President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 108 A Humble Wish

Muzixi was taken aback for a moment, but just said "oh" lightly, and lay down on the bed again.

Chenghao got up satisfied, put on a set of clean clothes, looked at Muzixi's back on the bed and said, "Eat by yourself, I'll be back at night. You'd better grow some meat."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at her again. In the end, he couldn't bear to say anything to hurt her again, and left the villa.

His mood was inexplicably brisk, strange, why did he seem a little happy? Because muzixi is back?

The answer is unknown...or maybe he knows it, but he doesn't want to admit it...

Cheng Haotian still drove his low-key and luxurious black matte Audi to the company...

Only Muzixi was left behind, returning to the life of a bird in a cage...

Zhetian Group finally defeated the attack of Lin's enterprise yesterday and completely disintegrated Lin's enterprise.

The tension that had lasted for months was finally relieved.

When the secretary submitted the report to Cheng Haotian, he suddenly found that Cheng Haotian was in good condition. Maybe it was because he was too nervous at work a while ago, Cheng Haotian always said something indifferently and forcefully, and then he stopped talking.

But now, Cheng Haotian's eyes seem to be smiling?

Yes, there is a kind of smile that is not a smile.

Cheng Haotian raised his head and saw the secretary staring at him. He frowned and asked, "what's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

"No, it's nothing, chairman, it's nothing, I'm going out first." The secretary hurriedly left the chairman's office...

I hope that in the future, their chairman can smile more, so that he can get rid of the nickname of Director Yan Luo...

Cheng Haotian's family.

Muzixi didn't get up to eat, and fell into a drowsy sleep until noon.

After changing clothes and getting up, it was an empty house again, only myself.

Standing upstairs, Muzixi put her hands around her mouth and shouted. In the entire hall, there was his own response.

It was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.

As before, the whole mansion seemed to be her prison.

Brother Lin is in prison now, does he feel the same as her?

Thinking of this, Muzixi squatted on the top step and hugged her legs.

My body hurts a lot, the kind of pain after pleasure, but my heart hurts even more. From yesterday to today, I have fallen from heaven to this hell on earth.

In a day, all the happiness disappeared.

Muzixi still couldn't figure out what he did wrong and why did he become like this? Why won't this Cheng Haotian let himself go, and now he brings himself back, locks him in this birdcage, and asks him to give birth to a child for him.

child? child? If it wasn't for him, his previous child should have been born into this world, right?

She suddenly wanted to leave here quietly, leave the city, find an unknown small village, and spend the rest of her future life. I don't want to see Cheng Haotian again.

But when Lin Nuofan's smile and concern for him played in his mind, Muzixi's heart told himself, you can't leave secretly, you can't go quietly. Brother Lin is so kind to you, how can you leave without shaking your hand? Will you let Big Brother Lin down with you like this?

The Lin family has nothing now because of themselves. Do you want to leave in such a despicable way?

Muzixi shook her head desperately, trying to get rid of all the thoughts of running away from her mind.

I went downstairs, made a dish by myself, took two bites, and suddenly didn't want to eat it, so I put it aside.

Muzixi walked to the back garden and lay down on the swing where she used to lie and read.

Cover your eyes with your hands to keep the sun from shining on your face. She hates sunny days like this.

Leaving from this villa and coming back again, it seems that everything has changed. Although everything is the same as before, it's just my state of mind... But it is no longer the same Muzixi as before.

Once, she was in this house for a while, like a little woman waiting for her husband to come home. But now, she was waiting for that enemy!

Muzixi sighed softly, but had no more thoughts...

This is life, everything is life...

As night gradually approached, Muzixi once again sat down as a full-time maid.

As soon as the dinner was ready, Cheng Haotian came in on time. He changed his clothes and sat at the dining table, accepting Muzixi's service.

Like a husband coming home, after dinner, he pushed the plate away and went upstairs.

It wasn't until Muzixi packed up and went upstairs, but was suddenly embraced by an embrace at the corner of the corridor.

There was no one else in this house except him, so she didn't resist.

"I don't like you like this." Suddenly, his voice rang in his ears.

Muzixi was still dull, "It's up to you what kind of me you like, that's what I am."

Yes, she had already become like this, and he was the culprit!

"No, you're not like this." He slowly let go of his arms around her, breathed in her ears, and stirred her hair...

His hand suddenly let go of her hair tied into a ponytail. All in all, and playing with her hair.

So ambiguous. So charming.

Even Muzixi's heart trembled inexplicably.

"Maybe it wasn't in the past, but time can't go back to the past. People, can they go back to the past?" Muzixi turned his back to Cheng Haotian, and for the first time, he said something very sad.

Suddenly, Cheng Haotian was shocked.

That's right, even if he takes her back to his side again, she can't change back to her former self...

Is this what you mean?

However, he didn't want to do this...

He hoped that she would be happy when she was with him...

It's just a humble wish...

"I'll let you go back..." Because he is Cheng Haotian, there is nothing he can't do...

And he is confident that as long as he gives birth to a child, she will not leave...

His kiss fell on the back of her neck suddenly, and his hands were extremely cruel. In the corridor, he roughly took off her clothes. Push her firmly against the wall of the corridor.

The dim light in the corridor illuminated Muzixi's eyes, but they were still out of focus.

She was like a doll without a soul, letting him take it.

"Kiss me." Cheng Haotian roared domineeringly in front of her. The breath was hot enough to burn her.

Muzixi still didn't show any expression.

Even though her body has already reacted to his teasing, her heart is still cold...

Looking into his eyes, she smiled mockingly.

"I don't want..." She looked at him resistingly, although she promised him to give birth to him.

But there was no promise to cater to him.

Her life is already too low to be able to choose, but she only hopes that such a meaningless life will at least give her a little bit of dignity...

But her dignity touched Cheng Haotian's bottom line at this moment...

"One day, I will definitely make you submit." This time, he was not in a hurry.

No matter what, she has returned to her side, and Lin Nuofan can no longer be a threat to him. He has more patience.

His kisses fell like raindrops, pressing her firmly against the wall of the corridor. Because of her words, he became more violent, tore away all the last cover, and broke into her world violently.

The rest is just subverting, subverting her world again and again.

Even though her heart was cold, he still ignited the primitive desire of her body and divided her soul into two, one for pain and one for pleasure...

The stars in the night sky are even more dazzling, but they can't carry people's troubles until they disappear...

A week later, it was a warm spring morning.

Before Cheng Haotian left the bedroom in the morning, he stopped and said to Muzixi, "there is a small dance tonight, and the mayor invited us to it. In the afternoon, I will take you to choose the evening dress, and , Do you still remember the diamond necklace I bought at the charity party? I spent 20 million on the 3 million diamond necklace, it belongs to you, remember to wear it at night.” This week, he has I'm used to her indifference, but I still pretend not to know, and do everything very thoughtfully.

Muzixi looked at him coldly, still expressionless.

Cheng Haotian didn't pay much attention to her. After speaking, he turned around and closed the door to leave.

He was afraid that she would look at him with those empty eyes again.

It was as if he was the predator who destroyed her world.

Downstairs, Muzixi heard the sound of the car getting farther and farther away, so she casually grabbed the nightgown that was thrown on the ground and put it on.

The memory suddenly returned to a long time ago, and she rang the necklace that Cheng Haotian said. Walked to the dressing room, opened the jewelry box, and the string of dazzling diamond necklaces lay there quietly.

This string of necklaces was once worn by Lin Nuofan on his own neck, as if there was Lin Nuofan's aura on it, Muzixi gently stroked the necklace, and Muzixi sighed.

But his eyes looked out of the window for a whole week.

He never let her go out once, and she thought that he would lock her up like this for the rest of his life, but that's fine.

She can also breathe occasionally and get rid of this huge cage.

In the afternoon, Cheng Haotian really came back, and took Muzixi to the evening dress shop to try on the dress.

Cheng Haotian drove Muzixi for 20 minutes before arriving at the most prosperous commercial street in city A.

And here is the largest and most expensive dress shop in city A - Frante.

For any woman, if she goes in and out of such a place with Cheng Haotian, her eyes will shine brightly, and she will feel that she burned some kind of incense in her previous life.

But Muzixi, from getting out of the car to following Cheng Haotian into the interior of Frante, remained expressionless.

But she still became the envy of all the hostesses.

"Wow, so handsome...that's Cheng Haotian himself..."

"That's her fiancee?"

"I'm really envious... I really have accumulated blessings in my previous life..."

Listening to the waitresses whispering in the dark around them.

A trace of sad ridicule emerged in Muzixi's heart.

Accumulated blessings? She did something wrong...

Otherwise, how could I meet this demon...

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