President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1407: Start internship

He Lingchu accompanied her on the sofa next to the pool, and Gong Yuning embraced her favorite doll when she was a child, with a smile on her face. make

He Lingchu seems to be able to see her appearance as a child, it must be a little princess who is loved. "

My father loves me very much, and he will give it to me whenever I want it. "Meng Yuning smiled and smiled. He

At the beginning of the early year, I smiled low and didn't forget to take the opportunity to express my heart. "I know, so your father gave you to me, you are my baby."

Yu Ning’s heart is sweet, “Is this life?”

"Not only in this life, but also in the next life, next life." He Lingchu's eyes are deep and affectionate, and his eyes are full of favor.

Gong Yuning smiled and got up. He walked up to him and flung into his arms like a child. He Lingchu reached out and glared at her, stroking her long hair, kissed and kissed her lips. "

Let's go for a walk on the beach! "Mu Yuning proposed.

"Good." He Lingchu took her up, and Gong Yuning wore a very elegant bohemian sling dress with long hair hanging behind her head and walking on the coconut-lined bluestone section.

He Lingchu's gaze, can't wait to become a camera, capturing her beautiful look at any time. light

The wind is coming, Gong Yuning has a long hair, and in front of the man, he looks back from time to time. He Lingchu’s heart is moving, and immediately catches her hand and holds it in her hand.

Gong Yuning is sweet and cuddling by his side, being his little woman.

On the white sand beach, Gong Yuning is like a child, picking up shells, chasing the sea, and wearing a pair of white jade feet on the delicate beach. and

By her side, the man also rolled his trouser legs, and the shirt rolled up, revealing a slender and strong body, like her protector, and her eyes were not willing to leave her.

In the sunset, the pair of sweet and romantic lovers are fixed.

x country. turn

After two weeks of arrival, Yan Luoyi was ready to leave the dormitory after submitting the paper. whole

The dormitory is talking about the pursuit of the future. Everyone is full of expectations for the future. Imagine leaving the campus, it is to set foot in the society, you can make money yourself, free love, and high spirits. "

Loy, why haven't you said your plan? You shouldn't have a rich man to take you home to be a rich woman! Asked the roommate.

Luo Yi smiled and shook his head. "No, my father has arranged a job. I may report it in the near future."

What job? ""

I am not too sure about an administrative work. Yan Luoyi is glad that they have not pursued it.

Month was not curious to hold the chin and asked, "What about you and Lan Hyun? Last night, I heard that Lan Xuan waited for you overnight in our dormitory, you have not gone."

"Yeah! Blue Hyun holding a bunch of roses, waiting for one night! Loy, you are too worried!"

Although Luo Yi’s eyes are apologetic, they are determined to do so.

"If I can see him later, I will apologize to him." Yan Luoyi thought, leaving the school, it is very difficult to meet again.

In the afternoon of the next day, Yan Luoyi took the box out. Du’s car had already come to pick her up. Just when she was about to get on the bus, Lan Xuan suddenly ran over, “Loy, wait.”

Yan Luoyi got on the bus and looked at the driver. "Liu Shu, wait for me."

"Okay." The driver Liu Shu should have a sentence. Yan

Luo Yi walked aside, and there was a strong disappointment in Lan Xuan’s eyes. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I want to go home, Lan Hyun, goodbye." Yan Luoyi said to him, avoiding his eager eyes. "

Loy, I won't give up on you. "Blue Hyun's tone is firm."

Yan Luoyi turned the figure, paused, when she turned around, her eyes had already been more calm, "Blue Hyun, we are impossible, please don't waste time on me."

After that, she went to the car, and the blue dazzling groaned, he didn't understand, where is he not good enough?

Yan Luoyi sat in the car, through the strict window, looking out the window and looking at the blue and dazzling here, she bit her lip, her eyes showed a more firm light, although hurt him, but let him waste It is better to be a little bit worried about her. anti-

Yes, I will not see you again.

She looked at the university's stunned school gate, which accompanied her school and said goodbye. Du

It is expected that there will be a wife, but he will die if he is not produced. Therefore, his side is only the adopted brother and sister. Du is expected to pursue his rights and is not interested in women.

There is one thing, only he knows that he is not a coincidence to adopt this pair of brothers. Yan

Luo Yi’s mother was his first love, but he did not marry him. Later he married his good brother. The two husbands went home on the way to a social entertainment, and both died. stay

The next pair of young children, the government department decided to send their sisters to the orphanage, Du hopes to know, after the convenience of some relationships, adopt them in their own side. because

For the children who are first love lovers, he also has some feelings for the brothers and sisters. However, under the ambition of the ambition of rights, he wants to use the beauty of Yan Luoyi to climb the higher peak of his rights. this

Inscribed, he is ending a phone call. The person he requested has already arranged Yan Luoyi’s entry information as scheduled, and he can report it in the future.

Du was expected to step out and saw the driver coming in for Yan Luoyi's salute. Yan Luoyi had a simple denim skirt, which made her feel the pure atmosphere of the world. Du

It is hoped that she once loved her mother. Yan Luoyi inherited the beauty of her mother. Du hopes to know that a beautiful woman has irresistible temptation for men. He thinks that Pan Lizhen is not a god, he also has Seven emotions and six desires.

"Father of the righteous." Yan Luoyi immediately became cautious in front of his righteous father.

"Loy, take a break today and report tomorrow."


"I have made several sets of professional suits based on your size. You first report that if you move to the staff quarters, you will come back and pack up." Du hopes to yell at her.

"Good." Yan Luoyi nodded, and she already had a solution in her heart. total

In the meantime, she will listen to the father's words and go to the presidential palace for an internship. In the presidential palace, the righteous father will not be able to see it. At that time, she will only spend the half-year internship time.

At that time, she will not regret even if she cannot become a reserve officer of the presidential palace.

Yan Luoyi rested for one night. In the early morning, she got up at seven o'clock and put on a professional suit. A long hair was rolled up behind her head. She also made a little makeup, which is to participate in work and respect for the workplace. Du

It is expected that the driver will send her to the location of this internship, which is an excellent talent reserve training base of the presidential palace. Yan

When Loyy arrived, there were also selected people who arrived, and there were twelve young interns who were recruited this time.

There were five girls, seven boys, and Yan Luoyi saw the familiar figure at a glance in the hall of the report. Lee

Mei Chun, when she saw Yan Luoyi, she was also surprised and stared at her. "How are you here?"

Yan Luoyi did not expect her to be there too. She should have a sentence, "I am coming to the internship."

How is it possible? Li Meichun did not believe that Yan Luyi had any qualifications to be selected.

At this moment, at the entrance, there was a long slender figure coming in. It was Lan Xuan. He had a look of no interest, but when he saw Yan Luoyi, his eyes were ecstatic. "

Loy, how are you here? ”

Yan Luoyi saw blue dazzle, but also surprised, how is blue dazzle also here? Lee

Mei Chun looked at them and said coldly, "How is this world so small? I thought that this internship opportunity is good! I did not expect anyone to plug here."

"Li Meichun, you pay attention to the point." Lan Xuan immediately protects Yan Luoyi. Lee

Mei Chun didn't want to be right with Lan Xing. She licked her mouth and leaned her arms toward Yan Luoyi. "Look, who can laugh at the end!"

Yan Luoyi did not want to fight with her, she dazzled toward the blue, "You go to fill in the information!" Blue

There was nothing to think about before Hyun, now he can worry about not staying! He rushed to fill in the information. Lee

Mei Chun’s eyes were sitting between the two girls, staring at Yan Luoyi with resentment. Among the girls present, only two of them had an advantage in appearance, and the other three girls were very ordinary looks. blue

After finishing the information, he sat down with Yan Luoyi. "I didn't expect your family to be good. You can come here, but it's not easy!"

Luo Yi refused him yesterday, and he met again today. "

My family is average. ""

Loy, you can rest assured that I will protect you during this time. "Blue Hyun assured her."

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