President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1794: She made a mistake

Duan Shuzhen’s first thought in returning to God was that she wanted to turn around and escape, but her footsteps were fixed. In addition to her squinting eyes, she bit her red lips and kept her welcoming team. She couldn’t do anything.

Even if he watched him and the group walked and talked with laughter, she could only calm down a heart.

She began to pray that he did not find her and did not see her.

Duan Shuzhen was helplessly discovered that she couldn’t even bow her head. She could only smile and look straight ahead, welcoming the mission.

Xi Jingying was chatting with a majestic old man. He was very polite and bowed his head and listened carefully to his words.

Soon they went to the door, and Duan Shuzhen’s head was stunned, as if nothing could be heard.

But she could see the face of Xi Jingzhen. It was not seen for eight months. He was more mature. The warmth of the school was accompanied by a noble atmosphere.

He is no longer the teacher of the class. He has restored his original identity and is an unsuccessful royal master.

There is a voice in Duan Shuzhen’s head pleading.

Don't find her, don't find her, let them miss it perfectly! However, God seems to have heard her pleading. When Xi Jingjing passed her side, his eyes were still on the old man's body, as if he was heavier.

Duan Shuzheng sent them a group of people to go in, she finally could breathe a sigh of relief, she took a heavy breath.

All the young receptionists next to them silently made an excited expression because of the appearance of Xi Jingyu.

Even if they don't know who he is, but he is so young, but he has the status of companionship, it must be a big man! Duan Shuzhen came in with them, and they slowly followed the missions that came in and served them.

When Duan Shuyi came in, the breathing was not a little uncomfortable, because she saw Xi Jingzhen accompanying the old man and stood in front of the word tablet that entered the door.

Duan Shuzhen immediately slid gently into a corner where Xi Jing could not see. She did not dare to stand behind him. If he turned back, he might see her.

The speed of the tour was very slow, because there were too many things that attracted them. They were talking in civilization, listening to the explanations, and awe in everything here.

Duan Shuzhen's work is only to follow at the end, waiting for the time when it is needed.

Duan Shuzhen’s gaze couldn’t stop watching Si Jingyi, who was walking in front of her. There was a thousand words in her heart, but she did not dare to tell him.

Even when she saw him, she wanted to escape, not for anything else, but she didn't want to enter his life again.

After walking through a corridor in the museum, time is slowly passing. Duan Shuzhen hopes that time is faster and hopes to be slower, so that she can look at him more.

Because of this opportunity, it may not be there again in the future.

Xi Jingyi did not look back. Duan Shuzhen’s heart was relieved. She thought that he would not find her. Maybe he had forgotten her and had a new emotional life.

Thinking about it, there is another nerve that is hurting, but she can't take it anymore.

Finally, the group was tired and went to a place to entertain, with leisure chairs and tea supplies.

Duan Shuzhen’s nerves stretched again. She stood at the end and stood on a plate with a few cups of tea. She went to the front of several foreign friends and offered the tea.

In another position, Xi Jingying's gaze lifted up and looked at the slender and busy figure across the crowd. His thin lips were suppressing a smile. He held the cup and tea while staring at her.

At this moment, Xi Jingzhen stood up, he put down the cup and went straight to the woman who was bending over to drink tea.

Duan Shuzhen was putting tea in, and she noticed that someone was close behind her. She immediately turned and smiled, and then she ran into a pair of smiling deep eyes.

Such a blind encounter, so that her whole person panicked, her plate tilted, there is still a cup of tea on it, so slammed, landed on the ground, the sound of cracking sounded.

Duan Shuzhen panicked. She didn't expect to make such a big mistake in front of the mission. Even she felt the air around her quiet. Everyone was watching her. She was ashamed to squeak her head.

She crouched down and wanted to go, and at this moment, a big palm buckled her wrist and pulled her up again. "This will scratch you, let the cleaners do it!"

Xi Jingxi’s heart is filled with self-blame. It must be that he suddenly appears behind her and shocked her, which will lead to such mistakes.


Duan Shuzhen’s breathing was slightly asthmatic, and she gently pulled back her own hand.

The curator on the side saw the situation, and in the paragraph, Shu Wei lowered his voice education. "Small paragraph, what are you going on?"

Xi Jingzhen heard that he was quiet and said, "Do not blame her, I hit her plate."

"Sorry, I am sorry to have a seat, do you have any injuries?"

The curator immediately asked him for help.

"Nothing! Let people come and clean it up."

After Xi Jingyu finished speaking, Chao Duan said, "I didn't scare you!"

"without thanks."

After Duan Shuzhen finished, he turned and walked to the room where the tea room was supplied.

As soon as she entered, she gasped in, and then a follow-up staff asked curiously, "How come you don't live! This is a big mistake!"

Duan Shuzhen is also very self-blaming, she admits that this is her mistake, so even if she wants her responsibility afterwards, she is willing.

"It's my fault."

Duan Shuyi sighed.

"I just saw that big guy talking to you, do you know?"

"No... don't know."

Duan Shuzhen stuttered.

"I don't know! How can he be so passionate about you, it seems that you are being seen by him!"

"No, don't talk, don't do anything."

Duan Shuzhen is anxious to explain.

"Well, it’s good to have such a good thing, but, like our identity, how can there be such a blessing?"

Duan Shuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and also attached a sentence, "Yes, we can't think about this kind of thing."

Xi Jingzhen watched the debris on the ground being cleaned. He thought of the attitude of the curator just now. He got up and walked to the position of the curator and sat down.

"Seat Master, what do you need, though you are told."

"Gold curator, just that thing, please don't blame the employee."

Xi Jingzhen was quiet.

"It’s our people’s mistakes, let the group laugh.”

The curator is still a stranger, but this will affect the good influence of this time.

Xi Jingyan suddenly leaned closer to the long section of the Golden Pavilion. "Look at my face. Don't mention this matter afterwards, I will be responsible for all the responsibilities."

The curator of the gold immediately raised his eyes. How did the young master speak for the female employee?

"she is my friend."

When Xi Jingyi started to open again, this sentence became the amulet of Duan Shuzhen.

This time, the director of the gold museum did not dare to say anything, he was busy laughing, "I understand, I understand."

After waiting for a while, Duan Shuzhen saw the ambassadors continue to appreciate, and Xi Jingyi was still at the forefront, talking with the old man, Duan Shuzhen did not dare to get too close.

She did not expect to be recognized by him.

Finally, I went to the important pavilion from 10:00 to 12:00, so the group had to leave. They needed to go to the restaurant. Duan Shuzhen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. He also had to leave.

Just after the mission was sent out, Duan Shuzhen was called by the curator, "Small paragraph, come, go to the third lounge next to you, go!"

Duan Shuzheng, why did she let her go, she did not dare to ask more, then quickly went to the third lounge next to it.

She reached out and knocked on the door, and then pushed the door in. When she looked at the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, her heartbeat could not stop accelerating.

It's him! He is waiting for her.

"The missions are leaving, are you still not leaving?"

Duan Shuzhen asked him.

Xi Jingyi turned and her dark eyes locked her, and the voice was gentle. "Is it so late?"

Duan Shuzhen’s heart surged. His concern was as if all her grievances had been turned out. Her face was relaxed and relaxed. “I am doing very well, thank you for your concern.”

Xi Jingying’s gaze stunned, as if she wanted to see through her smiling face, she was also very good! He was somewhat lost, met again, she smiled politely, and there was only a respectful look in his eyes.

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