013. Empty the magazine and shoot Ye Lyuqin! The real power of the Soviet-Xiong alliance! Break the ten conspiracies of US President Bush! (Please give me flowers)

Konev and Yeluqin stood face to face, their eyes clashing like knives.

Konev raised his head slightly, stared at Yeluqin indifferently, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Yerluqin, you think you are smart, but you haven’t thought that those old guys in the manor are ready to divide the assets after you die.”

“The Western system you believe in is simply a joke.”

“Just when the basic materials of electricity, water and life are privatized, they will only charge sky-high electricity prices in the coldest places in winter.”

“The oil fields and mines that our Soviet-Bear Alliance has worked hard to explore, they will only sign contracts to buy them for one cent.”

“Their freedom and democracy are only for 0.01% of the people in the country! Everyone else will become slaves of capital.”

“You are stupid and bad!”

Konev accused with a firm tone and mercilessly.

“The Western political system you pursue will only hand over our resources to those foreign capitalists. Do you want our people to become cheap labor?”

Yelutchin frowned, his anger ready to explode.

He stood straight, his fingers clenched into fists.

At this point, Yelutchin also tore his face and cursed: “Ungrateful! Wolf-hearted thing!”

“We trained you so much before and helped you rise all the way.”

“Konev, you betrayed all of us. The real traitor is you!”

“Only if we embrace freedom and democracy can the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance get rid of the current situation!”

Konev’s eyes were indifferent, and he didn’t care about Yelutchin’s disguised speech now.

To him, Yelutchin’s remarks were like fallen leaves floating in the wind, without any weight.

“Freedom? You don’t realize at all what kind of crisis the Soviet-Bear Alliance is heading towards.”

“How many Soviet-Bear people will be killed and injured because of such a man-made disaster!

“You are ridiculously short-sighted! “Yelqin subconsciously took a step forward, his voice raised in anger, his lips trembling slightly.

“If we take the path of freedom and democracy, the first two years will be difficult at most.”

“But if your coup succeeds, it will only accelerate the decline of the alliance and eventually make you lose everything.”

“Only the West can save us. Why do you ignore the people of the whole country and refuse excellence! You are murdering all the Soviet-Bear people.”

“Save us?” Konev shook his head with a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth. “Your blind worship of the West will only lead you to destruction.”

“I will no longer allow you to destroy the Soviet-Bear alliance.”

Just as the two sides stared at each other, Putin slowly stepped forward and stood beside Konev.

He held a pistol in his hand, and the black muzzle flashed a cold metallic light under the light.

“Konev, this is… what are you going to do? ”

Yelqin’s voice suddenly became low, and a trace of fear flashed in his angry expression.

He realized that the murderous intent in Konev’s eyes was not false.

“What should I do?”

Konev had a blank expression, but his eyes flashed with a strange light.

“Don’t you know?”

Konev said, with a chill in his eyes.

“You dare!” Yeluqin’s voice was angry, and his eyes glared at Putin., a desperate twist in his heart.

He could never believe that the person he once trusted would stand behind Konev and aim at him.

Putin did not respond, his expression was grim, but the gun in his hand was ruthlessly pointed at Yeluqin.

At this critical moment, Yeluqin still did not think he was wrong, and suddenly shouted that he wanted to tip off.

But in fact, Putin’s gun was faster.


Putin pulled the trigger, and the sound of the gun was loud and clear, sweeping across Yeluqin’s last struggle.

Bang bang bang! Click!

Putin emptied the magazine directly to express his anger at the sinners who harmed the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

After being hit by a magazine of bullets, Yeluqin’s body trembled slightly, his eyes lost their luster in an instant, and he fell on the dark red carpet.

Konev looked at Yeluqin lying on the ground, and he knew it very well.

From this moment on, he was carrying the hundreds of millions of people in the Soviet-Bear Alliance and the rise and fall of the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance on his shoulders!

In the White House in Washington.

Old Bushi was sitting at the table with a report, frowning and anxious.

At this moment, the phone rang urgently, interrupting him from his thoughts.

He picked up the phone and said impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

Kurt’s voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding extremely nervous.

“President Bushi, we have an important matter to discuss. There has been a coup in the Soviet-Xiong Alliance!”


Old Bushi frowned even more, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

He heard clearly that although the situation of the Soviet-Xiong Alliance was unstable recently, he did not expect the disintegration faction to be so fast.

“Did Yeluqin succeed?” He asked anxiously, but there was a faint ripple of uneasiness in his heart.

“Report to the President, it was Konev, the Minister of State Security. He is the Minister of State Security.”

Kurt explained hurriedly, and his tone revealed the information that had been prepared long ago.

“He manipulated everything and took the opportunity to launch a coup to prevent the disintegration of the alliance.”


Old Bu Shi was unfamiliar with this name. He shook his head and muttered to himself with doubt, “This guy was not on the list of important people before?”

Kote sighed softly, as if he realized how delicate the situation was.

“Yes. He was underestimated. He holds power and secretly gathers a lot of support. There is even an army!

However, his goal is to stabilize the Suxiong Alliance to prevent the infiltration of foreign enemies.”

Old Bu Shi’s face gradually darkened. He stood up and began to pace anxiously in front of his desk.

“In this way, Konev will come to power and our layout will be destroyed.”

“His coming to power is likely to disrupt our plans there.”

“Yes, it is entirely possible.”

Kote seemed even more nervous, “Our previous efforts there may be in vain. We need to respond urgently.”

Old Bu Shi stopped, put his hands in his pockets, and his expression became serious.

He knew that this coup was not just a struggle within the Soviet-Bear Alliance, but could also affect the entire international situation. “We must clarify the situation and never let Konev get what he wants. What should we do?”

“I will send our agents to assess the situation as soon as possible.situation, see if we can find a breakthrough point. ”

Kurt’s voice became steady, revealing a glimmer of hope. “At the same time, we have to contact our allies to see what they think.”

“Okay.” Old Bu nodded, trying to calm himself down.

“Get intelligence in a timely manner, and never take it lightly.”

“If that Konev really succeeds in the coup, then the money and manpower and material resources we spent in the Su Xiong Alliance will be wasted! ?

PS: More chapters are here, and more chapters will be added if the number of flowers exceeds 1,000, and more chapters will be added if the number of evaluation votes exceeds 60. Please give me flowers, collections, and data support. It is still being updated.

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