044. The Suxiong Alliance dispatched the Red Alert Corps to punish the independent rebellion of the member states! (Please give flowers and collect)

After the telephone conference, all countries took action quickly.

The British formed a naval joint fleet and headed for the Baltic Sea. The officers and soldiers on the ship were preparing intensively, with a firm and nervous look on their faces. The sailors were busy checking the equipment and running back and forth.

At the same time, Gaul and other countries also organized the main army to provide land support for the Baltic Sea.

They quickly assembled in the barracks, all the tanks were making the final preparations before departure, and the soldiers were ready to go.

Husky and other countries formed reinforcements, and they also moved quickly to the Caucasus.

After Georgia and other countries learned about it, all the top leaders were overjoyed.

In their view, this anti-independence war was a bunch of countries fighting the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

This battle was 100% theirs to win, and then tear the flesh and blood from the Soviet-Bear Alliance!

At the same time, in another conference room in Washington, Secretary of State Wilson was reaching a joint agreement with the presidents of the three Baltic countries who were secretly visiting.

“We will support you, but we hope to be guaranteed,”

He said firmly and trustingly.

Several presidents looked at each other, and a tense but expectant atmosphere filled the conference room.

“We are willing to use some of our domestic oil and gas resources and future tax revenue as collateral, but!”

“You must ensure that both the Eagle Sauce and the Northern Alliance will deploy a large number of combat forces to protect us.”

“As long as you can protect our territory, we will double the terms of the contract.”

The President of Aisha, Lasis, said decisively.

His voice trembled slightly, but his attitude was very firm.

“This is by no means a simple transaction, but for our survival.”

The three countries also knew it very well.

If they look for the West now, the whole country will definitely bleed heavily, but if they look for the Suxiong Alliance, their own wallets will be ruined!

In their weighing, this still needs to be weighed? !

“Then, we can reach an agreement.” The presidents of the three countries looked at each other and said in unison:

Secretary of State Wilson smiled with satisfaction.

He understood that the big fish was in the pot.

No matter how they fight, as long as these three small countries are not taken back by the Suxiong Alliance, they will be the nutrient juicer of the Eagle Sauce for the next hundred years.

Continuously supply money, resources, and even people to the Eagle Sauce.

After this crucial meeting, the three stupid countries of Pineapple Sea directly swelled.

In their eyes, although the three countries cannot beat the army of the Suxiong Alliance.

But now they have young people behind them.

The world’s strongest country, the Eagle Sauce, has become the world’s strongest alliance, the Northern Alliance.

The two big brothers stood behind, and the President of Aisha, Lashis, gave a public speech in front of the National Assembly Building that afternoon.

The title of the speech was that the brutal and authoritarian Suxiong Alliance will be eliminated in the process of Western civilization.

He even called on other member states of the Suxiong Alliance to open their eyes to the world at the end of the speech.

Request the remaining member states that have not yet become independent to be brave and independent and leave the Suxiong Alliance that is about to destroy the happiness of all their citizens!

The turbulent atmosphere has affectedThe whole world.

Almost everyone in the world can feel an inexplicable depression.

The Western world is full of smears against Konev.

Even people who don’t care about politics have already had a mental impression that the current president of the Soviet-Bear Alliance is an absolute lunatic.

Maybe this lunatic will start a war at any time.

And they in the West have always been the force that maintains civilization and justice.

Tens of thousands of large and small media in the Western world have controlled all news channels.

Various propaganda has made Western people unable to distinguish what is the truth.

Many kind people are really working day and night to call on the international community to kill the terrorist president of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

Konev has long had a deep understanding of the propaganda capabilities of Western media.

Their media never cares what is the truth.

Whoever gives more money is the truth!

Whoever wants to refute is going against civilization!

And the real truth has always been simple:

The enemy’s words, read the opposite.

While waiting for the arrival of senior officials from all over the country, Konev was not idle. He wrote down many points of attention in his memory and the mistakes that the Eagle Sauce had made in the past in a notebook.

In addition to the system, Konev’s personal ability and memory are enough to unite the troops and pin a strategic policy that can be very fatal to the Eagle Sauce.

Coupled with the Red Alert army with a gap in strength and the people’s foundation of unity across the country.

From all aspects, the Eagle Sauce has been crushed in an all-round way.

This battle is no longer a question of winning or losing, but how to let millions of cavalry trample the West!

While Konev was thinking deeply, the conference hall was gradually filled.

Sitting in the first row were all new senior officials of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

The new Chief of the General Staff of the Military Suvalyev, the new Director of the KGB Putin, Vice President Yanayev, Minister of Finance Kirivaka and other senior officials.

Although these people are new faces, they have all been tested by Konev for a long time, and all of them are the new backbone of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

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