Hearing this, Mu Ziyun's footsteps stopped immediately, and immediately commanded the steward: "Send someone to follow her car to ensure her safety before returning."

"Okay." The butler nodded and quickly ordered.

Mo Shu wanted to ask Mu Ziyun, in his heart, was so uneasy about Shen Xilan? How many times she has driven this road, isn't she familiar enough? She has to send someone to follow, just to ensure safety!

But she couldn't ask. Mu Ziyun agreed with her and her side, but she was not allowed to ask about his personal affairs.

When he came back, he said that her kindness had been reported, and he shielded her from the knife, and she helped him hack all the electronic equipment on his brother's side, so that he finally won, or even tied, she can leave, No one owes anyone.

But she didn't think it was enough. He almost died for her. He is still hurting. How can she leave?

Mu Ziyun turned back to the room, Mo Shu instinctively wanted to step forward to help, but when she received the cold eyes from him, she immediately retracted her half-stretched hand.

Mo Shu stood there and watched Mu Ziyun's alienated and lonely figure disappear at the door, froze and did not leave.

Mu Ziyun instinctively resisted her contact, and everything she did now was wishful thinking.

However, she still couldn't leave.

In the conversation with Shen Xilan tonight, her irrationality made her understand that her original intention with Mu Ziyun had changed.

Since she had no respect for Sister Xi Lan, who took care of her everywhere, she had realized that she was terrible, but now it’s even more terrifying when she saw Mu Ziyun running out with her injuries, just to order someone to send her off. , She felt sad again.

Uncontrollable jealousy ran in her heart.

"Miss Mo, the little lady in the computer room upstairs has returned to the original state after playing." The butler said.

Mo Shu said "Yes", recovered, looked at the housekeeper, and asked, "How good was the relationship between Sister Xilan and Ziyun when they had the best relationship?"

The butler was stunned for a moment before he said: "These are not what we should discuss."

Knowing that it was impossible to ask the question, she asked instead.

Mo Shu sighed lightly and received his emotions: "Is the person who escorted Sister Xilan sent?"

"Yes, I didn’t pay attention just now. When Mu Shao’s old injury relapsed, Miss Shen’s hand was also injured. Mu Shao discovered it. The glass cup on the Liulitai platform was broken, and there was a lot of blood on the glass slag. Miss."

Mo Shu was taken aback, no wonder that when Shen Xilan faced her just now, his hands had been hidden behind him.

When she left, she also heard Si Tian yelling, ‘Mom, what’s wrong with your hand? "But when she heard Shen Xilan's noise, she didn't think about it, and she didn't even think about it.

Mo Shu didn't like this kind of self.

I don't like it very much.

She ran and squatted down on her knees, what should she do?


The door was right in front of her, but she felt terribly distressed when she thought of going out here and never coming back.

Mo Shu's heart was torn fiercely, and when he couldn't make a decision, a familiar voice came from the door.

"I don't see you President Mu, you call out Mo Shu."

Mo Shu was startled and stood up abruptly.

Why did her brother find him so soon! She didn't tell anyone about her return, except Shen Xilan!

The person who just promised her not to speak out turned around and told her brother!

Shen Xilan, she really misunderstood her!

The security guards did not let anyone in, Mo Jingsen was already speaking harshly.

Mo Shu hurried to the room. Mu Ziyun was still lying on the sofa in the living room. Mo Shu ran over and said anxiously: "My brother is here, what should I do?"

"You should go with him." Mu Ziyun said lightly.

"But I don't want to go back." Mo Shu was about to cry.

Mu Ziyun was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Go back to the room."

Mo Shu was overjoyed, turned around and ran to the second floor.

Since Mu Ziyun told her to go back to the room, she would not let her brother take it away.

However, it is clear that Mo Shu also underestimated the anger that Mo Jingsen had accumulated over the past three months.

The security guard did not open the door, and Mo Jingsen drove directly into the door and drove the Maybach, who had been slumped by the front of the car, into the villa.

"Mr Mo's anger is not small." Mu Ziyun looked at Mo Jingsen who stood in the middle of his living room lightly, waved to the subordinates and the butler who followed up like a big enemy, and signaled to go down.

Mo Jingsen took out a stack of cash and put it on the glazed stage in front of Mu Ziyun: "I will pay for the loss, and my sister will hand it over."

Mu Ziyun glanced at the pile of cash, more than enough to compensate for the broken door.

Even the cash is prepared, it seems that it has long been planned.

He recognized that he was concealed back, but he didn't expect Mo Jingsen to know so soon.

He still underestimated Mo Jingsen.

Mu Ziyun changed a more comfortable posture and said unhurriedly: "Your sister is an adult. She has feet and freedom. She loves to stay wherever she is. I didn't tie her up. Mr. Mo asked me for someone. , Isn't it appropriate?"

Mo Jingsen clenched his fist at his side, and the blue veins on his fist jumped up.

However, when he spoke, the anger that was about to erupt miraculously disappeared: "Mr Mu is quite tasteful."

Mo Jingsen seemed to have suddenly become interested in the decorations in Mu Ziyun's house, and he turned to the display cabinet and picked up a vase.

"It's not bad. The one Mr. Mo took was taken by Lan Lan at an auction."

"Really?" Mo Jingsen picked up the vase and looked left and right. Then, the vase "slapped" and fell to the ground, smashed to pieces. He uttered in surprise, "Sorry, hands slippery, this vase It's worthless, six or seven hundred thousand? I will pay you."

As he said, he picked up another vase: "This is not bad, it should cost about a million."

As soon as the voice fell, the vase fell to the ground again.

"Mo Jingsen!" Mu Ziyun was extremely angry.

He bought all those ornaments piece by piece, some treasures, some pure favorites, and many more, he and Shen Xilan bought them together!

Mo Jingsen turned his head and glanced at Mu Ziyun faintly, facing Mu Ziyun's warning eyes, he curled his lips with a cold face, and picked up a jade bottle: "This looks good in craftsmanship, but it's a bit familiar. Let me guess who is responsible for this?"

"A well-known master in China? No, she can only be regarded as just a little famous, and it is not carved, Mr. Mu, am I right?"

Mo Jingsen held the jade bottle with two fingers and watched it fall to the ground at any time.

"Mo Shu, come out!" Mu Ziyun yelled, clutching his heart.

As soon as his voice fell, Mo Shu slowly appeared in the depression on the second floor, and promised to call: "Brother."

Mo Jingsen glanced at Mo Shu coldly, and did not respond.

Mo Shu was guilty and guilty, and his drooping head didn't lift up downstairs.

Mu Ziyun braced himself in front of Mo Jingsen, and was about to grab the jade bottle.

Mo Jingsen moved the jade bottle's hand to the side, avoiding it accurately.

"The person has already come out, return the jade bottle to me!" Mu Ziyun glared at Mo Jingsen.

The technique of this work is still immature. It was the first finished product when Shen Xilan first learned to carve. After she finished carving, she gave it to him as a gift. He always placed it in the middle of all the decorations. .

Seven years, no one dared to move!

Mo Jingsen raised his eyebrows: "You care so much?"

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