President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 76: His thoughtfulness

One month? It’s too long! But Cheng Haoyue didn't have time to think about it. At this moment, she promised him everything. "Well, I promise you, now, are you going downstairs? I am waiting for you at your door."

"Good!" The man was quiet.

Cheng Haoyue hangs up the phone, pats the chest, and his heart beats sharply.

"He promised?" Linda asked her as a reinterpreted expression, and asked with surprise.

Cheng Haoyue nodded. "Well! I promised, I will go see him now, Linda, you are sure to be effective!"

"You brought a palace night to the past, the people of the feel company dare not buy his face?" Linda smiled Mimi said that there is a palace night out, this thing will be easy to get.

Cheng Haoyue frowned, is this guy's ability so big? However, she knew all the time to bury her head and draft the manuscript. Where do I know the doorway in the mall?

Linda patted her on the shoulder. "I know you have to move the palace tonight."

"Don't lift me up, this kind of thing, once it's enough, don't look for me later." Cheng Haoyue showed a bitter smile.

She picked up the bag and rushed out of the office door. She was a little far from the gate of the palace night! She has to run over and can't let him wait.

The man’s character is cloudy and uncertain, and if he regrets, what should she do?

Gong Ye night drove out of the garage, waiting at the gate, did not see Cheng Haoyue, when he looked away, he saw that she was crossing a road, a red car rushing to work, almost hit her, anxious Anxious to stop the car before her half a meter, Cheng Haoyue's slender figure ran to his side.

When the heart of the palace night slammed into the car, it was suspended and the breath was blocked.

Does this silly woman not look at the road? What are you running?

Cheng Haoyue also scared a cold sweat. She saw the car at the palace night, and she rushed over. She opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in it. Before she spoke, she panted.

When she turned her head and talked to the man, she couldn't help but see a scary face. She was shocked and scared. She blinked. "What?"

"You are a fool." Gong Gong licked his teeth and fangs.

Cheng Haoyue has some innocence to bear this nickname, where is she stupid?

In a quiet atmosphere, suddenly a roe deer... The sound was particularly harsh, and Cheng Haoyue’s face was red, and she was busy holding her stomach. She ate dinner at six o'clock last night. Until now, she didn’t drink a bite of water. Protested.

"Don't have breakfast?" Gong Ye night tweeted her.

"There is something urgent to deal with, no time to go, it doesn't matter, let's go to a place first!"

Gongye Nightingale knows that there is a high-end breakfast restaurant in front of him. He does not wait for Cheng Haoyue to say where the place is. Gongye Nighting has already started the car and drove forward.

Cheng Haoyue stunned, "Where are we going?"

"Eating breakfast." The palace night was cold and lost.

This woman has not taken care of herself, but also expects to take care of his son?

Cheng Haoyue looked at him with no words, but he was still taking breakfast with him! She thought that this matter is not anxious at this time.

When I arrived at the breakfast restaurant, the palace nightingale only had a cup of tea, but she gave her a bunch of food, and gave her a sneak peek of blood, and the price was expensive.

Looking at the variety of breakfasts on the table, Cheng Haoyue had a feeling of being fed by him.

"Slowly eat." Gong Ye night raised his eyebrows.

Cheng Haoyue had to eat slowly. At the same time, he told the company about it. After the palace night, he finished his eyes and twisted his eyebrows. In the mall, for the sake of profit, there was a lot of plagiarism. I didn’t expect her to meet her. It is.

"So, I want to ask you to help me out, let the company return my manuscript to me." Cheng Haoyue looked at him with a big pair of eyes, "Will you help me?"

"Good!" Gong Gong nodded, squinting at her, she only ate a few snacks, frowning, "What do you eat so little?"

"I have already picked the most expensive ones before I eat them. I can't eat them." Cheng Haoyue screamed and protested, and she couldn't eat much breakfast.

Gong Ye night looked at her thin body, it is not difficult for her, "Okay! Let's go!"

"Wait, I am packing, I know who to eat for breakfast."


"You didn't notice that there is an old man in the corner of the parking lot? He seems to be hungry too. I packed it for him." After Cheng Haoyue finished, he hired a waiter and packed some untouched breakfast. .

Gong Ye night looked at her radiant expression, and she flashed a touch of approval in her eyes and asked, "Would you like to pack a few more?"

Cheng Haoyue’s eyes lit up, “Can you?”


From the restaurant, Cheng Haoyue took five boxes of breakfast and went downstairs. When she went to pick up the car at the palace night, she went to talk to the old man who had broken clothes. After the breakfast was put down, she left.

Sitting in the car at night, went straight to the feel company.

On the way, Cheng Haoyue tightened a heartstring, and at the same time, he felt anger burning in the blood vessels. She was really disgusted and angry at the person who did not respect her labor results and used it freely.

Feel, a large jewelry design company, has a reputation in China.

Feel the company door, the palace night 霄 car stopped, Cheng Haoyue looked at the sign of the feel, bright, quite atmospheric, she suddenly asked the man around, "Do you usually not bring a bodyguard? Why not bring today? ”

Gong Ye night glanced at her thoughts. "Do you think that I am going to play, do you need bodyguards to appear to be imposing?"

Cheng Haoyue laughed. "I didn't think so."

"Get off the bus!" Gong Ye night glanced at her, this woman is too small to see him.

Cheng Haoyue pushed the door and got off the bus. She took a deep breath and grew strong and walked toward the front desk.

"Hello, how can I get to the office of Miss Yang Bingbing?"

"She is on the tenth floor, you go to the tenth floor to inquire!" The front desk was not responding enthusiastically. Suddenly, the man who came in behind her, the handsome and slender, the cold and overbearing, showed a strong male charm from the inside out. Directly take away their breathing and heartbeat.

Immediately, the front desk was just as sick and sick, and it became sweet and pleasant. "Sir, what is there for you?"

Cheng Haoyue saw the face of the front face changing face, some of the fire, she suddenly reached out to hold the arm of the palace night, cold and said, "We are a group."

The expression on the front desk was Sparta, and looking at Cheng Haoyue’s arm of the handsome guy, his eyes immediately envied and hated.

When Cheng Haoyue arrived at the elevator, he immediately released the palace night, and when the elevator door closed, she laughed. "I was sorry! I just can't understand the expression of their power."

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