President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 771: Fighting west to go to risk

War Yang did not expect that this sentence would make her reaction so strong, he immediately took a few sheets of paper and gently wiped her tears.

Chu Yan licked her lips and smiled with tears. "Xi Yang, thank you!"

Zhan Xiyang reached out and took her into her arms and kissed her hair gently. "A fool, meeting is a wonderful thing. Love is the effort of the two of us. No one should thank you."

Chu Yan smiled and closed her eyes. She was really tired. Her feet were still washing. She was so tired that she fell asleep. When she saw that she was really tired, he gently put her on the bed, then She wiped her feet again, picked her up and slept on the pillow, and covered her with a quilt.

In the ultimate sleepiness, Chu Yan opened his eyes and said to him, "Xi Yang, can you stay with me?"

"Good! I will sleep next to you, you should sleep first!" War Xi Yang comforted her.

Chu Yan finally no longer worried, she fell asleep.

Xiyang returned to his room. He took a pajamas and he was working at the checkpoint today. Therefore, he had to take a shower, wash the syrup of his body, and sleep with her.

After Xiyang’s shower, he put on his pajamas and sat down on the edge of the bed. At this moment, he didn’t have any thoughts about her. Even if he had, he would restrain himself. What he has to do now is to guard her and trust her. stable.

When Xi Yang was holding Chu Yan to sleep, Chu Yan naturally licked his neck and leaned his face on his shoulder, which made her feel more secure. This is a good night for Chu Yan to sleep very well, but at 6 am, she received a phone call. It was revealed in the miners area that a miner was infected with the h5 virus, so nearly 100 people The miners are frightened because it is a very infectious virus.


Chu Yan also woke up anxiously. At this moment, she had to do the appeasement work. She looked at her and quickly dressed. He quickly picked up her coat and put it on her body. "Don't catch cold, now infected with h5. The chances are too high, and once the body is weak, it is more likely to be infected."

"Well! Xi Yang, you can sleep for a while! Anyway, your work is not very urgent." Chu Yan said.

Xiyang Yang shook his head. "I can't sleep anymore. Go to work first! Contact at noon."

"Good! Contact at noon." After that, Chu Yan quickly stepped out of the door and joined her.

When Chu Yan left, Zhan Yang also hurried back to his room. He picked up his mobile phone and directly unplugged his own tutor.

"Hey, Xi Yang." There was some confusion in the end, and the voice of Pris was caught in it.

"Profess me to come to the country x, now you have developed antidote in your hand?"

"How come you are here? Xi Yang, this is very dangerous, I am not letting you cooperate with me in your country?"

"My girlfriend is working here, I have to come over, I want to know how your progress has been."

"I am still looking for a more effective antidote. At present, apart from conservative treatment, I have not found a better solution. However, this method has no effect. It can only maintain the virus not spreading, but there is no way to eliminate it."

"Professor, I want to come over to find you!" War Xi Yang decided. If the work is infected and there is no treatment, it will be a bigger disaster, and Chu Yan’s mission will become The crisis is extremely difficult, and even her work is lost.

Therefore, he can't just do some ordinary checks at the checkpoint. He has to go to the source of the virus. He has to work with the tutor to study effective antidote and save these people.

The war Xi Yang originally wanted to say hello to Chu Yan, but his time was very tight, the professor gave him an address, and they will soon shift positions, so he must keep up. Xiyang had to tear off a piece of paper and left a message to Chu Yan. He gave it to a staff member and asked her to hand it over to Chu Yan two hours later. The car, as well as dry food and water, he is going to find a mentor. Before he leaves, he hears the completion of the work.

The news came, there seems to be more and more chaotic, and it is being rescued here. There are even more unpleasant words. There is no time for Xiyang to listen.

What he can now help Chu Yan is to solve this viral crisis and make her work more successful. At noon, Chu Yan was sitting in the lounge with some tiredness, and discussed with her men how to rescue the miners. At the same time, she also reported everything to Xi Fenghan. The country is very concerned, but now because of the overall situation. This time the infected person must be isolated here for a while, otherwise

This virus will probably be brought back to China and become a crisis.

Even if Xi Fenghan is so ruthless, he must order it.

Chu Yan is preparing to get up and go to the cafeteria. Her assistant came over. "Chu, the young master of the war is handed over to you!"

Chu Yan took the paper. She picked it up and saw it. After she saw a few lines, her brows were tightened. After she finished reading, she was anxious to breathe. "Wang Xiyang..."

How does he go to such a dangerous place alone?

"How long has he been away?"

"The person who wrote the letter said that it should take two hours for the young master to leave."

"What?" Chu Yan's chest is very boring, her heart has never been feared, the feeling of fear of losing a person is strong.

Chu Yan picked up the mobile phone and unplugged the Xiyang number. It was not in the service area, and Chu Yan was so anxious that she was sweating.

In the letter, the war Xi Yang let her not be nervous, waiting for him to come back safely.

However, how can Chu Yan not be nervous, who is Xi Yang? His identity is also the cousin of the President, or the seedling of the former president.

Chu Yan still made a phone call to Xi Fenghan, and said this thing again, the end of the front Feng Han was shocked for a few seconds, it seems that the war Xi Yang has long known that his mentor is there, so he is It was for Chu Yan and went with another purpose.

It was only before that he was still hiding. Now, there is a virus infection on the side of the work. He has to personally participate in this confrontation war, because everything he has done is for Chu Yan.

At this time, Xi Feng, who is far away from home, can no longer do anything. He only confessed to Chu Yan, let him contact the senior officials of the x country, let them contact this medical research team, and always pay attention to the movement of their team. . Even if Xi Fenghan didn't have such an order, Chu Yan had already contacted the information of this medical rescue team on the next few calls. She wanted to know the location of the war Yang Yang as soon as possible, at least, let her Can contact him.

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