President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1565: Worried about him

Xiao Gao turned to find an iron axe, a few knives went down, the chain did not move, Xiao Gao immediately took out the gun, said to the group of girls, "all back."

The group of girls immediately clung together, stepped back, set aside a safe distance, and let him shoot at the link of the chain. hole

Inside, the night of the night has already clashed with a group of people who rushed out, and the night of the night slammed the hole with one force, not letting this group of people come out, leaving Xiao Gao more time to rescue the hostages.

Now, as long as people leave here, they will not cause casualties. no

Then, if you exchange fire in the hole for a while, it will inevitably hurt the innocent. small

The high marksmanship is good, and the two chains are broken. At the third time, he is already sweating, and some girls are screamed by the gunshots in the hole, making him pay attention. Can't concentrate. but

At this time, he did not have the heart to reprimand these frightened girls. When the cold sweat dripped on his face, he shot and finally heard a bang, the chain was broken, waiting for him to open the door, those eager to The girls who fled have rushed out insanely. "

Run to the east, someone will pick you up, Qian Cheng does not run around, it is dangerous outside at night. "Small high drink a sentence

More than 20 girls immediately rushed to leave the iron bars that had been closed for ten days. They ran and looked back at the man with gratitude. At this time, they did not know how happy they were. small

Gao thought that all of them had finished running, and his gaze looked. There was a girl in the corner who was trembled. She was hurt and seemed to have been beaten.

"what happened to you?""

My leg is hurt, I can't run. The girl was scared and afraid, and helpless.

Xiao Gao glanced at the inner hole of the gun, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he walked in quickly, reached out and grabbed the girl, and quickly ran out of the hole, and walked along the road for a hundred meters. He immediately stopped a few girls. "You guys take care of her and take her with them."

"Big brother, you have to be careful, they have more than 20 people." One girl turned back and said anxiously.

This number of people made Xiao Gao’s heart directly reach the extreme, and two of them died. Then there are 18-ninth criminals who rely on the night to block a person and stop, the danger that can be imagined. "

Go east and run as far as possible. "Small high drink a word, turned and immediately rushed to the direction of the hole.

The team that sits at night is still two kilometers away from here. Her whole heart seems to be pulled by the wire to the throat, the criminal gang of more than 20 people, and a group of hostages facing them. They are about to leave the cave. The time, the night of the night and the high brothers, they must act.

She knew she couldn't rush anymore because their car had already reached its limit.

"Someone." Hearing the car in front of him suddenly slammed the car, only in the moonlight, there was a figure shaking, they seemed to be running, and they were struggling to move forward. "

They were hostages and they were rescued. "There was a little teacher who immediately saw it clearly.

At night, I couldn’t wait for the car to go further. Because this hostage was covered with black, and faced with a group of tired and hostages, they dared not venture to move forward. night

On the evening of the evening, I jumped out of the car and followed the human body behind me. "Leave a younger brother to take care of the hostages, others will come with me."

A younger brother was left in order to escape from the hostages. Others rushed straight to the black stone mountain pass not far away. hole

In the war, the situation has changed. When the last bullet of the night was exhausted, Xiao Gao finally supported him in time and threw him a criminal gun on the ground. seal

The night passed and continued to block a group of criminals, at least to make time, let people go farther, and at the same time, waiting for their rescue.


In the ear of the night, there was an anxious and worried call. He didn’t have to look back and knew that his reinforcements had arrived. night

Looking at the man who was safe and sound, her heart suddenly fell back into her heart. She stood behind him and became his backing.

At this moment, fighting alongside him, this feeling is extremely practical.

"Gao Ge, what's the situation inside?"

"At present, they are only forcing them to retreat. Their casualties are still unknown." Xiao Gao quickly replied, at this moment, a series of fierce spring rains flew out from inside. night

Xi Xi was originally hiding, but on her body, suddenly a strong body pressed her tightly and kept her safe in her arms.

Although at this time, it should not produce extra emotions, but a warm and moving, straight into the heart. This

A man, whenever there is danger, he will always protect her for the first time.

"It won't work like this. I don't know how many guys they have, but our bullets can't afford it. We must immediately find a way to break through." Xiao Gao proposed. seal

The night's eyes sank, and he saw his thoughts at night, and he wanted to go in. she was

The hand immediately buckled his arm, her eyes filled with worries, but at this moment, she knew that the danger was extremely high, but she knew that she had to let go. For a moment, at night, she felt tears in her tears. She bit her lip and squinted hard. She looked at the man in front of her hand and took her hand off his arm. "

I go. Xiao Gao immediately recommended himself because he saw the worry of the night, this is her favorite man, and he also loves the younger sister. At such a moment, he wants to bear the brunt."

Small high. "A low voice rang, with a hint of command. Small

Gao immediately looked at the night, and closed the night with a few hands behind him. "I am going in, you listen to my command and cover me."

After the night was finished, he immediately jumped and jumped into the ground.

At this moment, everyone shot, shot into the hole, separated by a distance of half a meter, let the night enter. night

I want to go in the second one, but I was stopped by Xiao Gao. "Sister, let me come."

The urgency of the night, or the strong self-satisfaction, the same cover action, Xiao Gao immediately went a few meters forward, and they stepped forward to the location of the criminals.

The night was just two meters away from the criminals, and at the moment, the men inside felt that something was wrong and immediately violently fired back.

The night of the night, Xiao Gao issued a command, and Xiao Gao immediately made a move to the players behind him. miss you

In order to bring out this group of people, the team members received instructions, and they went to the night, "Sister, we are."

At night, I took a deep breath and listened to the action of Fingers. Outside the hole, it was quiet and the gunshots stopped.

The criminals who have been forced to come out have finally said what they are saying, but they are in the set, thinking that the people outside have been thrown away. he

They are certainly not willing to leave, at least to come out and look at the situation of the hostages.

After the night and the small high are hidden in the dark stone wall, covering their figure, I saw a group of six men immediately rushed out, the night and the opposite side of Xiao Gao made a gesture, he attacked inside, he chased outside.

Because there are still people out there, just sent a few hands to check the hostage problem. small

Gao finally had to admire the man’s guts. He simply made any decisions outside of his life and death. He did not take his life as one thing.

In his eyes, the mission and mission are above everything else. Even if he is, he does not think that he has yet to practice this kind of fear of life and death.

The little high nodded, and as he stepped out of the night, he immediately headed for the exit, chasing the man at the end, and shot it in the air.

At the same time, the figure of the night has entered the hidden territory of this group of criminals. The eye is bound to a row of more than a dozen boats, a river flowing from the bottom of the stone, quietly flowing. seal

The entry of the night was so unpredictable that several of the men who were preparing to rest for a while were caught off guard. Wait

When they took the gun, they solved a few nights and settled in the water. The figure was stuck in the water. This is a very smooth and unstoppable cave. There is no better escape direction except water.

On the outside, the six criminals who came out were directly attacked by them. They did not execute all of them. They captured four and temporarily threw them into the iron bar. night

One of the hearts of Xi Xi was tied to the night of the cave, and every shot inside it seemed to be invisible to her heart.

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