Shen Xilan's body stiffened and stopped.

This is an impossible question, or a depressing question.

Her eyelashes trembled a few times, and then she pretended to inadvertently turned her head and smiled: "It is said that it is a if, there is nothing behind the subjunctive words, when would you ask such naive questions? Roll up your sleeves, Come over and I will teach you."

Mo Jingsen also felt that he was asking ridiculously. The time has gone back less than two years ago. What happened is not something that can be erased if it is a sentence.

"Last time I saw what I did, do you remember some of the steps?" Shen Xilan asked hopelessly.

Mo Jingsen looked at the pot and thought about it: "The eggs you fry are good, and I will learn too."

I really want to go without learning how to crawl.

Mo Jingsen's personality of not hitting the south wall and not looking back, she was really useless to stop it.

Shen Xilan simply took two eggs out of the refrigerator and instructed Mo Jingsen to turn on the fire, heat the pan first, and drain the oil.

Mo Jingsen's unexpected posture was very good, as if he had practiced.

Have you practiced at home these two days?

Shen Xilan was not so relieved as an old mother.

But who knows, she turned around and heard Mo Jingsen yell "Yeah". The next second, she was grabbed by the shoulder by the man and pushed to the front.

Shen Xilan was stunned, and saw the oil in the pot crackling. She turned off the fire out of breath, turned her head and stared at the man hiding behind her: "Did you touch the water with the shovel?"

"Don't you want to wash it?" Mo Jingsen replied with a guilty conscience, and then his body slowly stood up straight.

"Hot oil will jump when it hits water, you don't have any common sense! Also, what do you mean by pushing me to the front?"

"I think you should know how to deal with it."

Mo Jingsen was very innocent and didn't realize what was wrong with him just pushing people out to block the oil.

Shen Xilan took a deep breath and pushed the person out of the kitchen: "You go out."

Mo Jingsen was rushed out aggrievedly, and stood at the kitchen door looking at Shen Xilan through the glass door.

Her long hair was arbitrarily pulled behind her head, showing a beautiful face, wearing an apron and turning around inside, a warm feeling rushing over her face, and people couldn't help but want to keep watching.

The phone rang, and Mo Xinlai message: "Mr. Mo, the meeting is about to begin, where are you? The company can't find it."

He came out after receiving Mo Shu's call. It's strange to find him.

Mo Jingsen's articulated fingers swiped in a row and sent out: "The meeting will be changed to tomorrow afternoon. I am not in the company, and the evening entertainment will also be rejected."

After he sent the message, Shen Xilan turned off the fire, and immediately put the phone away.

When Shen Xilan turned around, she saw Mo Jingsen standing in front of the glass door. She beckoned, and Mo Jingsen immediately opened the door and went in. He brought the egg tray to the restaurant with great eyesight, and then walked back to the end.

I didn't know how to pull her to stop the oil just now.

Hmph, Shen Xilan commanded unceremoniously: "Bring me the dried radish."

Mo Jingsen was stunned for a moment before he remembered what it was. He went to get the jar and handed it to Shen Xilan. Seeing that she had made some out and put it in the saucer, he reached for it, "Is this edible?"

"Poison can't kill you." Shen Xilan carried the plate and left.

Mo Jingsen chewed tentatively, the taste was a bit strange, a bit sweet, a bit salty, and a bit spicy.

He shrugged and picked up the noodles and went to the restaurant.

Shen Xilan wasn't very hungry, she couldn't eat a little bit. She saw Mo Jingsen eating with relish, and her heart was mixed.

She pushed the dried radish over: "Eat some?"

Mo Jingsen's chopsticks paused, and then stretched out.

Obviously, she doesn't like it. She just wants to eat it?

Before Mo Jingsen caught the dried radish, Shen Xilan dragged the dish back and pushed the egg over: "I'm not too hungry, you can eat all the eggs, it doesn't matter if you can't finish eating the noodles and keep them."

"Okay, I'm hungry, I can finish eating." Mo Jingsen accepted the egg unceremoniously.

Shen Xilan watched his bowl gradually empty, frowning slightly: "You haven't eaten at noon?"

Mo Jingsen put down his chopsticks slowly, with an incomprehensible light gleaming in his deep eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Care about me?"

"Who cares about you, do you like to eat or not." Shen Xilan got up and took the bowl back to the kitchen.

Inexplicably, she felt a sense of guilt fermenting in her heart.

Obviously he played what he liked to eat first, she just cooperated.

Shen Xilan took a deep breath and told herself that it was none of my business! Then turn on the faucet and prepare to wash the dishes.

However, she had just taken the dish towel, her body was suddenly wrapped in warmth, and her hands were also surrounded by a pair of thick palms.

Mo Jingsen surrounded her from behind, a very close distance.

Shen Xilan's heart stagnated, and just about to reprimand, Mo Jingsen's magnetic voice rang in a low voice: "I probably won't be able to learn how to cook. Why don't I learn how to wash the dishes? In the future, you cook and I wash the dishes. "

What do you mean when you cook and I wash the dishes?

This is almost like saying, shall we live together in the future?

But is it so casual? Is it because she thinks too much?

While Shen Xilan was thinking about it, Mo Jingsen had already overlapped her hands and washed the dishes.

The crevices of the ten fingers are covered with detergent, which is very slippery. It also makes the hands of the upper and lower layers slip into the crevices of the fingers from time to time.

After only a moment, Shen Xilan felt that his heartbeat frequency was abnormal.

This is how to wash the dishes, it just kills her.

A layer of crimson rose on Shen Xilan's white cheeks, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "You want to wash it, let you wash it."

"I'm not washing it." Mo Jingsen was very innocent, his head leaned forward.

The heads of the two people are almost touching! Should she be fortunate that she is not tall enough, can she still have a dislocation?

I understood it clearly, and deliberately got closer to her!

Shen Xilan was slightly annoyed in embarrassment, and her tone was aggravated and she glared at him sideways: "You go..." She was stunned before opening the word, because her lips pressed against his, soft, warm touch. Instantly struck into the senses.

Obviously, her height can't touch his lips, how could she just kiss him when she came to her side?

Mo Jingsen didn't seem to have expected it either, and his black eyes stared at her blankly.

With her eyes facing each other, Shen Xilan was startled and wanted to get away in a panic, but Mo Jingsen took a step ahead of her and kissed her with her thin lips.

His breath was full of Mo Jingsen's unique aura, and Shen Xilan only felt a hum, his head was filled with paste, unable to think anymore.

The bowl in their hands slipped unconsciously and fell into the sink with a crisp sound, but no one heard it.

Mo Jingsen's palm pressed against the table, and Shen Xilan was gathered in his arms, closing his eyes to deepen the kiss.

When his lips and teeth were entwined, the loud cell phone rang abnormally abruptly.

The two who were immersed in the beautiful feelings awakened suddenly, Shen Xilan wanted to evacuate in a panic and shame, Mo Jingsen raised his hand and pulled the person back, half wrapped in his arms, and answered the phone.


Hearing Mo Jingsen yelling such a hoarse name with a disturbed breathing, Shen Xilan suddenly dared not move.

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