029. Order the Red Alert spies to kill the spies, and kill all the terrorists without leaving any alive! (Please give flowers and collect)

“I am Konev, Chairman of the Emergency Committee of the Soviet-Bear Union and the current interim president of the Soviet-Bear Union!”

“I heard your voices, and I want to talk to you!”

The loud and steady voice spread over a radius of one kilometer.

All the people marching and demonstrating on the Central Avenue were stunned.

The same shouting voice completely covered the slogans they shouted.

Although it was just an ordinary shout.

But this was the first time in the lives of all the demonstrators that they had a direct conversation with the president of the Soviet-Bear Union.

This situation instantly stopped all the marchers’ actions.

They all raised their heads and looked at the balcony on the second floor of the administrative building in the distance.

No matter how far or near, they could see a straight figure standing on the balcony holding a microphone.

Even from a distance, they could feel the integrity and strength contained in this tough voice.

These two short sentences immediately calmed the tens of thousands of demonstrators.

In just a few seconds, the central street, which was crowded with people and had no end in sight, became extremely quiet.

The waving flags and slogans also stopped, and everyone looked ahead.

“Is that man Konev?”

“Is that our new president?”

When some people regained consciousness, the leader of the parade immediately began to shout: “What new president is bullshit, he is a murderer, he is a massacre, shout with me! Massacre! Massacre!”

However, on the central street, more than 10 leaders in several places recently led a sparse shouting.

The vast majority of people knew that Konev, the newly appointed president of the Soviet-Bear Alliance, was right in front of them, and they immediately calmed down a lot.

At least they were much calmer in their words and deeds.

But the sparse three words “massacre” still reached Konev’s ears.

Konev knew that if he could hear it, the people around him could also hear it.

Since I said I would talk to them, if I leave this voice alone, wouldn’t it be a disguised acquiescence?

So Konev held the microphone without hesitation and looked in the direction of the voice.

His eyes did not dodge at all, and his voice became even tougher.

He answered calmly:

“Our Soviet-Bear Alliance was once so powerful, united with a steel-like will.

“But later, those maggots who coveted us became anxious. They knew they couldn’t beat us fair and square, so they used despicable tricks to infiltrate.”

“False propaganda, smearing and falsifying history, tempting our officials, buying off people with weak wills, brainwashing with various cultural ideas, and so on!”

“I heard your cries, some of you called me a massacre, so I will tell you the truth now. ”

Konev knew very well that the name of the massacre came from the disappearance of 20,000 people in Moss that night.

The 20,000 missing traitors were all confirmed by the Red Alert police dogs.

And during the days when they were imprisoned, the intelligence departments of various countries and the prison wardens’ team worked overtime to collect evidence and torture them.

In just a few days, the facts were explained and evidence was obtained.The number of suspects has reached 18,000.

The remaining ones are those who are hard to investigate, and they are basically big fish.

With these evidences in hand, Konev is naturally not panicking.

Because what he has to do now is to establish a common enemy for all people and let the Soviet people unite again.

As for the bad guys among the masses, Konev has also thought of ways to deal with them.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of marchers on Central Avenue, Konev continued sternly:

“In the past year, our team has been searching for these traitors day and night, trying to find all the bad guys hiding among the masses!”

“That night in Moss City, our team has arrested 21,842 people in the archives.”

“And all the arrested people are detained in a prison in Klins.”

“Each of them has three meals a day and travel guaranteed.”

“But we also found out from their interrogation that 971 has interpersonal relationships, money, letters, and even dangerous items such as guns, ammunition, and explosives with hostile forces.”

“They are trying to infiltrate the people and make trouble, so that the foundation of our country will become cannon fodder to destroy the country”

“As Su Xiong, I Provisional President of the Union, I will never allow such a situation to happen. ”

“My duty from the first day to the last day will not change, that is, to protect the Soviet-Xiong Union and the people of the Soviet-Xiong Union!”

“If possible, please find those who led the slogans just now and hand them over to the guards on both sides of the street.”

“We will carefully ask them why they fabricated the facts and investigate all their relationships.”

“If they are innocent, we will compensate them and escort them home.”

“If they have problems, we will make instructions in a communiqué for everyone in the country to see and reassure the people of the country.”

Konev’s words directly explained what happened in Moss that night.

Dispel the idea that Konev was a massacre.

At the same time, it immediately made the crowd of the entire parade realize that they were likely to be used.

The next moment, someone in the crowd raised his hand and shouted.

Then the guards on the side of the street rushed into the crowd and took away the person who shouted the slogans.

The leader who originally led the parade and the criminal police was taken away.

The entire parade was immediately leaderless.

At this time, Konev said calmly and slowly: “Besides that, I have a lot to say to you.”

“I also understand that the reason why everyone gathered here is that there have been many problems in the Awakening Alliance in recent years.”

“I have seen with my own eyes that our high-level officials have been corrupt, taking bribes, and embezzling. I have seen that these high-ranking officials have forgotten their original intentions.”

“I have seen that various government departments are inefficient, slow to deal with problems, and hypocritical and incompetent.”

“It is precisely because we did not do well internally that a large number of factories and companies have closed down and gone bankrupt under the impact of external forces.”

“Originally happy families have become in crisis, and the number of unemployed people has increased day by day, making our society lose the initial stability of bandits.”

“I think everyone has also seenIn recent years, the Gorbachev government has blindly learned the Western system and copied everything from the West. What kind of impact has it had on our country and society? ”

“Ask yourself, is the previous development better or the current development better?”

“We can all see it with our naked eyes, and the answer is in the hearts of all of us”

“The reason why I stand up and stand with you now is because we all hope that the Soviet-Bear Alliance can be as strong, beautiful, peaceful and stable as before.”

“We can change all this!”

“I want to get rid of those hypocritical freedoms and democracies. I hope everyone can make their own voices and have their own ideas. They can all unite in a strong alliance.”

“As you can see, I issued an order a few days ago not to recognize the independence of those countries.”

“Because I found that the factories built by the people brick by brick were sold to the Eagle Sauce by those maggots for one dollar.”

“The workers’ wages were cut in half, while the prices of the products sold by the factories tripled.”

“At the same time, the minerals, oil and other resources of those independent member states were auctioned at bargain prices. ”

“And now I want to expose all corruption to the sun, and let the Suxiong Alliance take back everything that was looted by the bandits!”

“We face the enemy together! We will definitely be able to make the Suxiong Alliance united and strong again!”

“Let’s crush those maggots together! Take back the good life!”

PS: Updated, more updates will be added if the evaluation votes exceed 60. Please give me flowers and evaluation votes. I am still updating and please give me some data.

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