President Shen Always Top Up Money

Chapter 379: Convention enters into force

Chapter 379 Convention enters into force


"I remember that it shouldn't be a squid." Wu Feidao.

He thought for a while and said to the remaining three: "Let's go back to the villa that belongs to us first."

The villa is divided into two areas, north and south, with 1-50 households in the south area and 51-100 households in the north area.

The four quickly found their small villa at No. 79, North District. The villa is divided into upper and lower floors. Downstairs is the living room, dining room and other functional areas. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a study, which is suitable for a three-person team.

For the sake of safety, Wu Fei and Shen Xing lived in one room, and Yuan Lao and Yuan Sanpang lived next to them, so that if there was an accident, everyone else could respond quickly and take care of each other.

After packing up, the four came downstairs and sat on the sofa to continue analyzing the situation in this level.

Wu Fei: "Xingshen is indeed an SSS-level identity. In fact, it is not impossible to be a belief, but we need to consider two issues."

"First, if you want to use the identity of Xingshen, you need to meet the conditions for the second summon. I still don't know what this condition is; second, other planners should have the same ideas as us. In such a strange level, Everyone must hope that their contractors can use non-human identity cards to exist as patron saints."

"Tomorrow's discussion meeting is actually a negotiation. The contractor has the identity of a god, and the higher the identity rarity, the stronger the bargaining power. In a rational situation, the people with the strongest bargaining power must eventually succeed in bargaining. So there are only two possibilities - pick a belief system that more people have, or pick a belief system where the rarest and most powerful gods are."

Yuan Sanpang scratched his face.

Wu Fei: "For example, in the former case, no one in the community has a particularly high rarity of God's identity, and they are generally S-rank, but the number of contractors with the identity of the A-type belief system is the most, and they will be selected in the end. In the latter case, one person directly took out the extremely rare SSS-level **** status, and the bargaining power was instantly filled. His words, his system is his belief system."

Yuan Sanpang: "I see! Then we can do the second one! When we go tomorrow, we will directly photograph the SSS mollusks of Xingshen!"

Wu Fei nodded: "Theoretically we can, as long as I can really summon this identity."

Wu Fei - a planner who has SSS-level status but can't use it.

Yuan Sanpang's face instantly collapsed: "Then why don't we propose an identity that most contractors have as their beliefs? For example, I propose to believe in animals, we set up a flying animal religion, and the identity of the contractors only needs to be with Anything related to animals can be used.”

Wu Fei shook his head: "I guess it's useless, look at your communicator, what other identities can Old Yuan use?"

Wu Fei: "I looked at my communicator, and Xingshen can only use the identity of an ordinary human now. The race is human, but its ability exceeds the limit of the world's technology or magic level, such as interstellar commander and sword repairer. It has been grayed out. Only the identity of the old ruler has not been grayed out, but when I want to summon it, it will always prompt me that I have not met the conditions for the second summon."

Yuan Sanpang looked at his communicator and said dejectedly, "No, Old Yuan doesn't have a suitable identity, and now he can only use the identity of an ordinary human being."

He murmured and complained: "A thousand-year-old demon like a thousand-year-old can't do it. Why, there are still people worshipping King Inspiration. Yuan Lao is a serious demon, why can't he be believed."

Wu Fei: "I guess it is stipulated that only the race is a god, or the identity statement clearly discloses that this identity comes from a certain belief system. Otherwise, your theory of the flying animal religion will be established."

Yuan Sanpang sighed again: "This is not in line with our values."

Wu Fei: "Well, the level requirements, we can only temporarily engage in feudal superstition."

Yuan Sanpang: "That's not what I said."

"I mean, isn't it our old tradition that we believe which gods are useful, and we don't believe those that don't work? So as long as they work, they're gods, and if they don't, they're not. god."

"It's unscientific to engage in such rigid beliefs at this level."

Wu Fei thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You are right. And faith must also keep pace with the times."

Yuan Sanpang agreed: "That's right."

Wu Fei: "For example, guess what **** the game planner believes in?"

Yuan Sanpang was stunned for a moment: "Game God?"

Wu Fei looked at him with a smile: "The version number god."

Before Yuan Sanpang could react, Wu Fei returned to the topic: "But tomorrow's form is a bit unfavorable for us. Now there are only two of us, and we don't have a card that can be used, so it's easy to be used as cannon fodder. May be the first to be evicted on the 4th."

Yuan Sanpang: "Then what should we do? Let's try to draw three cards each to see if we can draw a usable card?"

Wu Fei: " can try it."

If the available cards can be drawn, tomorrow's action strategy will be completely different.

So the two drew three cards each.

Five minutes later, the two were still sitting with each other, each looking calmer than the other.

Yuan Sanpang: "Wu Fei, what did you draw?"

Wu Fei: "You speak first."

Yuan Sanpang: "I'm actually lucky this time. There are S-rank alchemists, and R-rank doctors and popes."

He sighed: "Unfortunately, it's not very useful this time."

"You said I even took out the Pope, but it just couldn't be used."

"Did I make a wrong wish before drawing the card? The **** who drew the card didn't understand what I meant. I wanted a card related to faith, and he gave me a Pope." Yuan Sanpang rambled.

Then he looked at Wu Fei: "It's your turn, Wu Fei, what card did you draw?"

Wu Fei said with a stern face: "I took out an S card."

"What card is it?" Yuan San asked eagerly.

"Pilot." Wu Fei spread his hands and showed Yuan Sanpang the introduction of the new S card.

I saw that it showed-

Name: Shen Xing

Race: Dragon

Occupation: Pilot

Special ability: fly a plane; change shape: can switch freely between human and dragon form.

Rarity: S

Identity statement:

Dragons are powerful races with a long history. After entering modern society, most dragons will choose to hide in the mountains and deep seas, or disguise themselves as human beings like many other races and enter human society.

Shen Xingyu ended his dormant life in the Arctic in recent years, disguised himself as a human and came to the city. With his racial talent, he became an excellent pilot.

"It seems to be quite strong. Even though he can fly, he still learned to fly." Wu Fei praised.

It's just an indomitable will to work.

Yuan Sanpang followed in admiration: "Gao, worthy of being a **** of action."

The dragon race is inherently strong. Although it is S-rank, its combat power must not be weak.

It's still a new S-rank ID card, no matter where you look at it, it can't be considered bad luck.

But unfortunately he can't use it now.

Wu Fei didn't hide it, and quickly confessed the results of the remaining two draws: "There is also a new N card, which is a programmer... and the hidden identity of the S-rank sword repair card, which is the bewitched snake. ."

Yuan Sanpang: "Teng Snake... This should be believed, right? Teng Snake rides the fog, it has a lot of history."

Wu Fei: "No."

"Oh." Yuan Sanpang slumped back.

Wu Fei's card communicator, the introduction of the newly drawn programmer card is:

Name: Shen Xing

Race: human

Identity: Program

Special Ability: Programming

Rarity: N

Identity statement: Programmer with a very high professional level. Don't like talking, immersed in the world of code, but very reliable.

Wu Fei remembered that Shen Xing also had an identity as a painter, so Shen Xing could develop the game by himself.

Yes, he is also a president, so he can invest in himself; he is a musician, he can compose music for himself; he is a politician, and he can issue a version number to himself.

The other Jianxiu's hidden identity is not a new ID card, it just completes the information of Jianxiu's identity, so now Wu Fei still has five S-rank ID cards, and there is no more one.

The completed Jianxiu ID card shows:

Name: Shen Xing

Race: human

Identity: Jianxiu

Hidden Identity: Teng Snake

Special Abilities: Immortal Cultivation, Swordsmanship, Immortal Technique, Soaring Snake Technique

Rarity: S (upgradeable)

Identity statement:

On the surface, he is a disciple of Yinhan Xianmen, the first sect of sword cultivation.

In fact, it flies snakes for the ancient beasts, lives with the heaven and the earth, and has powerful abilities. But tens of thousands of years ago, its original body was enchanted and sealed. Ten thousand years later, his spiritual consciousness awakened, transformed into an ordinary immortal cultivator, and worshipped Yinhan Xianmen, while his original body was still under the seal.

Wu Fei felt that his wish was also misinterpreted. He wanted a god, and the **** of drawing cards gave him the hidden identity of a beast.

Yuan Sanpang looked at Wu Fei: "Then what should we do now? Continue to smoke?"

Wu Fei shook his head: "Stop smoking, let's use plan two."

Yuan Sanpang: "Plan two?"

Wu Fei nodded: "Although everyone's current status as a **** can still be summoned, I guess everyone won't really fight tomorrow."

"So we don't really need to have a high-level **** card, we just need to make everyone else think we have it."

"A total of 54 households were expelled in 27 days. We don't even need to pretend to be too strong. We only need to be in the top 40 to be more stable."

Wu Fei told Yuan Sanpang about his plan. Yuan Sanpang nodded after hearing this.

"Most of the content of the contract is currently directed to the yard, and there are not many things to pay attention to in the house. We can rest and prepare for a while tonight." Wu Feidao finished talking about the plan.

Yuan Sanpang nodded: "Okay, just now, Mr. Yuan went to check the villa. At present, there is no problem, there is no mirror, and the supplies are enough for two days. To be conservative, we will go to the supermarket tomorrow after the life discussion meeting. supplies."

Wu Fei: "Okay."

It was getting late, and the four of them ate some bread and instant noodles in the villa and went back to the house separately to sleep.

Shen Xing was lying beside him, even in the strange and strange level, Wu Fei still slept soundly.

In his sleep, he heard Shen Xing's voice calling in his ear: "Wu Fei, wake up."

Someone pinched his ears.

Wu Fei opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Shen Xing sitting beside the bed, Yuan Sanpang and Yuan Lao both standing in their room.

Wu Fei suddenly woke up: "What's wrong?"

Yuan Sanpang nervously pointed downstairs and whispered, "Listen, someone is knocking on the door of our villa."

The room was very quiet, and Wu Fei did hear a clear knock on the door outside the villa.

Yuan Lao looked at his watch and said, "It's three o'clock in the morning, and the convention has come into effect."


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