He raised his eyebrows as if to verify. Walk towards the Chaos Layer, but only take a few steps. The chaotic layer rolled, and a rolling coercion came from the wilderness, suppressing the Yangmei who returned at this moment.

Di Qing looked at such a scene and knew clearly that what Yang Mei said was true. But Di Qing practiced it himself and found that it was easy for him to return to the wilderness.

Such a change is really surprising

"call...."He raised his eyebrows and relaxed a little, dissipating the oppression caused by the pressure, observing the changes in Di Qing, and finally said with a wry smile:"It's hard to imagine that the escape route that was originally cut off has been broken. Maybe it's because of his identity as a descendant of Pangu!"

"Yes, that should be the reason. I belong to the Space Demon God in terms of both feet and legs. Although I was born in the wilderness, after arriving at the Chaos Dam, I gradually transformed into the Space Demon God. As a demon god who is not part of the lineage of Pangu, he is bound to be rejected by the ancients."

"On the other hand, the little friend was transformed by the essence and blood of the Great God Pangu, and the Great Desolate World was opened up by the Great God Pangu, so he will not be rejected by the Great Desolate World. Yes, that must be the reason. Yang

Mei thought about it and finally decided that Di Qing could return to the ancient world because of his status as a descendant of Pangu.

Thinking of this, Yang Mei was also pleasantly surprised:"No matter what the reason is, my little friend can return to the ancient world." But this is definitely a big opportunity. With the special characteristics of this little friend, it will definitely be possible to cultivate more strong people who can set foot on the Chaos Dam in a short period of time. After all, the chaotic resources that were lacking in the prehistoric times can be found on the sandy beaches of the prehistoric times."

"The chaos resources I have collected over the years can definitely enable a group of strong men who are half-stepping into Hunyuan to set foot in the realm of Hunyuan. And only if there are more realms of Hunyuan, more monks will enter the Chaos Dam. My little friend, you are definitely a lucky star, haha......."

Saying this, he raised his eyebrows and laughed involuntarily. It was like seeing hope and the future.

Di Qing's vision changed, and he understood the opportunity. It is clearer what the chaos resources in Yangmei's hands mean.

Think about how much Hongjun spent to find chaos resources in order to achieve Hunyuan. But Yangmei was able to easily take out Chaos resources. Di Qing knew what these resources meant.

At this moment, Di Qing was also excited. Thinking that not long after, Hunyuan would be everywhere in the prehistoric world, and these Hunyuan were all under his command, he became restless in his heart:"Okay, if this is the case, I will definitely cultivate more Hunyuan." environment and lead them to the Chaos Dam"

"Haha, I leave everything to my little friend." He raised his eyebrows equally excited, smiled with his beard, and saw the future.

Di Qing nodded faintly, but also with a kind of doubt:"It's easy to talk about cultivating Hunyuan. However, Senior Yangmei has been practicing for many years and has set foot on the ancient beach. Does he know the cultivation and division of Hunyuan Realm? Speaking of which, although I have entered the Hunyuan Realm, I am not very clear about the divisions of the Hunyuan Realm. I don’t know how to demonstrate strength and weakness in the realm of Hunyuan?"

In response to Di Qing's inquiry, he raised his eyebrows and naturally answered, and immediately said:"Little friend, in fact, in order to divide the Hunyuan Realm, you must first know what the Hunyuan Realm is. In addition to being baptized by the Great Dao, the core of this realm of Hunyuan is to imprint the origin of chaos on oneself and transform oneself into a chaotic creature."

"For this reason, the core of achieving the realm of Hunyuan is chaos. Therefore, only becoming a chaotic creature is the beginning of the realm of Hunyuan. It can be said that my current state is just the first time I have entered the first level of Hunyuan. If you want to reach the perfection of the first level of Hunyuan, you must first completely transform into a chaotic creature."

"The first level of Hunyuan, completely transformed into a chaotic creature? this...."Di Qing is curious

"Yes, at the twelfth level of Hunyuan, one step leads to chaos. I know it from the inheritance left by those ancestors who set foot on the path of chaos. The realm of Hunyuan is divided into twelve levels, and the first level is to completely transform yourself into a chaotic creature."

"The second level is to understand the path you have cultivated and use the path to lead your own qualitative transformation. The so-called cultivation is to cultivate the Tao. Only by cultivating the Tao to a certain level can you gradually grow."

"Of course, how to break through the second level of Hunyuan? And how to cultivate each realm of the twelfth level of Hunyuan. I can't explain it clearly. I can only say that this is an understanding that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words."

"Moreover, I have been practicing hard for many years and have only been able to reach the third level of Hunyuan."

When talking about the cultivation in the realm of Hunyuan, even if he raises his eyebrows, he can't explain it clearly now. He only knows the specific cultivation method of the first level of Hunyuan. He doesn't know how to say how to practice in the future.

Di Qing nodded and said, I am very interested in the divisions of the Hunyuan Realm.

The twelve levels of Hunyuan, each step leads to chaos. Such a description of the divisions of the Hunyuan Realm can be regarded as answering one of Di Qing’s doubts.

However, after one doubt was answered, more emerged. Doubts.

But no matter what doubts, what Di Qing has to do next is to complete the chaos transformation as soon as possible and make himself a true chaotic creature.

Thinking of this, Di Qing also said:"Senior Yangmei, how can I make myself faster?" Metamorphosis?"

"It would be very easy to just transform into a chaotic creature. However, I don't mind if you complete your transformation so quickly. Because in the process of transforming into a chaotic creature, the self will undergo a qualitative change process. During this process, if enough foundation is accumulated, the qualifications and skills brought about after the transformation will be stronger. On the contrary, it is weak"

"For this reason, I suggest you accumulate more knowledge. After the accumulation reaches the limit, then transform into a chaotic creature. At this time, relying on the previous accumulation, it turns into one's own chaotic foundation."

He raised his eyebrows and said with a hint of regret in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't know these secrets back then and lacked enough accumulation during his transformation, which affected his current qualifications and skills. But

Di Qing deeply remembered this secret. Feelings have become After becoming a chaotic creature, its qualifications, skills, and strength are all linked to the previous accumulation.

Thinking of this, I originally thought of giving up my practice plan of the Three Thousand Avenues and the Three Thousand System. Now I can continue to practice.

Raise your eyebrows. Senior, when it comes to cultivation and enlightenment, he will definitely go in front of Di Qing. Now Yangmei's advice, Di Qing will naturally listen to it.

Especially at this moment, Di Qing is even more inquiring:"Thank you, Senior Yangmei, for your advice. However, can the seniors have a discussion with the seniors and exchange some insights on the great road. In this way, my future journey will be smoother!"

"Ha ha.....You don’t need to mention it, I will also tell you all about my own insights and the inheritance I have received over the years.......Only if you become stronger can you make more ancient monks stronger. And when you are stronger, I will have a future in chaos!"Yangmei laughed, but he knew clearly in his heart what he wanted to do.

Yangmei wanted to cross the endless sandy beach and rush into the endless chaos. But he couldn't do it by himself. So. He needs Di Qing to become stronger, and he also needs Di Qing to be able to return to the ancient world and cultivate more strong men.

Therefore, Di Qing is his hope to set foot in chaos. Therefore, he naturally treats Di Qing with all his teachings.

Di Qing After hearing this, his eyes were full of desire and heat. This is a great immortal, a strong man far beyond Hongjun, and even more powerful than himself. What's more, he has explored the prehistoric beaches nine times and obtained the inheritance from his ancestors. These are extremely precious treasures.

Di Qing said with thanks,"Thank you, senior, for your teaching.""

"No need to thank you. Next, I will tell you about the inheritance I have received over the years and my understanding of the great path."Yang Mei didn't hide anything, and immediately talked about the inheritance he had gained.

"Back then, I entered the prehistoric beach for the first time and received the inheritance of a strong man from an unknown era. This powerful man claims to be a descendant of the Demon God of War, and has been inherited by the Demon God of War. He has also comprehended the wisdom of an era, and created a cultivation method called the Chaos War Demon. The core of this cultivation method is to take war as the core, turn oneself into the will to fight, use the will to fight into the way of war, use oneself as the war, use the heaven and the earth as the war, and regard everything except oneself as one's own enemy.. So sublimate from the battle, transform from the battle"

"His cultivation system is also extremely strange. The first step is to transform the Tao with one's body and evolve the Tao of war with oneself. Then turn yourself into a avenue to fight. Such a system was also the cultivation system that flourished in their time."

"In addition to this ancient era, I also got the inheritance left by a powerful man who created the law of destiny and belonged to the Hunyuan realm of the same era. In this era, luck will definitely be brought to the extreme. In this era of 4.8 generations, everyone has created his or her own destiny force. These forces can be races, sects, or themselves. In short, everyone condenses their luck, and ultimately fights with their luck, and achieves enlightenment with their luck. Therefore, I left behind a book on the luck of all living beings."

"In addition, there are also the inherited Gu Dao skills left by the strong men who cultivated the Dao of Gu and then achieved the Hunyuan of Gu Dao!"

"The powerful man who achieved Hunyuan with the Great Way of Reincarnation left behind the Great Reincarnation Technique." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There are all kinds of causes. However, some of the inheritance was destroyed by the chaotic creatures on the deserted beach, and I found some remaining fragments. There are not many complete ones. Now I will tell you all about it together with my own insights."

Raising his eyebrows to explain the Tao, evolving Tao sounds, countless mysterious methods and mysterious systems are all imprinted in Di Qing's mind.

Di Qing also listened, his mind was rippling, and his wisdom flowed. He shouted in the prehistoric era, every ancient era, The methods that are born are not simple.

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