034. Abolish the economic shock therapy of the Soviet-Xiong alliance and revive the market economy to start recovery! (Please give flowers and collect)

After Konev’s governance these days, the order of the whole country has been much better than before he took office.

A series of temporary rules and regulations have been promulgated, and the living and production order of the people has been effectively guaranteed.

Before Konev took office, the people on the streets had no vitality and were all dejected.

The street shops were closed or sold, and no one expected to make a living by buying and selling, after all, everyone’s money mysteriously disappeared.

There were few vehicles on the road, economic trade was almost stagnant, and everywhere was stagnant.

The people are the cornerstone of the country. If the cornerstone is loose, everything will be in vain.

But now it is different. The streets are already crowded at six in the morning.

The factory has been taken back, wages have been restored, and everyone is working hard to improve their lives.

Factories, companies, ranches, everywhere are recovering rapidly, and a large number of people have finally changed from tightening their belts to having hope.

The group of people who received their wages in the middle of the month recalled the feeling of a stable and rich life when the Soviet-Bear Alliance was strong.

Various stores also ushered in retaliatory consumption.

At lunchtime, restaurants of all sizes were crowded with people.

After such a long period of hardship, many people chose to have a good meal and enjoy themselves.

Roadside shopping malls and supermarkets, and various small shops for consumption have also become popular again.

These gradually restored prosperity have also been seen by the people.

After these rounds of turmoil, the people began to really realize a very important issue.

The newly appointed Konev is really different.

He painted cakes, but also fed the disease to everyone’s mouth.

If you have an opinion, you don’t need to find an opinion association, the small opinion station on the roadside can really give information feedback.

It is precisely because of these practical changes that Konev’s voice is getting louder and louder.

Some people began to post slogans in support of Konev on the streets.

Some people upstairs also posted portraits of Konev on the windows.

After dinner, people in the streets and alleys are talking about this heroic leader who saved the collapsing building.

Even some people began to spontaneously organize Konev’s thought lecture hall, calling for the unity of the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance.

The changes in the entire Soviet-Bear Alliance in the past few years are not as good as the changes in the past half a month.

Konev’s series of iron-fisted actions have replanted this dazzling red hope.

At this moment, Konev, who has received a lot of support from the masses, immediately used the mass base to attack the corrupt senior officials of the old Soviet-Bear Alliance.

The speed of this action was so fast that all the senior officials of the Soviet-Bear Alliance did not expect it.

Originally, the senior officials of the Soviet-Bear Alliance heard that they were going to attend a summary meeting on the successful counterattack against the riots of Western reactionary forces.

But when they really arrived at the second-floor venue, they saw that both sides of the 100-meter blood-red carpet were full of soldiers with real guns and live ammunition.

Some corrupt officials wanted to escape, but they didn’t expect the soldiers to tell them that no one could leave without Konev’s personal permission.

Before the meeting started, all the senior officials had a common understanding of Konev.

‘Gentle care for the people, and strike hard at the senior officials! ’

In Conference Hall No. 1.

In front of the magnificent conference hall, the huge photo of Gorbachev has been taken down.

The empty photo frame is hung on it, but there is noPeople dared to have extra thoughts.

Even after the thousand-person conference hall was full, the entire venue was filled with only the sounds of walking and miscellaneous things.

It was not that the officials did not want to talk, but that Konev put too much pressure on them.

No one had ever thought that a group of old foxes over fifty years old would be subdued by this young man.

At nine o’clock, Konev strode onto the stage and the meeting officially began.

After a brief courtesy, Konev’s first thing was to give all officials a warning.

“First of all, I would like to report on the incident in the Soviet-Bear Alliance National Parliament Building on the evening of August 7, 1981.”

As soon as these words came out, all the senior officials present instantly became alert and pricked up their ears.

As for the mysterious fireworks that occurred in the parliament building that night, everyone heard various rumors and was still frightened.

Konev said slowly at the front: “That night, the parliament hall held an anti-Western forces meeting and arrested all people related to Western forces.”

“At present, all officials involved in anti-government actions, leaking important information, and obtaining improper benefits have been charged with treason and have been executed at the highest level.”

“This is a special notice to wake you up!”

As soon as Konev said this, those honest officials applauded.

The tormenting days of being alone in the mud have finally come to an end!

In this tide of applause, some people’s applause was very slow and frivolous, and it sounded absent-minded.

After all, the live ammunition guards outside the door had given them enough warning.

On the night when Gorba took control of the military power, those more oily old foxes did not win. They, the lower-level officials, now have no chance of winning.

What’s more, Konev is now in the limelight among the people of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Whether it is military strength or public support, it is already stable.

Even if there is a liquidation, it can only be done later.

When the senior officials were mentally prepared, the next thing announced by Konev still made their hearts stop.

“The second thing is to proceed. Now the Economic Committee has taken over the Gorba government and signed a series of documents related to the “Abolition of the Lifetime System and Inheritance Rights of Soviet-Bear Alliance Officials”, which will take effect today.”

This document is like a heavy bomb, blowing up the dreams of more than 20 million civil servants in the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

It also marks the determination of the top leaders of the Soviet-Bear Alliance to reform the national civil service class.

However, this time, the whole audience was silent after Konev’s announcement.

This kind of thing is related to vested interests, and everyone is very real.

But a few seconds later, the officials who firmly defended the Soviet-Bear Alliance began to applaud vigorously.

Continuing to adhere to the lifelong system seems to be stable for a lifetime.

But in fact, with the decline of the Soviet-Bear Alliance, there are only a few years left at most.

On the contrary, only by vigorously reforming now can we enjoy more decades.

And more importantly, Konev is no longer the timid Gorba.

The consequence of opposing is that the KGB personnel will come to investigate.

If it is clean, it will be fine. If there are flaws, it will be reported in the newspaper as a case the next day.

This is not the end. In addition toIn addition to establishing authority, reform is the top priority!

Then, Konev raised a question that no one dared to mention without hesitation.

“Comrades, I want to ask you why the Soviet-Bear Alliance has declined to its current state in a few years?”

“Who is responsible for the decline of the Soviet-Bear Alliance today?”

PS: Updated. More updates when the number of flowers exceeds 600, and more updates when the number of evaluation votes exceeds 60. Please give me flowers, collections, and data support. It is still being updated.

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