056. V3 missiles plowed the ground and bombed, annihilating 100,000 people in half an hour, shocking the United States and Western countries! (Subscribe)

While they were amazed, the commander of the troop looked at the smashed bodies all over the ground, and felt indescribable shock in his heart.

In previous operations, attacking was a huge waste of energy.

You have to scout and capture points, and guard against being cut off by ambushes.

But the speed of the assault corps now is like a bulldozer plowing the land!

Wherever they pass, no soldier survives.

What shocked the commander the most was the change in the atmosphere of the entire troop.

At the beginning of the attack, the entire troop was almost out of breath.

But when they learned that President Konev flew over their heads to the front line and bombed the Aisha National Front, everything changed.

The president’s bravery and determination directly inspired all the soldiers.

And then, the blasting of the Aisha and Weiya defenders along the way made the troops more and more confident.

In just one day, the entire troop was radiant!

Even though everyone is now tired and pale, there is still a sharp look in their eyes.

Just by looking at them, you can feel the surging fighting spirit in their hearts!

After a short break of a few minutes, the commander shouted: “Everyone, continue to march!”

“Catch up with the assault troops in front even if you die!”

The last defense line of Gers City in Via.

Bombs exploded!

The flames and the huge roars never stopped!

General Kusman, the commander of Via’s ace division, has been knocked unconscious.

As an ace division, they beat the enemy troops in various exercises.

But now, the elite troops are shrinking in the trenches and can’t raise their heads at all.

Various rocket launchers, shells, bombs, grenades, and mortars never stopped.

Kusman looked at the explosion in the distance and doubted his life.

What the hell is this? Where did the Suxiong Alliance get so many shells!

Didn’t their economy collapse? How could the troops still have such strong combat effectiveness?

At this moment, the president of Via called the front line.

“General Kusman, this is President Durica, please report the situation on the front line!”

Kusman heard the voice and immediately stood up, and replied in a panic amid a series of explosions and shock waves:

“Report to the President, the situation on the front line is critical!”

“The Suxiong Alliance bombed our front line of Gers City! There are many types of ammunition, and the amount of ammunition dropped is huge!”

“As of now, it has been about 500 tons!”

“Our shelling point has been destroyed, and now the soldiers have no ability to resist at all!”

“I request all reinforcements!”

President Durica was shocked when he heard this.

“What? You are all fighting? What about the front line?”

Kusman replied helplessly: “After you ordered the withdrawal of half of their combat troops, the front line of defense has been completely defeated, and the defending troops have not been spared and are almost wiped out!”

“Mr. President, the morale of the troops is very poor now, and they can no longer fight!”

“The front-line troops urgently need your support!”

Durica heard this, and his hands and feet were instantly cold and sweaty.

In less than three hours, the only thing left of the Weyah National Front was the Gers City Front.

This was not a confrontational battle at all, it was a crushing massacre

“How could this happen!?” Duricka was so scared that he said to himselfHe said a few words, and then remembered the guarantee of the Northern Alliance.

As long as they hold on for a few more hours, as long as the Northern Alliance troops of the Bear Killing Divine Soldiers arrive, everything will be fine

He took a deep breath and gave Kusman the final order: “All the defenders on the Gers City front must protect Gers City until the last moment!”

“You are all Su Xiong who defend the country, the country will remember you…”

Kusman interrupted Durika’s beautiful words and asked directly: “How long will it take for our reinforcements to arrive!?”

“We need artillery suppression! We need air fighters to kill those armed helicopters! We need reinforcements, the front line has almost lost more than half of the casualties!”

“The troops have almost lost their combat effectiveness, we are about to die!”

Durika gritted his teeth and cursed directly : “You idiot! As long as you hold back those damn Su Xiong troops, we will definitely be able to push back!”

“I have already secured the greatest reinforcements for you in Liwan Country! Just wait another five hours and the Northern Alliance troops will arrive! You must hold on for five hours!”

Kusman’s eyes widened instantly.

He knew that he had no way to survive, and he didn’t care about anything else and cursed: “You have already fled to Liwan Country? President Su Xiong went to the front line, but you ran away first!”

“Du Ruika, you coward! If you didn’t withdraw all your guards, our front would not collapse so quickly!”

“I was really blind to choose you! I will hold on to the end for the people! But don’t let me see you alive!”


Kusman hung up the phone with a heavy breath.

Outside the command post, the war was almost in front of him.

General Kusman looked at his former comrades in the distance who were so brave, and his heart was filled with regret.

But now he can only be responsible for his betrayal, and ordered: “All troops retreat to Gers City! Prepare for street fighting!”

At this point in time, the number of people and equipment are at a disadvantage, and street fighting is the only way to delay time.

However, Konev’s Legion Commander Vladimo had already predicted that these shameless people would use civilians as human shields.

On the Red Alert Corps command vehicle, the scout was reporting to Vladimo:

“Report to the Legion Commander! More than half of the enemy’s front line has been killed! Our troops are killing people!”

Vladimo nodded with satisfaction.

The speed of the front line’s advancement is even crazier than he expected!

After Konev personally led the expedition, Su Xiong’s army was pumped up.

The potential of each soldier exploded, and the successive victories in the battle made the morale unprecedentedly high!

However, such a victory did not make the experienced Viladimo lose his mind. He asked:

“Are there any signs of the enemy retreating?”

The scout reported, “Not yet.”

Viladimo paused and frowned slightly.

But he still believed in his own judgment and decisively ordered:

“Let 50 sickle mechas withdraw from the front battlefield and prepare to go around to the flank of Gers. Be ready to intercept the retreating enemy troops at any time!”

In his judgment, the enemy’s front-line troops are no longer combat-effective.

The most important thing for our troops now is to annihilate their living forces.

In order to prevent these enemy troops from withdrawingGo back to the city and use the people as human shields to fight in the streets.

Otherwise, even if the Suxiong Alliance wins, it will bear a lot of unnecessary hatred, which will affect the subsequent governance of President Konev.

At the same time, on the front battlefield, the Red Alert Corps advanced in an orderly manner with the help of enemy bunkers and various battlefield tactical advantages and terrain.


Boom boom boom!

The sound of machine guns and artillery explosions continued to sound.

The defense line of the Weiya country was like paper, and it could not resist the army of the Suxiong Alliance at all.

Every time a trench was advanced, it was a massacre completed in seconds.

Since Viladimo knew very well that one of the mission objectives of Konev’s operation was to warn other member states.

Therefore, he issued an additional order in his own name to kill the enemy as soon as he met him and resolutely eliminate the enemy’s living forces.

In this way, he warned those member states what the consequences would be if they had different intentions.

Such an annihilation war directly led to heavy casualties in the troops of Aisha and Weiya.

It’s not that the soldiers of the two countries didn’t want to surrender, but they were shot the first second they saw Su Xiong’s gun.

Just when the Su Xiong Alliance army was about to take down the last line of defense of Weiya and march towards Liwan.

The remaining troops of Weiya began to charge.

But they were running towards the city of Gers behind them.

The commander of Weiya kept shouting: “Retreat quickly! We have to fight street battles to hold them back!”

“Quick, quick, quick!”

The Weiya soldiers who had long lost their will to fight listened to this order, and it was like hearing the sound of nature.

They couldn’t stand this kind of slow death! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But as soon as they rushed out of the trenches, dense bullets swept through them accurately.

At this moment, the reporters of the Su Xiong Alliance took pictures of the war scene that they had never dared to imagine.

Tens of thousands of enemy troops were beaten and abandoned their armor.

Without even taking a gun, they ran to the back with empty hands and legs.

Tens of thousands of people fled back like a tide, which was also a spectacle. []

All the troops of the Suxiong Alliance immediately increased the intensity of the artillery fire. No matter whether they could hit the target or not, as long as they had bullets, they would fire endlessly.

The sickle mechas that had been ordered by Vera Dimo ​​to make a detour were like wolves among the flock of sheep.

The soldiers of the Weiya country, who had thrown away their armor and weapons, had no power to fight back against this monster with extremely fast speed, flexibility and three heavy machine guns.

On the fifty mechas, three heavy machine guns kept firing, all of which turned into terrifying weapons of mass destruction.

The sickle mechas flexibly launched a death spin among the retreating soldiers.

As the machine guns swept past, one batch after another of the ice fell asleep.

Even so, the 50 sickle mechas soon ran out of bullets and could only rely on their own speed to shuttle through the crowd at high speed, crashing into the internal organs of the Weiya soldiers.

The cruelty of war rose to a new height that had never been seen before.

The deterrent power of the Suxiong Alliance also returned to its peak from a dying fragile country in these two local wars.

The remaining 20,000 soldiers of the Weiya country returned to the city, and only less than 6,000 people were left.

But these Weiya countries who rushed into the cityThe soldiers were like fish in water.

They moved flexibly in the familiar town, looking for a suitable position for ambush.

On the streets, the dense residential buildings became their bunkers and hiding places.

At this moment, Vera Dimo ​​finally got the latest situation of the front line in the information delay.

He slapped his thigh and cursed directly: “Damn! The whole army retreats! They can really do it!”

“I should have taken the harvester mecha to go around.”

Now the most troublesome problem has come.

Konev’s task is to push the front line as quickly as possible.

But once it enters the street fighting, if you want to push it again, the price will be high.

The situation became extremely complicated, so Vera Dimo ​​could only call Konev to report the situation:

“Report to the President, this is Vera Dimo, and I am now reporting the situation on the front line.”

“Vera Dimo, please speak.”

Konev sat up straight as soon as he received the long-awaited call.

The speed of the current frontline advance will greatly affect the battle with the three Baltic countries.

If the advance is too slow, so that the Northern Alliance troops have time to join the battle, then this battle will consume a lot of combat power of the Soviet-Bear Alliance.

It is impossible to rely on superior combat power and crush the enemy with very low losses as it is now.

Vladimo immediately reported to Konev: “The Soviet-Bear Alliance assault force has swept the entire Aisha National Front and most of the Weiya National Front.”

“At present, about 6,000 remaining remnants of the Weiya National last line of defense have fled into the city, and want to rely on Gers City to fight street battles with us!”

“I’m sorry, I failed to command and failed to stop the retreating Weiya National troops.”

Vladimo did not find any excuses for the unexpected retreat of tens of thousands of people.

Failure to stop it was his dereliction of duty.

It was also this dereliction of duty that caused a huge obstacle to the advancement of the entire front.

Konev’s expression did not change when he heard this.

He deduced calmly in his mind, and then asked Vladimo: “Are there many residents in the city of Gers?”

Vladimo reported according to the actual reconnaissance situation: “Most of them have retreated, and there may be a small number of residents who have not left.”

Konev knew that no matter which country, there would be such a group of people who would not leave even if the shells fell on their doorsteps.

So Konev directly ordered Vladimo: “Listen now, broadcast to the city of Gers immediately, and let the residents leave now, otherwise they will be bombed.”

“And shout to the enemy in the city, as long as they don’t surrender, bomb once every half an hour.”

“Be careful when shouting, use the residents in the city to force the enemy to surrender.”

“If they don’t surrender within half an hour, the armored assault troops will continue to pursue, and the city of Gers will be taken over by the follow-up troops.”

Konev’s cold-bloodedness and decisiveness exceeded Vladimo’s expectations.

Vladimo, who was completely loyal to Konev, said directly: “Yes, sir.”

In the city of Gers, the Suxiong Alliance army did not stop shouting.

“You still have the last chance to surrender. In 11 minutes, the entire GersThe whole city will be bombed. Please surrender immediately to the Suxiong Alliance to guarantee your personal safety!”

“Your president has abandoned you and fled to another country. Your resistance is in vain!”

“Surrender immediately! You will not be killed if you surrender, and the city of Gers will not be bombed!”

“In 10 minutes, the entire city of Gers will be carpet bombed. Your president has already run away. Please do not continue to hurt your parents and relatives for that coward.”

“In 9 minutes, the entire city of Gers will be bombed.”

“Please consider surrendering immediately for the sake of your relatives! The Suxiong Alliance will guarantee your personal safety! ”


The whistling sound of the planes in the sky never stopped.

And on the ground, there were calls for surrender from the Suxiong Alliance everywhere.

Big loudspeakers were aimed at the small buildings in the city where the defensive soldiers were hiding.

Although the Suxiong Alliance assault troops did not fire a single shot at this time, the last remnants of the entire Weiya country fell into deeper despair than before.

When they learned that the president had escaped first, they instantly lost their target.

These battles are bound to be lost, and continuing to resist will only cause the people to suffer a more painful blow.

It is Kusman who is hiding in the basement (Qian Zhaohao) room. He was extremely angry.

At this moment, everyone in the temporary command center was looking at him.

The meaning in those eyes was clear enough even without words.

Kusman listened to the countdown outside, and he was already unconscious.

He knew very well that the Su Xiong Alliance’s call was also a way out for him.

His surrender could protect the buildings of Gers City, the people’s property, and the lives of the people.

But he just didn’t want to.

At this time, the deputy commander on the side couldn’t stand it anymore, and said directly to Kusman: “Let’s surrender, it’s worthless, it’s not worth it for that traitor!”

His lead made the generals next to him follow suit and say: “Yes. There are all Su Xiong troops outside. We have no reinforcements.”

“General, I don’t want to die. Why can Durika’s guards survive, and we need to die for them.”

“Yes, everyone’s relatives are in the city, leave a home for our descendants. ”

A word of apology was heard in the basement, and Kusman, who was already upset, shouted directly, “I am a general, I have never lost a battle, even if I die, I will not admit defeat.”

As soon as the voice fell, a gunshot was heard in the basement.


Kusman fell straight down, and the deputy commander shouted loudly:

“Now, who doesn’t surrender!”

Just half a minute later.

A group of Weya commanders waved white cloth and white socks and walked out of the basement.

At the same time, they shouted loudly: “All troops immediately lay down their weapons and come out to surrender!”

“Our fight is meaningless, and we can’t let the people follow us to die! ”

Amidst the shouts, the already collapsed soldiers stripped naked and came to the street in short-sleeved shirts and shorts with their hands raised high.

In just over 20 minutes, under Konev’s psychological tactics, the siege army made all the defenders in the city surrender without firing a single shot!

The front line of Su Xiong’s armyThe Red Alert Armored Assault Corps then advanced at full speed to the battlefield where the troops of the three Baltic countries would meet.

The main force that came from behind, panting, took over the surrendered Weyya troops.

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