031. The Eagle Sauce agents were massacred, and the internal traitors were eradicated and the corrupt officials were punished with iron-blooded tactics! (Please give flowers and collect)

Old Bush could never have imagined that the mass demonstration of 10,000 people that he spent a lot of money to have agents organize would fail.

These marching crowds should have launched an attack on the Konev government under the leadership of the agents. According to historical experience, they would riot, smash and loot, cause riots, and make more people dissatisfied.

But the most outrageous thing is coming.

These tens of thousands of people actually listened to a speech by Konev and all submitted to Konev

“Devil, he is absolutely a devil!”

Old Bush scratched his hair with both hands, still not daring to accept such a reality.

If you can make dozens of people, one or two hundred people change their minds after listening to a speech. Then it can only be said that Konev is lucky and met some fools.

But if you can make tens of thousands of people change their minds, then there is really something.

Seeing this, CIA Director Kurt on the side quickly repeated the situation at that time.

Old Bush became serious and said with deep eyes, it seems that I underestimated this little kid.

“This speech looks like a dialogue, but it’s actually all about induction.”

“At the beginning, vent the anger of the masses first, and then instill the overall will of the Soviet Union.” “While establishing a common enemy, unite these people.”

“Finally, use our agents as targets to vent the anger of the people! Fuck!”

“Too outrageous, in one hour, the massacre became the reformer of the Soviet Union. Why?”

“What do you say for the people? Aren’t the people supposed to be squeezed dry by capital? Ridiculous.”

“I bet Konev would never do that.”

“He took back those independent member states, definitely for the purpose of putting them in his own pocket.”

After a cold snort, Old Bush was extremely annoyed.

But he still calmly asked CIA Director Kurt:

“We must increase the intensity of our attacks on them. This Konev is not an ordinary person.”

“You will make plans in the future. You must target him more, and ordinary marches like this are unnecessary.”

“This will only become a tool for him to win over the hearts of the people, and directly smash, loot and burn, causing direct damage to their people’s property.”

“You still stick to our old ways. As long as they dare to intervene, we will label them as human rights and democracy, push their government and disrupt their social order.”

“There will always be fools who will take the initiative to become our cannon fodder.”

Kurt became more serious after hearing this, and assured Old Bush with a serious look:

“President, don’t worry, this time we just underestimated the enemy, we have more powerful serial plans.”

“We will target the situation in their various regions and carry out targeted incitement to cause greater unrest in their Suxiong territory. By then, he will not be able to put out the fire even if he wants to.”

Old Bush was very satisfied when he heard it, but his expression was still very cautious.

“Okay, I’ll wait for your good news. We must step up our efforts and not be soft-hearted. We must use all methods. We can’t delay any longer.”

Moss City, President’s Office of the Suxiong Alliance.

After Konev, Putin, and Tanya came back, they took a simple 10-minute break.

Putin immediately reported to Konev, “So far, a total of 381 incidents have occurred across the country.”

“Parades of all sizesDemonstrations and local riots, 370 riots have been controlled so far. ”

“The remaining areas are also being evacuated in an orderly manner.”

“It is worth mentioning that after your speech, 240 protests were successfully evacuated in just 8 hours.”

Konev nodded with satisfaction and asked: “Collate all the feedback and information collected.”

“Then submit the 20 problems with the largest number of people and the ten most serious problems to me.”

“In addition, have you found any evidence of Western forces participating in the demonstrations?”

Putin nodded immediately, then looked at Tanya and said: “The commander’s men have found hundreds of participants, and the KGB intelligence department has found sufficient evidence from them.”

Konev nodded and said: “Very good, organize all the evidence, and make a wanted notice on the leaflets together with the photos of these people.”

“We must let the people know that they have a bigger enemy in front of them who wants to persecute them. ”

“I believe that after these evidences are presented to them, more people will stand on our side and support our Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

“In addition, now that the evidence has arrived, it is time for us to take action.”

Konev said this with a calm face like a lake, without any ripples, but the dark color of his eyes was as cold as a glacier.

Putin’s classical Chinese was a little unreliable, so he continued to confirm: “Common morality, what targets should we retaliate to what extent.”

Konev looked at the files in his hand and said coldly at night: “They persecuted my people and hurt our officials.”

“Let’s teach them a little lesson this time and eliminate all the Western officials involved in planning and leading the turmoil in the Soviet-Bear Alliance.”

“Then continue to prepare more advanced assassination plans with more people, listed as backup plans B, C, and D. ”

“If they dare to escalate their retaliation, we will also escalate directly.”

Putin immediately made an estimate, and then reminded: “Based on my experience, the number of officials directly involved may be dozens or even hundreds. Should we eliminate them all? ”

Konev did not hesitate at all, and shook his head neatly. The indifference in his eyes made Putin think of two words:

Kill them all.

This special operation ordered by Konev was the first time in recent years that the Soviet-Bear Alliance directly attacked the Eagle Sauce officials, and it was ruthless.

Both Putin and Konev felt very stressed.

But they also knew that it was time to show them some power.

KGB, underground interrogation room.

Kalia, deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Azerbaijan Alliance, wore silver bracelets on both hands.

But he still sat arrogantly on the fairy chair.

And in front of him sat Kryuchkov, director of the KGB Intelligence Bureau of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Kryuchkov looked at the arrogant Kalia in front of him, calmly put down the pen and made a final confirmation with him.

“I don’t care if you are the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Azerbaijan Alliance? Or something else. I’ll say it again for the last time,Admit it immediately and hand over your money records and related information documents, otherwise…”

Kalia sneered and interrupted contemptuously: “Otherwise, what, do you dare to torture me?”

“I am the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Azerbaijan Union. If you dare to touch me, I guarantee that your whole family will die ugly.”

Kryuchkov smiled and shook his head, stood up and walked towards the wall.

He made a few gestures to the wall, then turned to Kalia and said: “Do you think Aliyev will protect you?”

“Your evidence of guilt was sent by him.”

“But you also know that in terms of the process, you have to admit it in person. ”

As soon as Kryuchkov finished speaking, the door of the interrogation room opened.

More than 10 strong men came in carrying large and small bags of professional tools.

A few seconds after Kryuchkov walked out of the door, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered. At this time, his secretary came out of the prison next to him and handed Kryuchkov a document covered with fresh blood and said: “The Minister of Information of the Azerbaijan Allied Powers has admitted it. He also confessed 17 related high-level officials of the Eagle Sauce.”

Kryuchkov nodded and said: “Okay, send this list to Putin immediately. He knows what to do.”

Just half an hour later, the operatives who arrived in the Eagle Sauce a day in advance received a list and a brief order.

“Eliminate all.”

PS: Updated to ask for flowers and collections, and continue to add more if the evaluation votes exceed 60. There are still 60 evaluation votes left, please support me with data. Has anyone read it?

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