"It's really not that simple!" Hongjun said secretly in his heart after watching Yang Mei's movements.

At the same time, he looked at the thin old man in front of him, and a trace of vigilance rose in his heart!"Alas, people's hearts are not ancient!" Yang

Mei looked at Hongjun who was showing a look of vigilance, and sighed in his heart that he thought of him too badly, but at the same time, he

recognized Hongjun's cautious character.

Anyway, it's very contradictory!

"The old guy who has lived through the chaotic era and has empty eyelashes can come to communicate with Poor Dao so easily!" "

This Yang Mei must have another purpose, and Poor Dao has to guard against it." Hongjun muttered in his heart.

"Daoyou, the deity is here this time to go to the northern part of the Flood Wilderness with Daoyou to suppress the momentum of the innate fierce beasts, what do you think?"


Moreover, according to the newly acquired Great Dao inheritance among their primordial gods, Hongjun knew that the current Emperor of Fierce Beasts was the birth of one of the ten supreme demon gods in the Chaos Period, the Destruction Demon God.

Therefore, no matter which way Hongjun thought about it, he couldn't figure out what Yang Mei's purpose was in proposing to cooperate with him to suppress and eliminate the fierce beast clan? Yang Mei saw Hongjun's

surprised appearance and smiled: "It seems that Daoist friends seem to be quite surprised by my suppression of fierce beasts. "

Hmm!" Hongjun nodded slightly, and even shouted in his heart: Nonsense

, can you not be surprised?

The space supreme of the ten supreme demon gods of the Chaos period came over to fight with him, a desolate creature who already had a racial vendetta, and said that the two of us should join forces to fight the chaos beast evolved by the flesh and blood of the Chaos Demon God.

And the leader of the beast clan is the Lord of Destruction, one of the ten supreme demon gods.

Whether these words are true or false, they are indeed a very stupid and not clever lie in his opinion.

As the Demon God of Heaven and Earth, the innate hybrid element is conceived by one qi, and it is the existence of the avenue of immortals and the path of balance at the same time, when Hongjun heard that Yang Mei was going to the northern part of the flood wilderness to suppress the fierce beast clan, he instantly felt that there was a conspiracy.

It wasn't until Hongjun didn't feel a trace of Yang Mei's Dao heart fluctuation on Yang Mei's body that he believed that Yang Mei really came to join forces with him and wanted to go to the north to suppress the fierce beast clan, and he didn't have any calculations.


Hongjun breathed a long sigh of relief, and immediately opened his mouth to Yang Mei to apologize: "Please also ask Daoyou to forgive your sins, it is really that the identity of Daoist friends is too special, and Lao Dao has to be cautious." "

This spiritual treasure is called the Floating Sword, so it should be a gift of reparation from the old Taoist to the Taoist friends.

Hongjun did a lot of face, and after knowing that he was wrong, he not only sincerely apologized to Yang Mei, but also took out an innate spirit treasure to make amends.

"No need, although the treasure is good, but I can't be blessed, this spiritual treasure is still left to Hongjun Daoyou to enjoy by himself.

"Our green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever."


When Hongjun raised his head, Yang Mei in front of him had long since disappeared, and a wisp of space avenue had been lingering for a long time, shrouding the eternal time and space.


!" Hongjun looked at Yang Mei who had disappeared and snorted coldly, and then put away the innate spirit treasure [Floating Sword] he took out

! At the same time, he looked at the residual spatial law aura between heaven and earth, and his face was gloomy!

"The Chaos Demon God would be so kind, and it is simply a joke to come and discuss cooperation with us and these Demon Gods conceived by Pangu Heaven and Earth in person!"

He shook his head slightly, put Yang Mei behind for the time being, and continued to move towards the northern continent of the Flood Desolate World

, "Boom

! The god hidden in the void looked down, about to collapse the middle realm, and his face was solemn


A god-like existence fell out of the void, cutting through the bright starry sky

with a loud bang, and the true body of the demon god about hundreds of millions of miles high was at most on the hard desolate land.

After the Reincarnation Demon God was kicked out, Huangtian followed, holding the Heavenly Emperor Sword, and the Heaven Opening Treasure [Chaos Bell] on his head dodged out, and stepped on the Demon God Body of the Reincarnation Beast Emperor with one foot.

Hundreds of millions of feet tall above his body, the nine laws of the golden dragon coiled around each other, setting him off extremely sacred, but at the same time, there was no emotion in his eyes, extremely indifferent.

There is no joy in his suppression of the reincarnation demon god, and there is only indifference like a glacier.

"Fellow Daoist, it's time for you to go and do your own reincarnation.

Huang Tian looked down at the Reincarnation Beast Emperor who was trampled under his feet and whispered.

"Hmph, the emperor is not martial, and the emperor will not obey you. The

Reincarnation Beast Emperor was angry in his heart, looked up at the Emperor who was stepping on his back like a supreme god king, and scolded viciously.

At the same time, the aura on his body began to grow wildly, and after a while, he reached the peak of the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!


rumbled between heaven and earth, and the starry sky instantly lost its brilliance, except for the three supreme stars, all of them dimmed without exception.

When Huang Tian saw this scene, he instantly left from the body of the reincarnation demon god and came to a hundred million miles away, but when he left, Huang Tian lifted the walking Heavenly Emperor Sword and slammed towards the origin of the reincarnation demon god.

With a "bang", a tiny origin of the Reincarnation Demon City was slashed by the falling Heavenly Emperor Sword, and after doing all this, he quickly took a step forward and came to hundreds of millions of miles away waiting for some results.

The reincarnation demon god, breaking through the breath of the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, shrouded hundreds of millions of miles of time and space, the reincarnation disk cooperates with the reincarnation avenue, forming a river to wrap the reincarnation demon god.

"Reincarnation has actually broken through, but in this way, as one of the emperors of the fierce beast clan, the stronger the cultivation of reincarnation, the more beneficial it will be to the emperor's plan. "

The god who was hidden in the void looked at the reincarnation demon god who had broken through, and his heart was excited, as a god who was determined to destroy the Pangu Dao Fruit, the stronger the power of the Chaos Beast Clan, the easier it was to achieve his goal.

As for whether it will affect his rights after the reincarnation breakthrough cultivation, this is not within his consideration, as the ten supreme demon gods and reincarnation, he has long regarded the so-called rights very lightly.

Their minds were all on how to break through the cultivation and how to embark on the road of the Great Dao, at the beginning of the establishment of the fierce beast clan, in addition to destroying the heaven and earth, there was also a reason to compete for the luck of the desolate heaven and earth.

He is rebellious and is breaking through the reincarnation of cultivation, they are all the supreme emperors of the fierce beast clan, and they enjoy the same treatment and status, and the luck generated by the fierce beast clan is also equally divided between the two.

At the same time, there is no great conflict between the two of them, it is a very strong alliance, and there is no situation where anyone is jealous of whom.

"Reincarnation, you guy is quite casual to break through, and you have to let the emperor protect the Dharma for you. Shen

Wei looked at the reincarnation of breaking through cultivation, and then glanced at the emperor who had already left this place for hundreds of millions of miles, and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Then he took a step across endless time and space, and came to the reincarnation demon god who was breaking through his cultivation, and sat cross-legged and began to protect his Dharma.

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