President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 151 Pray to see him

"Can I go see him?" Muzixi looked at Qiu Wanqing with expectant eyes, and there was deep worry in his eyes.

At this time, she should go and see him. She is worried that he has to deal with the company's affairs when he has a cold. It is best to go and see him, and let him have some comfort in his heart. At least she knew that she was worried about him. Now, she is not afraid that he will know her worries.

Since Cheng Haotian asked Qiu Wanqing to take care of her, she naturally wanted to ask Qiu Wanqing if he could go. Her actions are now under Qiu Wanqing's control.

She understood the situation very well, so she naturally wanted to find the right person to ask.

"No. You are just recovering from a serious illness, and you are not suitable for going out for activities. Let's talk about it in two days!" Qiu Wanqing withdrew his hand, and then wrote a medicine list for Butler Bai on the paper, as long as Butler Bai followed it to go to the pharmacy to get medicine Enough.

The plan in his heart was broken, Muzixi was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

She knew that Qiu Wanqing said she disagreed, so she couldn't go, even secretly. Now, she can only take good care of her body. This is the first time she hates her frail and sick body so much.

Yes, she should take good care of her body so that he won't worry.

Cheng Haotian is also in a hurry in the office. He just hasn't come for five days, and the company has a lot more things to do. Many important events, he remembered, he didn't care at all at the time. At that time, he only cared about Muzixi's body.

Now, once muzixi's health is better, he has to manage these things.

Some meetings have to be held, some materials have to be signed, and some contracts have to be reviewed. These things keep him busy.

Only at night, when there was no one in the company, did he feel that it was so quiet. He was exhausted after a day's work.

After eating some lunch, he planned to sleep in the office.

In his office, there is a built-in door. Inside the door is a place less than 10 square meters, but it is enough for him to rest. In this room, which he seldom lived in before, he lived in it twice during this period, so as not to infect her with the cold.

Think about it, how long has it been since he cared so much about a woman.

This woman had already occupied his whole heart before he knew it.

Cheng Haotian went into the room to sleep and slept deeply all night.

And this night, in Cheng Haotian's villa, in Muzixi's room, Muzixi tossed and turned on the bed with staring eyes, and couldn't sleep soundly all the time.

She was worried about Cheng Haotian, and without his company, she didn't sleep well. Without his warm embrace, without his stable breath, she felt very lonely, and there was only a piece of emptiness in her heart, and she felt particularly helpless in the silent night.

So scared, a night alone.

She knew that Qiu Wanqing was sleeping in the next room, and as long as she called out, he would come over. However, what she wants is not him, but Cheng Haotian. Except for Cheng Haotian who can give her warmth, everyone else is just passing by, unable to enter her eyes or heart.

He stared for a long time, thinking about some things about Cheng Haotian, and finally, at an unknown time, Muzixi finally felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

Two days later, Muzixi felt that her body was almost recovered. She will not be so tired, and after she has energy, she will go to see Cheng Haotian. He didn't come back for two days and she missed him very much. Knowing that he was busy, she didn't call to harass him.

Now she can go to see Cheng Haotian, so she doesn't want to waste any more time delaying their meeting. Now she can't wait to see Cheng Haotian immediately, and she doesn't want to waste any time.

Muzixi ran to find Qiu Wanqing, and she wanted to beg him to let her go to Cheng Haotian.

"Doctor Qiu, I want to see Cheng Haotian, can you let me go to his company to find him?" After seeing Qiu Wanqing, Mu Zixi's first sentence was to directly state his purpose.

Qiu Wanqing was not an outsider, so there was no need to beat around the bush. Besides, it would be better to get straight to the point.

Qiu Wanqing was very surprised. He knew that Muzixi wanted to see Cheng Haotian. However, it was really beyond his expectation that she begged himself in such a panic today.

She wanted to see Cheng Haotian so much, but Cheng Haotian told him to try not to let her see him. Cheng Haotian is still suffering from a cold, so he can't guarantee that it won't infect her. Therefore, he must obey Cheng Haotian's wishes and try not to let her see Cheng Haotian.

However, he really didn't know how to reject such a fragile girl.

Muzixi was very thin, as if she would be blown away by a gust of wind. Such a girl is not suitable for taking risks. If she goes to see Cheng Haotian and catches his cold, the consequences will be quite serious.

Therefore, he had to find a suitable way to refuse. He couldn't directly say the reason, he could only think of other reasons.

Because he had already seen from Muzixi's urgent eyes that she was not afraid of the flu at all. She had already given up everything, so how could she be afraid of a flu?

"Miss Mu, this..." Qiu Wanqing seemed embarrassed: "It's not that I don't let you see him, it's that the housekeeper doesn't let you."

As long as he put the matter on the butler, then Muzixi won't bother him. If there is any problem at that time, there is nothing wrong with him. Haha, he is really too smart to think of this way.

After hearing his answer, Muzixi knew that she should go to Butler Bai and find a breakthrough from Butler Bai.

"Then as long as Butler Bai agrees, do you have any opinions?" Before she left, Muzixi asked a question just to be on the safe side.

If Butler Bai agrees, he won't stop her anymore, right?

Qiu Wanqing looked at Muzixi with admiration in his heart, this little woman, he really underestimated her ability. However, since the words have come to this point, he can't stop anything. Everything can only be looked at by Butler Bai.

Finally, Qiu Wanqing spread his hands and said, "Of course, if he has no objections, I naturally have no objections."

Anyway, Butler Bai agreed, so he naturally had nothing to stop him.

He was not good at blocking people. He is a doctor, but he is good at treating patients.

Besides, Cheng Haotian didn't say he had to stop it. Anyway, both of them want to meet each other, why does he have to be that man who beats mandarin ducks?

Sure enough, Muzixi felt relieved and went to look for Butler Bai. This white butler, like an elder, must be easy to talk to. Muzixi was not worried about this at all. She will be able to see Cheng Haotian soon, and at this moment, she is in a surprisingly good mood.

After going downstairs, Muzixi searched around but didn't see Butler Bai. Where did he go? Usually, Butler Bai is at home!

Muzixi found a maid at random and asked, "Do you know where Butler Bai has gone?"

The maid was cleaning the table, and when she heard Muzixi asking her a question, she immediately stopped what she was doing, stretched out her right index finger, and said to the back garden outside the door: "Butler Bai just went to water the flowers, and I want to call him?"

Hearing the maid's answer, Muzixi was very happy. She finally knew the location of Butler Bai, so she didn't have to worry. Therefore, there is no need for the maid to call Butler Bai.

"No need, I'll just go find it myself." Muzixi rejected the maid's offer and hurried to the garden. She is very anxious now, so she doesn't need the maid to notify, which is more troublesome. It would be better for her to find it herself and ask her directly.

Muzixi hurried to the garden, completely ignoring that she was pregnant. She went to see Cheng Haotian more eagerly than anything else.

When she ran to the garden, she saw the butler Bai watering in front of a rose tree. Seeing her coming, the butler Bai greeted her with a smile: "Good morning, Miss."

He didn't know why Muzixi came here in such a hurry, but looking at her, it seemed that she had something to say to him.

He put down the pot for watering the flowers, and then walked to the front of Muzixi, waiting for her to speak.

After seeing Butler Bai greeted her, Muzixi hurriedly stated his intention of coming: "Butler Bai, I want to go to Chenghaotian's company."

After hearing Muzixi's words, Butler Bai was a little surprised. Isn't this something that Qiu Wanqing should have stopped, so why did it come to him directly. You know, he is just a butler. As for Qiu Wanqing, Cheng Haotian personally ordered him to accompany Muzixi instead.

It stands to reason that Qiu Wanqing is the master of the family now, so he should listen to Qiu Wanqing in everything!

"What does Doctor Qiu mean?" After pondering for a while, Butler Bai asked.

He wasn't sure if it was suitable for the young lady to go to see the young master. If it affects the pregnancy, his sin will be great. The last time the lady had a fever, his sins had not been completely cleared up. If he let the lady catch a cold again, he would have committed a heinous crime.

Muzixi stood up panting, and after hearing what Butler Bai said, she replied without thinking: "He said as long as you agree."

It turned out that he threw the hot potato into his hand.

"Miss, you are just recovering from a serious illness, so it's not suitable to go out. It's better to wait a few days. After the young master recovers, it won't be too late for you to meet again."

Butler Bai persuaded. Qiu Wanqing pushed the matter to him, hoping that he would not let the lady go!

He had neglected things last time, but this time he had to be careful.

After hearing what he said, Muzixi knew that Butler Bai didn't want to let her go. The most important thing is that she is also afraid that she will get sick again. As long as she promises that she has nothing to do, she should be able to leave.

"Butler Bai, I will take care of myself. I have no problems now, I really want to see him, let me go!"

Muzixi continued to beg, she knew that now Cheng Haotian definitely wanted to see her. And she must fight to see him.


Butler Bai didn't know what words to use to stop Muzixi. After all, he was just a butler, so of course he couldn't forcefully stop Muzixi. Maybe, Qiu Wanqing said this to let him let Muzixi go?

That being the case, he has nothing to stop him.

Besides, seeing the eagerness of the young lady, he couldn't bear to insist on her not going. As long as he took care of the young lady, it would be fine.

"He's already sick, and he must be in special need of care. I'll make soup for him to increase his nutrition. Maybe his cold will heal faster. Butler Bai, just let me go!"

Seeing that the butler's attitude was a little slack, Muzixi said in a chasing manner. She knows that Butler Bai is a kind-hearted person, so she just needs to say a few more words, and Butler Bai will definitely let her go.

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