Shen Xilan stretched out his hands.

Both of her arms were cut by the forest grass with countless red marks, and it hurt when she first touched the water when she was taking a bath, and she has recovered a lot by now.

Mu Ziyun looked at the wounds, squeezed the corners of her mouth unhappily, disinfected her, and smeared her with a cotton swab moistened with syrup, gently and seriously as if he were treating his cherished baby.

However, didn't he look at her injured through the drone, how she flees embarrassedly, and who is pretending to be seen now?

Shen Xilan wanted to withdraw her hand, saying that it would be fine to apply it by herself.

But today she is very tired and doesn't want to anger him anymore, she will not have the energy to deal with it.

After handling his arms, he got up to her side and treated her neck and face injuries for her, getting closer, and his breathing became slightly heavy.

His desire for her body exceeded her imagination.

Shen Xilan looked down at the floor and said in a deep voice: "Actually, you don't like me, but you are not reconciled to never get me."

With a cotton swab on his neck, Mu Ziyun's dark black eyes looked straight at the corners of the woman's cold mouth, and said mockingly: "Do you think the stimulus method is useful for me? A man likes a woman, it must be obtained. , I don't want to get it, what else do you like?"

"If you really like someone, you want to see her smile, hoping to give her happiness."

"So? Do you think that if you like someone, you have to sacrifice yourself to make you and others better?"

"At least, I won't tolerate her getting hurt under my eyelids, or if I have the ability to prevent her from getting hurt."

Mu Ziyun pursed her lips and said, "Are you blaming me for not showing up in time?"

Shen Xilan shook her head and looked out the dark window: "Last time, at my house, I hurt my hand. You said you were hungry, and you want me to cook and eat by myself. Actually, I don’t need me to cook it by myself. Order takeaway, and someone will deliver it to you wherever you want to eat, even if it is a five-star hotel, but you have to eat it if you hurt your hand."

"I didn't say anything, I did it for you, the wound was affected, blood came out, and the shabu was all red. You didn't see it, you laughed, I saw it."

"You know, I'm not stupid. You can hide it for so many years. It's not that I can't discover your true face, but that I don't want to find out."

Shen Xilan turned her head and looked at Mu Ziyun with red eyes, and said with grief: "You are a friend of my life. You are the godfather of my child. I have only trusted and relied on it for so many years. People! Are we really going to become enemies?"

Every word of her made his heart tremble which he thought was hard enough.

It turned out that she knew his purpose that day, but she still cooked for him. She didn't just do something perfunctorily, but she also took pains to make it nutritious.

Friends and godfather are all he disdains, but the word "enemy" makes him a pain.

Mu Ziyun looked at her wounded, and asked in disbelief: "Enemies...will we become enemies?"

"Yes." Shen Xilan looked back at him definitely, and replied in a hoarse voice: "If you touch me, I will hate you to death. I wish I had never met you before, and I wish I could kill you myself!"

Mu Ziyun's pupils trembled suddenly, and the cotton swab in his hand fell silently to the ground.

He thought that even if he really touched her, she would only anger him and annoy him, just like before, even if he did intimate actions to her, she was not happy, but she would not say it, she still smiled with him.

She threatened him with death, didn't she just rely on him to like her and care about her? Otherwise, what's the use of threats?

He even thought that even if she hated him, she would always think of him, better than she didn't have him in her heart.

But listening to her words of hatred slowly and sinkingly, he was a little frightened.

He who was not even afraid of death, was flustered because of her hate.

Mu Ziyun was panicked by this cognition. He couldn't accept it, let alone understand why this happened. He unconsciously stepped back two steps, then turned and left.

Shen Xilan watched his disappearance, and then the sound of the car started, whizzing and driving away.

His steps were a little nervous, she didn't understand why he was like this, but she was relieved not to be so close to him anymore, she was really tired today.

"Miss Shen, please go back to your room and rest." Just as Mu Ziyun left, someone immediately stepped forward and said.

Say yes, but in reality, you have to go if you don't, or you have to go if you don't.

Shen Xilan went back to the room and fell asleep.

Mu Ziyun never appeared again. She woke up and ate every day, and she was going crazy.

Moreover, she started to doze more and more, and she didn't have much energy every day.

Shen Xilan suspected that they had put medicine in the food, otherwise she could not doze so much, no matter how mad, she could fall asleep as soon as her eyes were closed. This was obviously abnormal, and she began to refuse to eat.

Without a drop of water or a grain of rice for three days, she fainted.

When she woke up, Mu Ziyun was staring at her gritted teeth, sitting next to Dr. Ma, writing a prescription.

He was so embarrassed to stare at her! Don't think he will be afraid of showing that fierce look, she will fight it out!

"If you give me medicine again, I'll starve to death." Shen Xilan's throat was dry and her voice was hoarse.

Mu Ziyun's eyes were full of fire: "Who gave you the medicine! Do you like to eat or not, if you want to starve to death, just starve to death, you are stupid!"

No medicine? Shen Xilan didn't believe it.

It is impossible for her to become sleepy without sleeping all night, and there is no problem with her body, and she only had regular check-ups not long ago.

"It's okay, just..." Doctor Ma said after a meal, and then said: "Don't be troubled with your body. Dozing is not a disease. If you want to sleep, you can sleep well. I prescribe a mild medicine. You can drink it for two days."

Shen Xilan controlled herself not to see Dr. Ma. She had a good relationship with Dr. Ma before, but since the last time he treated him with indifference, she realized a truth. People who are Mu Ziyun have a good relationship with her. There are conditions. They are only loyal to Mu Ziyun, and they will all change when Mu Ziyun changes.

So what he said is almost always what Mu Ziyun ordered.

Seeing Dr. Ma and Steward Mu more than once, she will feel sad once more.

"How many days have you imprisoned me?" Shen Xilan sat up, propped up, and asked coldly.

Really harsh words.

Mu Ziyun frowned: "You have been here for ten days."

"Ten days, actually ten days!" Shen Xilan was panicked, she was living in a muddle-headed way, it was so long.

Si Tian definitely knew about her disappearance, she would be worried and afraid, and mother, she is now living in the city, and she can't hold back such a big thing for long. Also, Mo Jingsen, He must feel that he can't sleep, every day he wants to find her.

She can't stay here any longer, she wants to go back!

"Ziyun, let me go, I beg you." Shen Xilan grabbed Mu Ziyun's clothing corner, her scarlet eyes looked at him imploringly: "Si Tian will not be able to bear my mother's disappearance for so long, you Let me go back, what's the point of keeping me here?"

As she said, her emotions became more and more uncontrollable, and she picked up the pillow and threw it at Mu Ziyun: "I won't like you! I won't like you in my life!"

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