027. Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys and suppress the rebellion to deter other member states, a genius speaker! (Please give flowers and collect)

Konev noticed the difference in the current situation and realized that this must be a major counterattack by the West in response to his control of the situation.

In all the years that Gorba was in power, there had never been such a synchronized union-wide turmoil.

Just as Konev stood up, Putin, who had just entered the office, handed Konev an urgent intelligence and said to Konev:

“President, there are turmoil in all member states of the Soviet-Bear Alliance. This is really abnormal.”

“I can guarantee that there is definitely Western involvement.”

Konev took the document neatly, quickly checked it and replied: “What nonsense are you talking about.”

“This major turmoil across the alliance is obviously because I asked Cardro to announce yesterday that he would restore the sole ruling status of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

“If such power is concentrated in our hands, then if you want to seize it again from the West, I’m afraid there will be no hope.

Not only Konev thinks so, but the corps commander Tanya next to him also said: “Mr. President, I agree with your point of view. If all the subsequent reforms are implemented, it will be difficult for Western infiltration forces to enter our country to interfere with the production and life of our farmers.”

Then Putin continued to remind Konev: “We have received more important intelligence here. ”

“The capital of the Azerbaijan-Soviet Union is the worst site of unrest.”

“We suspect that the capital of the Azerbaijan-Soviet Union is the core source of information dissemination by Western forces.”

“It’s just that the situation there is in chaos now. The Third Army and the National Guard have already taken to the streets in advance to control the situation in accordance with your order.”

“But their control is not effective. A large number of people have been led by public opinion to take to the streets, shouting for freedom and human rights, and wanting to know the truth.”

“They have been fooled by the Western rhetoric.”

“And it’s a headache for our soldiers to intercept them. After all, we can’t open fire on them, nor can we suppress them violently.” ”

Putin mentioned this point because he wanted Konev to consider whether to use force to suppress the rioting people in order to ensure the normal operation of the Azerbaijan Allied Powers.

Konev looked at the hopeful look in Putin’s eyes and shook his head coldly.

In Konev’s eyes, the reason why Western agents held such a large-scale march was that they wanted to divide the relationship between the people and the government.

In the process of such a riot march.

If the army violently suppresses it, there will definitely be bloodshed.

At that time, the Western media will report this fact.

And translate it into other languages, and increase the public opinion offensive inside and outside the Soviet-Bear Alliance!

At that time, whether at home or abroad, the overwhelming news will publicize the brutality and evil of the Soviet-Bear Alliance government.

If this happens, the trust that has just been established between the people and the government will easily collapse.

This will be a very significant challenge and blow to the Konev government, which has just come to power.

After all, no matter what laws a country enacts, how it publishesIf the people do not implement or participate in the development direction plan, then no matter how good the plan is, it will be a piece of waste paper.

So Konev firmly rejected Putin’s request, and emphasized to Putin and the ammunition: “We Soviet Bears have always served the people.”

“If your Soviet Bear people need help, then we should be there.”

“We must have our own beliefs and bottom line, and we must not be like those Western troops who do not care about the lives of the people and shoot whenever they want.”

“We must even empty the entire magazine to prevent the other party from surviving.”

After Konev emphasized that he could not shoot, Putin had to nod.

After all, in the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance, Konev is the undisputed king.

Konev continued to say to Putin and Tanya: “I believe our people have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.”

“They are just blinded by those Western spies and abnormal propaganda methods.”

“But they will definitely find that only our government can save the present and future Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

Konev said, his eyes full of unquestionable determination.

Then, he took Putin and Tanya on a special plane to the Azerbaijan Union.

Azerbaijan Union, outside the parliament building.

The wide eight-lane national street has been packed with marchers, and a large number of people are holding flags and shouting slogans.

On their flags, there are words questioning Konev.

There are also many people who shouted that Konev is an evil dictator who wants to kill all of them.

There are even rumors that Konev is an alien who came to Earth specifically to create a massacre, and all kinds of remarks are emerging in an endless stream.

The only thing in common is that all the marchers look angry.

Their fear and anxiety about the future make them dare not believe what they see.

In their eyes, only the pie drawn by the West is a beautiful future.

Therefore, they don’t care whether it is true or false, they just want to escape from reality as soon as possible.

Even if they indulge themselves in that falsehood, they can get a moment of peace of mind.

However, their action to rush into the National Parliament Building was firmly blocked by the 3rd Army.

The fully armed 3rd Army held hands and formed three human walls.

They completely protected the entire parliament building with their bodies.

These Konev’s army soldiers are extremely loyal, and they are all loyal to Konev.

They believe that the president who can make up his mind to purge Western forces will never harm them.

Even more loyal than them is a Red Alert soldier who is escorting a convoy into the Azerbaijan Parliament Building!

The shouts of the crowd coming from the window can be clearly heard in the office of the President of the Parliament of the Azerbaijan Union.

The President of Azerbaijan listened to the noise outside in the presidential office with a complicated look in his eyes.

He was a staunch supporter of the Soviet-Bear alliance and recognized Konev’s power.

But facing the unprecedentedly large parade, he was already somewhat at a loss.

Konev, standing in front of him, looked firm and said directly:

“The people are not worried, I can understand”Understand, now the problem cannot be solved by force alone.”

“Will not let the Azerbaijan member states and other member states, as well as the names of the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance, know what the future of the Soviet-Bear Alliance will be like?”

PS: Updated, more updates when the number of flowers exceeds 1,000, and more updates when the number of evaluation votes exceeds 100. Please give me flowers, collections, and some data support.

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