"However, since you are pregnant and pregnant with Mr. Cheng's child, you are naturally the mother of our family."

Muzixi was a little strange, why did this butler Bai suddenly say so much?

Not to mention the mother of the family? He didn't know at all that Cheng Haotian just used her as a tool for revenge...

"I know you must be curious about what I'm talking about. Miss Muzixi, I think you're a little nervous and scared when you see me. I just want to tell you that I won't tell Mr. Cheng about you. I hope that when you are here to give birth, Try to relax as much as possible." Butler Bai spoke his thoughts slowly.

It was only then that Muzixi realized that Steward Bai had seen her hastily hung up the phone just now.

Muzixi smiled faintly: "Bai Butler, thank you. Actually, I really have nothing to do. It's just a kind greeting from a friend. Thank you, really."

It seems that at this moment, Muzixi finally felt that he could finally breathe freely in this house. The feeling of depression in the previous period suddenly disappeared.

Putting on home pants, Muzixi suddenly found that her abdomen was getting tight. Standing in front of the mirror and looking at it from the side, her lower abdomen seemed to have a slight curvature. She gently touched her abdomen. The little guy is here An Xin grew up day by day, and the smile on Muzixi's face became deeper and deeper.

I hope that this child will be born safely and come to this world. A beautiful scene appeared in front of her eyes. She and Lin Nuofan were holding hands and walking on the beach. With her little hands open, she ran towards her hard, shouting: "Mom, mom, wait for me..." Thinking about it, Muzixi couldn't help but also laughed.

Shaking his head, he must be crazy about the child, but he can still think of the child's appearance.

Muzixi looked at herself in the mirror, with a warm smile on her face. This is the unique smile that only a mother can have, right?

Even, appearing in such a beautiful picture with a man as cold as Cheng Haotian...

Butler Bai's words just now have given her too many wonderful fantasies...

Recently, she seems to care more and more about Cheng Haotian...

Caring about his past, caring about whether he has someone else in his heart...

So, just heard the housekeeper say. When he really liked her, her heart jumped for joy.

In the end, like other women, she wanted someone to hold in her palm and love her.

She had to admit that some words of Butler Bai changed her view of Cheng Haotian.

Shaking her head, she wanted to get rid of the upset emotions in her heart, but he was like a magic voice, lingering in her heart, making her have to get up. do something...

The night is deep and cold, and it seems that there are signs of rain. Cheng Haotian hates this kind of weather the most.

He doesn't like dark nights with a dark moon and high winds. Such weather will only make him feel lonely.

In the past, he would never go home in such weather, but spend it at the company.

Because, as soon as he returned to the home where he was alone, he felt as if he was going to suffocate alone in such a weather.

In just a few days, he had to go home, because there was already a woman worth caring about in his home.

Although she always did things that made him angry, he still cared about her and the child in her womb.

He knew that she was always having nightmares during this time, and she couldn't sleep well without him holding her, so he had to come back.

While thinking about it, he had already seen his own big villa, and from a distance, he had already seen all the lights of the second-floor big villa were on.

It's such a good feeling.

After Muzixi came back, every day when he returned to the downstairs of the villa, he would smoke a cigarette in front of the lighted villa, feeling the warmth of the light.

As usual, he smoked a cigarette before entering the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Butler Bai came forward to take his coat and hung it up.

"Why didn't you prepare dinner?" Seeing the empty table in the hall, Cheng Haotian frowned slightly and looked at Butler Bai.

Butler Bai was neither nervous nor angry, but just smiled kindly, "Miss Mu must cook for herself today, and she has already set up a table on the balcony on the second floor."

Cheng Haotian was slightly taken aback, and looked at Butler Bai in disbelief, feeling that there seemed to be a lot of deep meaning hidden behind his smile.

But in the end, he didn't look at him too much, because in comparison, he was more curious, why did Muzixi cook for himself and hold a banquet on the balcony?

Thinking, he had already gone upstairs and went straight to the master bedroom where he and Muzixi lived.

Opening the door, a very unique fragrance suddenly gushed out from the room.

It actually made him feel a little fascinated.

Stepping into the room, I suddenly found that there was a table outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the table was full of food.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, the weather is a bit heavy and the wind is a bit strong.

The little woman on the balcony seemed a little cold, rubbing her arms with each other, but she just looked at the scenery outside, not noticing that he had entered the room.

He walked quietly to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the curtains were blown by the wind, brushing against the tip of his nose. That feeling, as if a dragonfly passed by his heart lake, caused ripples in his heart.

He finally stepped onto the balcony, but couldn't help hugging the little woman from behind, "What are you doing? It's so cold, and you still want to eat here?"

The sudden hug made Muzixi jump inexplicably, but he could smell the familiar male musk on his body. Her heart couldn't help but calm down...

"You're back?" She opened her mouth, but her voice was not as cold as usual. Even she was a little surprised.

She just sympathizes with him... So, she wants to treat him better today. However, she did not forget the pain of losing her child so easily.

It's just that, now that she is by his side, she wants to treat him a little better...

But when she opened her mouth just now, she wished she could bite off her own tongue. Those words were so soft, as if she was deliberately waiting for him...

Cheng Haotian was a little surprised by Muzixi's attitude towards him, but he had to say that his mood suddenly became very good.

"How long have you been waiting for me?" He didn't ask her if she was waiting for her, but he was afraid of getting an answer he didn't want, so he asked her how long she had been waiting.

Muzixi was stunned for a moment, but in the end, she just looked away awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment, "I only waited for a while..."

In fact, she has been waiting for an hour... Usually Cheng Haotian always comes back before dark.

She also made dinner early in the morning. In this hour, Butler Bai has already reheated it three times... Fortunately, he came back when she was about to reheat it for the fourth time. Just looking at the weather, I'm afraid it will rain before the meal is finished.

Seeing her shyness, Cheng Haotian slightly evoked a smile, and sat down opposite her regardless of whether it would rain soon.

"You made this all?" Looking at the western food in front of him, they were all his favorite things.

Mage Steak, Mage Beef Noodles...

Muzixi nodded, seeming to see Cheng Haotian's doubts and said to him, "Butler Bai told me what you like to eat..."

Only then did Cheng Haotian suddenly realize that he finally knew why Butler Bai looked at him that way when he entered the door.

"If I had known that old guy would help you sell my privacy, I wouldn't have let him come." After saying that, her heart was very sweet.

He didn't say anything, picked up the knife and fork, and went to taste the steak that Muzixi made for him.

It was the first time that Muzixi cooked his favorite food for him, and she was a little concerned that he would not like it. After all, she had never cooked western food before.

At this moment, she couldn't help looking at Cheng Haotian nervously.

Until Cheng Haotian put a small piece of steak into his mouth, a heart even rose to his throat.

"How's it going? Is it delicious?" Muzixi asked nervously as he looked at his serious taste.

Cheng Haotian looked at her expression like a little sheep, but the expression remained unchanged, until he swallowed everything in his mouth, then said coldly.

"Delicious." Although the expression was wrong and the voice was wrong, those two words made Muzixi jump for joy!

Looking at Muzixi's bright eyes, Cheng Haotian was slightly absent-minded.

She, among women, was not the most beautiful, but her unabashed, innocent, and true expression made him so obsessed.

This is the look that those pretentious women don't have, like the clearest oasis, so clear and transparent.

He gave her a slight smile, and continued to eat with his head down.

Because he didn't know what to say...

For a long time, no one made it for him, and it was his favorite thing to eat.

Today's meal came suddenly and strangely. It also made his heart lift up.

In the past, as long as she was so obedient, she would soon make some demands that made him so angry that he wanted to kill her.

So, he doesn't talk, and if she really has something to say, she starts it herself.

And he didn't want her to say something spoiling. I hope she can't find the opening words and give up.

The meal, therefore, was eerily quiet.

Muzixi didn't say too much, just accompanied him and ate his share of steak.

She didn't cut up her steak until Cheng Haotian ate half of it, but she didn't have the appetite to eat it...

The baby in the stomach seems to hate meat, and every time she sees these things, she wants to vomit...

"Oh!" Thinking about it, she suddenly had an adverse reaction! She was so frightened that her eyes widened to see Cheng Haotian! I am afraid that I will ruin the atmosphere of this quiet and warm dinner! He waved desperately at him, trying to signal that he was fine.

However, in the next second, she couldn't bear it anymore! He suddenly covered his mouth, got up and rushed to the bathroom before he had time to think about it!

When Cheng Haotian heard the first sound, he wanted to get up, but when he went to Muzixi and waved to him in a panic, he was stunned!

Unexpectedly, she would turn into a rocket in the next second and rush to the bathroom.

His heart couldn't help but immediately rose to his throat, and he couldn't help getting up together and quickly following her!

"Ouch!" Muzixi continued to vomit as she faced the sink.

His mind was full of images of the steak, and he could still smell the steak in his breath.

It just feels more and more nauseating.

Her spine tightened in pain.

Just when she was almost powerless and fell to the ground, suddenly a big palm touched her back. He tapped her back lightly, and said with concern, "How are you? Are you okay? Do you want to call Qiu Wanqing?"

Cheng Haotian looked at Muzixi suddenly like this, and couldn't help being a little anxious, even throwing away his indifferent coat...

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