President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 149 Hearty Breakfast

"Why did I sleep for so long?" Muzixi decided to ask if he didn't understand, although the person being asked was not so patient. However, I always have to figure out what happened to me these five days!

Cheng Haotian got up from the bed when he saw that Muzixi was fine and there was nothing wrong with him. At this time, he was dressing and looking at the silly little woman. She was really stupid enough, she didn't know anything after being in a coma for so long.

Also, when a person is in a coma, he doesn't know anything.

However, he just felt that this woman was too stupid, as if she didn't know anything and couldn't do anything well. After he left for a while, she put herself in a coma for five days. If he was far away, wouldn't she be in a coma for the rest of her life?

"You had a fever and then caught a cold. You'll be fine today." Cheng Haotian had already put on his clothes, sat in front of the bed and looked at her with a smile and said, "I've been holding you to sleep for five days, and you don't feel anything arrive?"

His smile was a little smirk, but it made Muzixi feel warm. She had a cold, and he still hugged himself so tightly to sleep, without any fear that his cold would infect him. It was really not easy. And she, when he had a cold back then, could be so cold-blooded and ruthless.

In comparison, she is the one who is even colder in the slightest.

However, it was all his fault. Who made him so cold-blooded?

It's just that when she looked at him, she couldn't hate him at all.

His beard was brushed and his face was unkempt, as if he hadn't taken care of himself for a long time. Could it be that during the five days she was ill, he never left her? Otherwise, how can I not reach this level of embarrassment!

"You haven't left me for five days?" Muzixi asked uncertainly. If not, how could he be so embarrassed?

His beard and hair can't be fooled.

"En." Unexpectedly, he admitted it frankly. However, he went on to say: "I'm afraid that the child will also be affected by your cold, and it will be bad to become a dementia by then."

This sentence is really too sassy. If it weren't for these words, Muzixi would definitely be very moved, and even shed tears and nose, but as soon as these words came out, she immediately felt relieved.

Yes, what he was worried about was his child, not her.

However, she got some preferential treatment because of the child. No matter what, he took care of her for five days, so she was still grateful.

Looking at Muzixi's relieved expression, Cheng Haotian felt that he wanted to give himself a slap, why did he add that sentence, did he dislike her smug eyes, or that he couldn't let go of his face .

If she knew that he had guarded her for five days, would she be proud of being favored? Or, did he not want her to see his sincerity? Between them, is it always necessary to be like this?

Cheng Haotian finally softened his tone, and said to Muzixi: "Are you hungry? I'll ask the housekeeper to cook you something to eat."

She hasn't had a good meal for so long, she definitely needs to add calories, so just ask her what she wants to eat now! This, too, is a way of expressing his friendliness.

Or, a way for him to express his concern.

Muzixi's eyes lit up, knowing that he cared about him, so he replied, "A bowl of soy milk and a fried dough stick."

She hasn't eaten these things for a long time, because Qiu Wanqing said that they are not nutritious and not good for children. But now she really wants to eat. It may be that there is no taste in your mouth, so you want to eat something different! I just don't know if Cheng Haotian will give her these.

Cheng Haotian's face turned dark. Sure enough, he couldn't ask this woman. He said that those things should not be eaten, but she still wanted to eat them. Fried dough sticks are very bad junk food, eating them is harmful and not beneficial, but Muzixi actually wants these things.

"Fried dough sticks are no good. I'll ask Butler Bai to buy soy milk. If you want to sleep, sleep for a while, and if you don't want to sleep, get up!" Cheng Haotian didn't get angry, and then he went to the bathroom to take a shower and trim his hair and beard.

He hasn't tidied himself up for five days, and now he has to tidy up, otherwise, he won't be able to go out.

Of course, before he went to the bathroom, he called Butler Bai. He ordered those to be early, and then he could go to tidy up himself with peace of mind.

After he left, Muzixi tidied up her clothes.

She has been lying down for five days?

It was so unbelievable that she still couldn't believe it.

However, it seems to be true. She smelled the smell of her body, as if there was a smell of sweat, it really didn't seem like a day. It seems that she also needs to wash herself well, to wash off the smell of sweat all over her body.

Muzixi got up slowly, then put on her own clothes, and suddenly found a problem, did she not eat or drink these few days? Then who will take care of her?

It was impossible not to eat. If she hadn't eaten for five days, she would have been so hungry that her chest was stuck to her back, but she didn't feel that hungry. While she was unconscious, someone fed him.

"Is it him?" Muzixi thought in her heart, and cast her eyes on Cheng Haotian. She didn't know when this devil-like man became so careful. Is it really just for kids?

She looked down at her swollen belly, where there was already a little life, a crystallization belonging to the two of them.

However, she didn't know whether this child should come or not.

Perhaps, he will treat himself well for this child, and it is not a bad result.

Thinking of this, a smile finally appeared on her pale face. Even if he is for the child, he will treat her well!

After Cheng Haotian sorted himself out, he found that Muzixi was already standing there waiting for him to come out. When he saw him coming out, Muzixi's eyes lit up. In fact, he is quite handsome after tidying up. It's just that it would be nice if it wasn't always a cold face.

"Wait for me to come out?" Cheng Haotian asked uncertainly, he was not used to seeing her staring at him like that.

"Well." Muzixi stepped forward, and when Cheng Haotian was about to give her a hug, she passed him directly and went straight into the bathroom. She was waiting for Cheng Haotian to come out, so she could take a bath by herself.

She just recovered from a cold, so it's time to take a good wash to get rid of the bacteria on her body, and then she won't catch a cold again.

Now, she has discovered the herbal scent on her body. During these five days, she must have drunk herbal medicine every day. Now that she's healed, it's time to wash off the herbal smell along with the bacteria.

Seeing Muzixi go in, Cheng Haotian was inexplicably disappointed. He planned to hug her just now, but he didn't expect that he was wrong. The two of them, in their waking hours, could never open their hearts.

After Muzixi came out of the bathroom, he went downstairs to eat with Cheng Haotian.

It was ready early, just waiting for the two to eat.

When they stood side by side, Cheng Haotian took her hand casually. This little action made Muzixi a little unnatural. She thought, was his holding hands intentional or unintentional? She can't figure it out, if you don't love her, why do you always do things that make her misunderstand?

She is not a hard-hearted person, if you treat her too well, she will take it seriously.

However, she misses his smell very much. His palms were warm and generous. When he held her hand, it seemed as if he could wrap her hand completely, which made her feel very at ease.

The taste of holding hands is so romantic and sweet! No wonder lovers love to hold hands, especially girls. The feeling of big hands holding small hands made them feel dependent. It seems that holding her own hands can give her all the sense of security.

In the end, Muzixi still didn't let go of his hand, so she obediently went downstairs with him.

What he wants is an obedient girl, and Muzixi's current performance is very suitable for him. He glanced at Muzixi with a gentle face, and a sweetness rose in his heart. His waiting was not in vain.

The two sat at the dining table. There was already a table of food on the table. Apart from soy milk, there were also porridge, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Everything was available. It seemed like a sumptuous banquet, not a simple breakfast at all.

"So many?" Muzixi exclaimed. She never thought that a breakfast would be so rich.

Cheng Haotian was very satisfied. He nodded to Butler Bai in satisfaction, and then sat down. Muzixi sat down next to Cheng Haotian, looking at the dishes on that table in disbelief.

Is this breakfast? Why are there so many dishes? But there are only two of them, isn't it too wasteful?

"Eat! Eat whatever you want." Cheng Haotian said, seeing the woman staring at the food, he knew that she must be hungry.

For breakfast, I just ordered soy milk and fried dough sticks. What is this, it cannot be served on the table at all. However, Butler Bai still bought soy milk for her, which can be regarded as fulfilling half of her wish!

"These dishes are much better than your deep-fried dough sticks, aren't they?" Cheng Haotian joked, and began to pick up a plate of cabbage in front of him with his chopsticks.

And Muzixi, who was eating a roast chicken in front of him, stopped his chopsticks a little shyly, and said embarrassedly: "Yeah."

She thought that breakfast was just a simple meal, but she didn't expect that there would be so many dishes.

"There must be too many dishes in the morning!" Muzixi added, and she was also very touched. Cheng Haotian was so kind to her inexplicably, which made her feel a little uneasy.

When he treats her badly, she will resist and run away. But when he was nice to her, she couldn't bear it.

Butler Bai watched the two of them eat, and after hearing Muzixi's question, he immediately answered the question for the young master. He was worried that both of them would refuse to reveal their thoughts, which would eventually invalidate the young master's thoughts, so he answered Miss Mu's question on his own initiative.

"Miss, the young master ordered these dishes to be bought. He said he wanted to give the young lady a cleansing, to congratulate the young lady for finally being healthy and free from disease." The butler Bai said with a smile on his side, he looked at Cheng Haotian's His expression didn't seem to blame him.

What he said was right.

If the young master had no way to say it, he just said it directly.

In this way, the young master will not be embarrassed, and Muzixi also knows the young master's mind, so it will be the best of both worlds.

Muzixi was really moved. She didn't expect that so many dishes were prepared for her. It seems to be a long time, there is no such a chance to eat so many dishes. In this family, from the first day she came, she was never really treated as a hostess. Today, it was the first time!

She was very happy in her heart. So, Cheng Haotian has already regarded her as the hostess? Instead of a mistress who didn't have any status before? Her identity has changed, that is to say, Cheng Haotian has begun to care about her.

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