President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 874: He is very good to her.

Xia Anning looked at the man in casual clothes. She immediately stunned and asked for nothing. "What happened? Is there something?"

Gong Yuze looked at her standing straight, as if there was nothing wrong with him. He screwed his eyebrows. "Is there a bruise?"

"!" Xia Anning was so arrogant. If she said that she had a bruise, did she know that she had just stolen the way he was surrounded by a bath towel.

Therefore, if she does not admit it, it means that she did not see it.

But at this moment, as long as she thinks about her mind, she can think of what he just looked like on the upper body!

Gong Yuze did not expect that she could squint and say something, and he snorted. "Take me two steps."

"Hey! I really have nothing!" Xia Ning's mouth is hard.

Gong Yuze suddenly forced his body to move forward. Xia Anning quickly retraced backwards. The pain in his leg made her a small face wrinkled. She only took two steps back and couldn’t help but feel pain in her knee. She couldn’t help but snorted.

Gong Yuze looked at her face with a pale face. He was really not very angry. "Sit on the bed and show me the wound."

Xia Ning won a pretty red face. Unexpectedly, her panic was dismantled by him so quickly. She bit her lip and had to sit on the edge of the bed and reached out and rolled her pajamas to the left knee. Sure enough, a large lump of a coin appeared.

Gong Yuze half-squatted down and looked at her lumps carefully, but she did not ridicule her because of her hard mouth.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to peek at you." Xia Aning bit his lip and apologized as if she had done something wrong.

Gong Yuze looked up at her. "What are you panicking?"

"I... I just saw you... I didn't wear clothes." Xia Ning had a stuttering stance.

For her, seeing him like this must be a sin.

After listening to Gong Yuze, he really wanted to laugh. He couldn’t help but ask, "Did you grow up from childhood to age, have you ever seen a man without a jacket?"

Xia Ning squinted, she certainly saw it! For example, in the summer, you can see some men who drive and walk without clothes. However, looking at the men, she will not dare to sway, so after all, she is still thin.

This time, Gong Yuze is not only exposed! His lower body is only surrounded by bath towels! Therefore, for her, the scale is obviously very large.

Gong Yuzawa saw that she didn't talk. He gently dipped some cool and swollen syrup on her wounds. Xia Ning couldn't help but breathe, because the wound was stimulated by the cool potion, making her afraid. Suffering again.

Gong Yuze looked at her poor and lovely look. He smiled and smiled. "The next time I saw it, I was an adult. What else can I avoid?"

Xia Anning has never thought about the problem of adulthood. Although she is also 19 years old, she will soon have her birthday. However, her heart is still a little girl who has not grown up, simply and ignorant.

Xia Aning drums his gang, "I don't want to see."

Miya Yuzawa, who was packing up the medicine box, turned her head and glared at her. "Do you think my body is not good enough?"

Xia Ning was so light that she shook her head, "No!"

"Then you think it looks good?" Gong Yuze asked again.

Xia Ning looked at him with a red face and didn't know how to answer this embarrassing question.

Gong Yuze looked at her face as thin as paper. When she mentioned this kind of problem, she only knew shy blush. He had to not tease her, but smiled. "I forgot, you just got grown up, I will pay attention later."

"I am not just a grown-up! I have a 19-year-old birthday in three days. By that time, I am twenty years old." Xia Aning said with conviction.

Miyasu Yu looks at her cute look. At the same time, she remembers her birthday, is there still three days? He asked, "What kind of birthday gift do you want?"

Xia Aning stunned and blinked. "Will you buy me a birthday present?"

"Of course, even Xiao Ke’s birthday, I will give it a gift, of course you have a gift.” Gong Yuze smiled and smiled.

Xia Ning squinted, but Xiao Ke is his pet. What is she? Friend? "No, I didn't even have a birthday in my previous years, so I don't need to give gifts." Xia Anning shook her head, her birthday mother often forgot, and at school, my friends would give her a buy. A small cake of tens of dollars, together, is a simple and happy


Now, she is not too strong on her birthday.

Gong Yuze looked seriously. "Who said that you don't need to? I have been at my house, I have given you."

Xia Ning's heart is warm, did he give her?

"Thank you! I really don't have to." Xia Anning didn't want to bother him.

Gong Yuze's face sank, "Xia Anning, my words, you better not always refuse, I am good to you, you don't have to worry too much, you naturally accept it."

Xia Anning was directly stunned, and Gong Yuze took out the medicine box and carried it out.

Listening to the door, the sound of Xia Aning jumped a bit. With her beautiful mouth, she couldn't help but rise up, and even the chest had a sweet taste.

She gave a slight breath, well, she accepted him as naturally as possible! When she really owes him too much, and she can't pay it back, she can... she can do the horse to answer him for a lifetime.

Even if she let her... Xia Anning’s pretty face is red and the ear is red, she thinks, give it to him!

But soon a turn of her thoughts made her laugh at herself, and she didn't know her girl, gave him, would he want it!

I don’t want to think about it, so she is still the best choice for her revenge.

In the evening, Xia Ning fell asleep in a cranky thought.

In the morning, she opened her eyes and her legs were not hurting. However, she seemed to be unable to work. It was just that the clothes in her hand were almost finished. She called a phone to the studio and invited another day. false.

Now, she feels like she is a mixed day. She thought of her mother and called her to her. Xia Shuhua didn’t worry about her at all. She even let her stay in Gong Yuze’s house for a few more days. Because she is going to travel again, she has no time to take care of her.

Xia Ning listened to it, not surprising, because the mother usually likes to travel with some friends. Although she has no money, she still knows a lot of rich ladies on the mahjong table. They will call her when they travel by car. Xia Aning also hopes that her mother will go out and move around, not to make a living as a mahjong. This is not the way. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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