"Thank you, but she is like this, will she not change back after a long time?" Xuan Zhen was confused and worried that Xuan Yu would not be able to return to her original state.

The elder sister stood up slowly, and came to Xuanzhen with a little bit of her toes, and patted Xuanzhen's shoulder gently, "Don't be nervous, calm down, I know she is your most important person. , The two girls have already told me. I have studied in this Immortal Cave for so many years, just to save all people. I still have the ability in this area, even if she never changes back, I will definitely help you Restore her to her original state, don’t worry! My junior is going to teach you kung fu? You cultivation first and keep your mind steady, otherwise you will go off the road." The senior sister said, she took out a small bottle, "She should eat The medicine is over, don't bother her to rest!" As he said, he gently set aside Xuan Zhen and carefully fed Xuan Yu the medicine.

At this time, Lin Bei had already come to the bed of the two girls. They looked much better, but they still had bandages on their legs, which seemed to be broken, but they were already able to sit up from the bed. Looks good physically!

"Don't mess around, you guys have a good rest. We just come to see this time. We can't come often. This time we can only stay for a while. You have a good rest and get better soon. We will wait for you at Qingyu." Lin Beishen held the two girls hand in hand, looking very concerned and very distressed.

Ji Qianxue smiled, "We are fine, I am fine, but Miao Miao seems to be a little unwell, her hand is also broken, and her body is also affected. It may take a little longer. Don't worry. We, whatever we should do, we will go to you when we are better." Ji Qianxue is a little older and a little more mature than Lin Bei. Under this situation, she is still comforting Lin Bei.

"Well, I know! I thought you fell into the magma before, and you were a little rash. I really want to get out soon and find the guy from Damn it to take revenge. Now that I know you are okay, I can rest assured! Good!" Lin Bei held the hands of the two people and kept shaking.

Ji Qianxue smiled and touched Lin Bei's cheek, with a smile as always, "Okay, don't worry! It's really fine! Don't be so sad, after you go back, we will be fine, we will be well soon! Take care of Xuanzhen, he doesn't look very good!" Ji Qianxue is a Big sis among everyone, and she has always been worried about other moods.

"Well, I will! It's fine if it's okay, we're leaving! Big sis said I can't disturb you! We will go back now, you guys have a good rest!" Lin Bei let go of the hands of the two people, a little bit unwilling He stood up, walked to the entrance of the cave, and let Xuan Zhen leave Immortal Cave with him.

Back in the Immortal Cave of Sapphire, Xuanzhen's mood was a little bit depressed. Even if the senior sister had already said that Xuanyu would be restored to its original state, he couldn't just rest assured, his heart was always hanging, and he was almost at the time of practicing. Turn off the road. Qingyu felt that he should be calmed down a little bit, so he let him sit on the side and concentrate on teaching Lin Bei to practice swords instead.

Qingyu seems to be able to see a kind of power from Lin Bei. This person is not a person who will weaken because of sadness. This kind of sadness will become his strength. It will be his strength that gets further Ascension. This is a cultivator. The most precious thing of the person.

That kind of revenge is getting deeper and deeper in Lin Bei's heart, and this kind of power is getting stronger and stronger, and this kind of power is also concentrated on his sword. In the past few days, when he is practicing sword, Qingyu can listen. There was a buzzing resonance sound from his sword several times, as if the sword had already merged with his heart.

"The unity of swordsmen? You reached it so soon? It seems that you are really talented. This is the first time I have seen someone who can improve their skills through grief. Your progress is really great. It seems that I can I've taught you the deepest sword book. But how is Xuanzhen?" At this time Qingyu remembered Xuanzhen who was still concentrating, and turned back to Immortal Cave.

At this time, Xuanzhen seems to have thought through it very thoroughly, the expression on his face has become very indifferent, Spirit Power seems to have increased a lot, and the feeling of mourning seems to have been wiped out. Seeing Sapphire Walking in, Xuanzhen stood up slowly, "I'm sorry, I'm causing you trouble!" Xuanzhen looked very guilty and embarrassed.

"Okay, I know your mood. Everyone will have this kind of mood. It's just a different outlet. Lin Bei can use this kind of grief to make things happen, but you may be crushed by grief. Everyone has their own feelings. I can’t blame you for the characteristics.” Qingyu seems to understand the world, even though he has lived in such a ghostly place for hundreds of years.

Hearing these words, Xuan Zhen suddenly felt ashamed. He had been indulging in this grief and abandoned his own cultivation. If Xuan Yu knew about it, would he laugh at him? Thinking of this, Xuan Zhen couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile, "You're right, but I'm too useless, I'm so gagged. Xuanyu will come back!? Then I can't let her down, I can, I can continue cultivation." Xuan Zhen wiped his own face, and suddenly felt that he was really incompetent.

"Okay, it's not your fault! Today you have another day off, and it will not be too late to start tomorrow. Lin Bei needs to finish it!" Qingyu smiled, patted Xuanzhen's shoulder, and took his own wine Calabash He handed it to Xuan Zhen, "Let's have a drink! Be calm! Don't worry, it's absolutely okay to give it to my senior sister." After that, he went back to deal with Lin Bei's mopping up.

Because Lin Bei's swordsmanship is advancing by leaps and bounds, his swordsmanship is quickly over, and that secret book is not only Xuanzhen can practice, so after finishing the swordsmanship, Lin Bei is about to enter the next stage and begin to practice spells.

The secret book is on Xuanzhen. Now Xuanzhen has finally come alive, and finally he can continue cultivation. Lin Bei grabbed Xuanzhen with his arms, "I thought you couldn't wake up! I finally came alive, and the rest The only thing is that we worked hard together and tried to get out of here soon. I think if we stay here again, a year will pass here." At this time, everyone remembered the challenge with the four major Demon Monarchs.

"I almost forgot about this. It took too much time. We will definitely try to finish it sooner. Otherwise, we will abstain, don't we?" Xuan Zhen blinked.

Qingyu listened to the conversation between the two people and sighed, "I know the above things are not simple, what happened?" Qingyu seemed to know something on the ground.

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