handed over to us!" Cai Xing seems to have understood the routine of their mission and guessed the identity of this person.

Lin Bei sighed, "Don't say so much, let's go back quickly, give him seven drops of blood, and save people!" With that, Lin Bei quickly pushed the bamboo raft to the shore, two people Jumped ashore and hurried back to town.

When the people in the town saw that they had returned from the Devil's Road so smoothly, they stared at them in amazement and watched them running into the Lu's Medical Clinic intently.

"My son, we are back, here you are, seven drops of blood!" Lin Bei rushed into the hospital, unable to breathe well, took out the small bottle in his arms and handed it to the man in white.

The man in white looked at the blood in the bottle and smiled, "I thought you couldn't get it! I didn't expect you to get it. Generally, people in this town are bitten by an evil snake and have never been saved. You are really the chosen person to help me fulfill my wish. "This person is indeed a person with aspirations.

Having said this, the white-clothed man walked into the room, added the seven drops of blood into a bowl of medicine, picked up the bowl of medicine, turned around, and poured it into Lu Miaomiao's mouth.

After drinking the medicine, Lu Miaomiao waited for a while, his brows slowly frowned, as if he was a little painful, but after a while he recovered his calmness and was still lying so peacefully. The man in white went up to get his pulse for him, smiled, "It's okay, her pulse has stabilized, wait a moment, she will wake up by herself. Come with me, and I will show you something." After that, he turned and walked into the study room inside, and opened a bookshelf. There was a secret door hidden behind the bookshelf.

"Inside is the secret room where I study prescriptions. I have been studying the antidote for the most difficult poisonous insects near the town for so many years. I am still missing the last one. I must complete this task before I can pay what I should. Responsibility. I hope you can wait for me for a while. After I spread these prescriptions, I will take my responsibility again?” As he said, he stretched out his hand and rolled up his sleeve, revealing his arm. Imprint.

Sure enough, just as they thought, he was also a man with aspirations! However, his wish is not to have love for his children, but to help the world and save others. It seems to be more touching than the lovers last time. If he can help him complete all the research, maybe he can add blessings to himself. Good fortune is also very important for their cultivation.

"It turns out that the son's wish is so grand, so we should help you too. If you need any help, we are obliged to thank you for saving our friends. Is this okay?" Lin Bei became this again. Talker.

The white-clothed man nodded, "Then I beg you, thank you for allowing me time. In fact, there is a white-clothed Daoist who doesn't know why, he ran to tell me that someone who urged me to be robbed came, let I am ready. It seems to be to provoke the discord between us, but I am not interested. If the catastrophe is the only option, then I am willing to accept it. I originally did something to save the world and save people for the sake of the common people. And death is not a difficult thing to do. Moreover, I originally got a strange disease, and I always suffer from pain all over my body. I also rely on my acupuncture and moxibustion to survive and breathe out. As long as I can study all the prescriptions and spread them out, I can swallow it with confidence." A weak smile appeared on the face of the man in white.

These words of the white clothed people moved the group very much. They readily agreed to his request and promised to help him. Just when they were having a good chat, Lu Miaomiao on the bed suddenly let out a groan and slowly opened his eyes.

Everyone heard Lu Miaomiao's movement and immediately ran to the bed. She looked much better and was able to sit up from the bed. She blinked as if she didn't know what happened to me, "What happened to me? Why are you here? I only remember the pain in my feet, so I didn't know anything." Lu Miaomiao looked at everyone very confused, and when he saw Ji Qianxue, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

Ji Qianxue watched her stretch out her hand to herself, walked over with a smile on her face, stretched out her hand and hugged her, "You were bitten by a poisonous snake, thanks to this young man, who gave you a new medicine to wake you up. We waited a lot. For a while, he can study more medicines to save people." Ji Qianxue said with a smile while looking at the white-clothed man.

"Thank you, son, can I move now? I feel very nervous all over, and I want to get out of bed and walk around." Lu Miaomiao completely ignored the eyes of others and stretched his own body severely.

The white-clothed man gave Lu Miaomiao a pulse again, "Young people tend to get stiff if they don’t move very often, but now they can’t move around at will. They need to stay in bed for another five days to see the situation. If they feel stiff, they can help with massage. It will help relax your body muscles." The white-clothed man walked to Ji Qianxue's side, "I can teach this girl the massage hands and let her help you!"

"Okay, please come to the son, this time is really too troublesome." Ji Qianxue felt that there were too many people in white who were really working this time, a little embarrassed in her heart, she lowered her head and smiled lightly.

The person in white smiled calmly, "Then come with me! I will teach you with a bronze figure!" As he said, he took a bronze figure out of a box and began to teach Tuina hands little by little. After Ji Qianxue, everyone was watching and learning about it.

Just after learning, Ji Qianxue started to practice with Lu Miaomiao. Although he couldn't help but start to use it very hard at first, it made Lu Miaomiao very painful, but this set of massage techniques can be considered to be learned.

Seeing the relationship between them, the person in white was very envious. His parents had died since he was a child. Only when he studied medicine with the Master, did he have the kind of brother-friend and respectful relationship. Since he became a teacher, he has become a lonely one. People, now it seems to have recovered the feeling of being together and lively. It's a pity that this feeling may be the last time I felt.

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