015. The Suxiong Alliance will start the S3 season. Please accept my anger and eliminate the people you have planted! (Please give me flowers and collect them)

CIA Director Kurt shouted, and the whole conference room looked over.

Everyone’s eyes were full of anxiety.

The current Soviet-Bear Alliance has completely lost contact with the Eagle Sauce high-level.

From the official to the spies they planted, they all seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, and no news could be obtained.

That is why, even if they wanted to reinforce the internal supporters of the Soviet-Bear Alliance, they didn’t know where to send people and what to bring.

And they were more worried that this sudden appearance of Konev would use very radical means to control all the members of the disintegration faction.

Even if they had already eliminated them all!

If this is true, then the control of the Soviet-Bear Alliance may have already belonged to Konev.

Even if Yeluqin could really call on hundreds of millions of people to support him.

But Konev, who controls the army, can still directly take down Yeluqin and solve the problem fundamentally.

Thinking this way, the more panicked Old Bush became.

It was in this state of disconnection that he even remembered the armored torrent of Su Xiong with a million armors.

The full sense of oppression made him feel difficult to breathe.

Kurt said that he had contacted Su Xiong, and Old Bushi instinctively stood up from his seat, rushed over and asked: “Where is it? Who did you contact? Take me there immediately.”

Kurt replied excitedly: “It’s the presidential office of the Su Xiong Alliance. The direct line to the president of the country we left during the Guba crisis has been connected.”

Hearing this news, Old Bushi’s eyes suddenly became bigger. He thought in his heart that the presidential line was connected, so doesn’t it mean that Ye Luqin has succeeded?

Speaking of this, his tense shoulders also drooped, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “Ye Luqin is still good, it was done so quickly.”

“I said, Gorba himself has no ability, how can his son have such great ability.”

As they said, the two of them hurried to the phone.

“I am President Bush, the Eagle Sauce President. We need to conduct an emergency call between the two countries in accordance with the terms of the Cuban Treaty.”

But the next moment, the voice that came from the phone was not Gorba or Bush.

The voice was a little young, but it sounded very steady.

“Hello, President Bush. I am Konev, the current chairman of the National Emergency Committee and the interim president of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

When Konev said this, Bush and CIA Director Kurt were dumbfounded.

The name Konev was like a thunderbolt, making the two people’s heads buzz.

The culprit who launched the Soviet-Bear Alliance coup is now in the presidential office of the Soviet-Bear Alliance!

Doesn’t this mean…

“Konev, I’m seriously asking you where President Gorba went? And where’s President Yeluchin!”

Konev listened to Old Bush’s anxious question and said calmly: “This is our Soviet-Bear Alliance’s internal affairs, and it has nothing to do with you.”

“You can fool them, but you can’t fool me”

“Your hypocritical democracy and freedom, hypocritical collusion of interests, stay with your Eagle Sauce and Northern Alliance, we don’t need it in the Soviet-Bear Alliance”

When Konev said this, Old Bush knew that this person was stubborn and wanted toIt is impossible to seduce him with benefits.

Good luck will definitely not work, so the words that Old Bush was about to say immediately changed, and he said in a gentle tone:

“Mr. Konev, I think you may have some misunderstandings.”

“Although there are some disputes between our Eagle Sauce and the Soviet Bear Alliance, as the two most powerful ideological bodies in the world, we should all think about the people of all countries.”

“Look, you are in economic difficulties and lack of materials. Didn’t our Eagle Sauce Northern Alliance also support you with a lot of materials and loans?”

“There is no need for the two major consciousnesses to be so hostile, and you don’t need to be so wary. We are all thinking about the people.”

Old Bush said in a high-sounding tone, with a persuasive tone on his mouth, and he was cursing in his heart.

You little bastard dare to ruin our good things!

Even if your father is Gorba, don’t think about saving you!

Konev has seen this set of easing rhetoric countless times in textbooks.

To sum it up,

Whoever believes it is an idiot.

After clearing his cough, Konev said calmly: “Old President Bush. You can fool Gorba and Yeluqin, but please respect the intelligence of the alliance faction.”

“As you said, the Eagle Sauce and the Northern Alliance did provide material and resource assistance to the Soviet Union.”

“But all your assistance comes at a high price, cabbage for airplanes? Flour for oil fields?”

“Do you really think that Gorba can hide it from the people below, and can also hide it from me?”

“By the way, after I officially become president, all your agreements with the Gorba government will be All will be invalidated!”

“Don’t expect to buy our mineral resources at a bargain price with those rubbish agreements.”

“By the way, the number of traitors you have planted in those enterprises totals 16,712. There are 2,536 traitors in the government.”

“I believe there are spies besides these people. But as long as I am in office, all the maggots you put in will be found.”

At first, Old Bu Shi thought that maybe this young man Konev could be fooled and let him slowly accept the West.

But now, it’s stinky and hard, and there is no hope of assimilation.

Konev’s voice on the other end of the phone was calm, even with a hint of contempt.

“Old Bu Shi, listen carefully, Gorba and Yeluqin are no longer presidents. The Soviet-Bear Alliance will not disintegrate, and in the future, I will be the new president of this alliance.”

Old Bu Shi’s face suddenly became gloomy, and anger burned in his chest like a rising flame.

“Are you kidding? You?”

“Are you kidding?” Konev’s tone was unhesitating, as if he was stating something that was a matter of course.

“Your conspiracy in the name of freedom is nothing but a dream. Wait, the wrath of the Soviet-Bear people will fall on you.”

“Want to insist on dividing the Soviet-Bear alliance? Then I will fire the first shot of S3!”

“Our long-range missiles will target every one of your cities!”

Old Bu Ten tensed up when he heard this.

Konev is far more capable than he imagined.More violence!

From the armed seizure of power to the threat of starting S3, it shows that Konev really dares to fight!

If Konev really relies on his own ability to achieve the current level, then he will be a huge threat to the entire West!

His heart tightened, and he was instantly timid, but he still sneered:

“Haha, you want to challenge the entire free Western world? Do you know what this means?”

“Your troops can’t even pay their salaries now, and you still want to fight against us in the West?”

Old Bushi was calm, but his voice gradually rose.

His eyes were firm, reflecting an attitude of never giving in.

“If you dare to provoke the war in S3 season, then, the Western world will not hesitate to respond with force.”

On the other end of the phone, Konev’s sneer made Old Bushi feel like an ice needle piercing his heart.

“Old Bu Shi, I know whether you dare to fight or not, and you also know whether I dare to fight or not.”

“I will not succumb to your pressure. My first step is to take back all your property rights in the Suxiong Alliance and arrest all the spies.”

“Let the Suxiong people see the true face of you Westerners!”

PS: Updated. More updates if more flowers exceed 600, more updates if more evaluation votes exceed 60. Please give me flowers, please collect me, and please give me some data.

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