002. 50,000 Red Alert soldiers surrounded the Kremlin and launched a coup! (Please give flowers and collect)

March 11, 1985.

Gorba, a man who claimed that the purpose of his life was to eliminate communism, became the president of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

If Konev had not traveled through time and knew what Gorba had done in the following decades, he would not have believed that his father was the biggest scourge of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

In the past, Konev would have only regarded this as a joke after dinner.

But now Gorba is destroying the world’s largest alliance that Konev is about to get!

Konev clearly remembered that before Gorba took office, he and his wife had already had different intentions.

But in that era when information was completely controlled by the media, the West knew that these two people were the biggest help in tearing apart the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

But the Soviet-Bear people were kept in the dark.

Even in their eyes, Gorba was a conscientious but powerless president.

But in fact, Gorba knew the Soviet-Bear too well. After he came to power, he implemented a prohibition order.

For countries like the Soviet-Bear Alliance where the wine culture is deeply rooted in their genes, this is not prohibition, this is fatal!

The people of Suxiong who wanted to drink a sip of wine lined up from morning to night, feeling helpless.

Many people of Suxiong even shouted that they wanted to go to the Kremlin to fuck Gorba, but finally they had to go back to the tavern to line up.

Because at the entrance of the Kremlin, people who wanted to fuck Gorba lined up for a kilometer.

In addition to making the people of Suxiong distressed, the prohibition of alcohol also reduced the country’s fiscal revenue.

This made Suxiong, which was already in economic recession, unable to even drink bitter wine.

The subsequent development led to the rise of the underground alcohol industry, which joined forces with the gangs to fight against the government!

But blindly prohibiting alcohol is not even a younger brother in the face of economic reform.

Gorba knew a hundred ways to boost the economy of the Suxiong Alliance, and then he chose the one hundred and first.

Under his drastic measures, the entire Suxiong Alliance increased investment in the machinery manufacturing industry and worked hard to strengthen the development of heavy industry.

The main point is that when you are hungry and tired, you have to forge iron, forge big iron, and forge iron hard!

When the middle class was extremely hungry, all they could think about was the bang bang bang of heavy machine tools!

The fragile agriculture and light industry were drained of blood again, and food, clothes and various daily necessities became extremely scarce.

In the end, even precious land, oil and minerals had to be exchanged for dishwashing brushes.

The livelihood issues were handled by Gorba so that there was no risk of them being cured.

The people’s hearts in the Soviet-Bear Alliance also fell to the bottom.

But even so, in the referendum, as many as 80% of the people still did not want to see the Soviet-Bear Alliance, which was once magnificent in history, disintegrate.

The people did not give up.

But the hard-working Gorba did not give up either, and he worked harder to send out a big move!

Directly abandon economic reform.

This approach allowed the country’s fiscal deficit to expand, prices to rise, currency to increase, and various industrial enterprises to suffer large-scale losses.

The hearts of the Soviet-Bear people fell to the bottom, and they continued to be buried in despair while driving heavy drills.

When the economic reform was showing its power, Gorba added fuel to the fire and began reforms in the political field.

The reforms in the political field also seem to be very hard-working, and they accurately choose the most deadly plan.

Gorba, he did it again.

He abolished the absolute ruling status of the Soviet-Xiong alliance,Implement a multi-party system.

This also led to the rise of opposition and local factions.

His decision will make the country lose control, and the entire alliance will directly come to the edge of a cliff of complete loss of control!

And the acting propaganda minister Yakov and the foreign minister Sheval, who are related to the Soviet-Bear Alliance, are also heavyweights.

The two of them took a two-pronged approach, and both internal ideology and external geopolitical strategy were crushed.

In March 1990, the Pineapple Sea joined the country of Tao and withdrew from the alliance.

In April 1991, Georgia declared independence.

This month, Estonia and Latvia will declare independence.

And the founding countries Ermao and Wuxiong will also declare opposition.

Once independence is declared, it will really be over.

The process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union will definitely be greatly accelerated.

And in June of this year, Yelijin became the first president in the first election of the Great Mao Kingdom.

His mind and style are more decisive, and Gorba will be driven out of power in a short time.

By that time, even the gods and the gods can’t save them.

But tonight.

In the mountains of Su Xiong.

A brightly lit Red Alert base is preparing for the inspection in an orderly manner.

In this huge base, there are ten Allied construction sites where various buildings can be built.

Allied barracks buildings can produce Red Alert soldiers.

These soldiers are no different from real people, but they all have excellent military qualities and strong combat effectiveness.

More importantly, all of them are absolutely loyal to Konev!

After a year of accumulation, Konev already has 50,000 iron-blooded Red Alert soldiers.

This army is enough to compete with an army of more than 100,000 or even 200,000 or 300,000 people!

In addition, 20 mines are producing various minerals day and night.

A large amount of mineral resources have been transformed into various new advanced equipment in various production factories.

At the same time, the equipment of Eagle Sauce is simply paper toys for these fierce goods.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Konev returned to the Red Alert base in a bulletproof car.

Corps Commander Joseph stepped forward to open the door for Konev and saluted straight.

This is the first general role Konev got, Corps Commander Joseph.

Joseph has the best combat experience.

In the simulated combat confrontation between him and a group of senior military commanders of the Suxiong Alliance, he never lost.

More importantly, in actual combat, the troops under his command will have an additional 20% combat effectiveness improvement!

The Red Alert soldiers, who are already tall and strong, plus the combat effectiveness improvement of the Corps Commander.

Not to mention the rifle shooting, the physical resistance is enhanced, and the slow-moving pistol bullets can be blocked by muscles.

Fighting the Eagle Sauce soldiers in hand-to-hand combat is like holding a chicken, one punch and one without a sound.

Accompanied by Corps Commander Joseph, Shen Fei strode onto the rostrum and looked up.

Fifty thousand Red Alert soldiers stood upright with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, and the neat infantry square formation was completely endless!

Around the infantry formation, there are thousands of armored vehicles and 500 Rhino tanks.

There are even 100 armed helicopters waiting to take off at any time at the airport behind.

This incomparable and rapidly growing combat force is Cognac.Konev wanted to take down the most solid foundation of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Konev pointed at the microphone and shouted loudly: “My brave soldiers! Listen to my command and go to the Kremlin! Ura!”

The next moment, the blood vessels on the heads of the 50,000 powerful Red Alert infantry bulged, and they used all their strength to roar loudly:

“Ura! Ura! Ura!”

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