President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 221: Staying base

If you pay attention to Ren Biao, you will find that the body of the night is always walking in the palace, which is a protective posture.

Gong Momo has a pretty face and can't see her expression at this moment, but in the eyes of the cold night, she is absolutely angry.

When I was close to the group of six terrorists, the blood smell and smell in the air were also quite rich. Ren Biao frowned and endured, and Miyamo Mo also, she used her fingers against the nose, stomach. There is some turmoil in it.

Six terrorists were tied to an iron pillar. They were dropped because of the crash. Some of them still had wounds. However, they were not willing to let them bandage. Therefore, the blood smell was more intense.

Looking at the six horrible soldiers with broken clothes and wounds, Gong Momo was shocked. This was just coming in. One of the terrorists stared at Gong Momo, as if she knew that she was too small to come over. Want to scare her, he whipped up a black and secluded mouth, and kissed him toward the palace, and Miao Momo screamed and screamed, and the heart was screaming forward. The maliciousness of the terrorists, when Miya Momo was so scared that he did not know where to drill, his arm was taken and her protective style was taken in her arms.

On the one hand, a pair of beautiful people, a little beautiful, can not believe that the night is cold, just took the initiative to hug Gong Momo.

When Miyamo Mo was aware of being held by him, she could not help but push him away, and the whole clothes stood in some places far away.

The eyes under Ren Biao’s glasses stunned toward the palace, and some angry palaces replied, “If you are afraid, you can go out.”

Miyamo Mo did not want to be looked down on by Ren Biao, she shook her head. "I am not afraid."

The night is cool and low, "You are standing here." After that, the two subordinates stood behind her and stood by her to protect her.

Next, the night chilling began to let Ren Yi translate, Ren Biao in the translation, there are still some words but a general state, and this time, Gong Momo standing on the side will tell her accurately, Ren Biao There was no dissatisfaction on the face, but in my heart, I thought that Gong Momo deliberately performed and grabbed her limelight.

However, this is work, she did not clearly care about it, but in her heart, she was angry with Gong Momo.

After half an hour of torture, the terrorists were sleek and did not say important information. It seems that they still need continuous torture for a few days.

"Come here today! I will live in the row, and it may take a few days to get along with this group of people." The night was cold and low, and the light passed over Gong Momo.

"No problem, we will cooperate with you." Ren Yan's eyes and deep feelings fell on the face of the night.

Can stay for a few days, for her, it would be better, because this time, in addition to completing the task, she still wants to get along with the night to get along.

When she came out, Gong Momo did not say a word. She knew that she had no right to speak on this matter. She was only an assistant to Ren, and she must cooperate with her.

As for the interrogation just now, she also knows that in some vocabulary, she still can't immediately make an accurate translation and needs her help.

Out of the door of the interrogation room, the night was cold, "I drove you to the dormitory."

"We are in a hurry, there is no clothing, do you have a change here?"

"I will let people give you." Nostalgic nodded in the night, looking at him from the beginning and the end without looking at him, silent Miyamo Mo, his heart sighed.

Ren Yi turned his head and glanced at Gong Momo. "Tomorrow, you report to your department head, we have to stay a few more days."

"Okay." Gong Momo nodded.

"Your surname is the palace?" Ren Biao discovered her surname, and asked curiously, "Where is the palace nightmare?"

Gong Momo did not expect that she would directly mention the big brother, blinked, and honestly returned, "I am my brother."

After that, Ren Biao’s eyes looked cold at night. “You and Gong Ye Xia are high school classmates, then you...?”

"We have known each other for a long time." I didn't mind to say it when I was cold, and I looked at Gong Momo. "Momo, you and your brother said that you are here?"

"Not yet said." Gong Momo shook his head.

Ren Hao never imagined that a girl who was randomly drawn from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned out to be a member of the palace. She also knew about the cold night. It’s no wonder that the night is showing her love for her, and she is also old-fashioned.

Sitting in the off-road vehicle back to the base dormitory, Gong Momo sat in the back seat, Ren Xi sat in the passenger seat, she was like a transparent behind, and like a dumb, but the front of the task was turned, picking the glasses Down, a pair of charming eyes stared at the night of driving, and the eyes of love filled with love.

"Cool, say, we haven't seen it for a year."


"I miss you very much." Ren Biao can't wait to say his heart.

Behind him, Gong Momo slightly squinted, and Ren Biao directly expressed his cool night.

Gong Momo's big eyes immediately stared at the night of the driver's seat. Last time on the phone, did he say that he liked Ren Biao? This is good, she is in front of him, she seems to like him too.

But the night was not responsive to this sentence, staring at the front and driving in the car.

Gong Momo bit his lip, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the mirror in the rear of the night. The night was cold and the night's eyes stared at her. Her heart jerked, and then she glanced at him with a sigh of relief. Sitting in the corner of the window where he could not see.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit weird, and Ren Biao also felt that she couldn't help but look back at Gong Momo in the back seat and found that Gong Momo leaned in the corner of a car, as if tired.

"Miyamo Mo, are you tired?" Ren Biao had to talk to her.

"Well! A little tired." Gong Momo is still reasonable for Ren Biao.

"Take a bath and sleep first!" Ren Yi cares, it is the sister of Gong Ye night, and the palace night and night cool is a brother relationship, Gong Momo in the heart of the night, It should also be a sister role, she should care about it.

"Okay." Gong Momo responded.

Upon arriving at the dormitory door, Ren Biao asked, "Cool, is it a separate dormitory?"

The night squats and squats a little, "If you want to live together..."

"I am not used to living with people." Ren Biao directly asked for it.

Gong Momo had some poor voices, and the cool eyes of the night fell gently on her face, and there was a worry in her heart. She would live alone in a dormitory, would she be afraid?

"Momo, live alone, you have no problem!" Night cool care asked.

"I am not afraid." Gong Momo licked his neck and answered, in my heart, still a little flustered.

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