President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 203 Launching an Offensive Pursuit

What happened to make her so worried that she was malnourished and dizzy? Qiu Wanqing let go of her hand and looked at Muzixi with some doubts.

"What's wrong with you recently, are you too tired and have a lot to worry about?" Qiu Wanqing asked, and then pointed out her illness. Her dizziness was nothing more than overwork. What is she worrying about, the company's affairs, her affairs, or Mu Zhili's affairs?

"It's okay, I'm fine." Muzixi replied with a smile, but Qiu Wanqing saw how much sadness was hidden behind her smile. If it wasn't so hard, how could she be so worried!

Since she refused to tell the truth, he didn't ask any more. Of course, it's not good to ask something like this.

"Muzixi, we have such a close relationship, please tell me if you have any difficulties in the future, and let me take good care of you and help you? You are a girl, and you shouldn't have to suffer so much."

Qiu Wanqing said that looking at Muzixi with soft eyes, he felt sorry for her and hoped that she could tell him her difficulties so that he would know how to help her.

Muzixi smiled awkwardly, why didn't she want others to help her! But she knew that a woman should be self-reliant and not depend on others everywhere. Moreover, she has already troubled Qiu Wanqing so much, how could she have the nerve to continue to trouble him!

She always felt that girls should be self-reliant and not always think about relying on other people. Be a tall and straight tree, not a vine that grows by climbing on other big trees.

Looking at Muzixi's pale face, Qiu Wanqing decided to take Muzixi out for a walk, which would be good for her condition, her body, and her mood.

"Muzixi, please trust me. If you have any troubles in the future, please inform me as soon as possible. Well, the weather is fine today. Let's go for a walk together?" Although it was a questioning tone, Qiu Wanqing knew that Muzixi Xi will definitely agree to him. Muzixi has basically never refused his request!

On the one hand, it was because he was her savior, and on the other hand, his position in her heart was already very important. Of course, this is important, it can be a partner or a relative, it depends on what Muzixi thinks.

"Well, I'll go upstairs to change clothes, just wait for me." She also wished for Qiu Wanqing's request. In such a good weather, if you go for a walk with your close people, it is indeed a good idea.

Besides, it is true that they haven't had a good chat for a long time, and it's time for them to have a good heart-to-heart talk.

Muzixi felt that she and Qiu Wanqing had a relationship like relatives, and she also liked his gentleness, so she didn't hate being with him. On the contrary, she thought it was good to be with him.

Muzixi felt that being with Qiu Wanqing gave her a sense of peace of mind, which she felt was a sense of security. She has passed her teenage years longing for Prince Charming. Isn't what she should be looking for is a stable life?

As for Qiu Wanqing, he could just give her what she wanted, so she didn't hate being with him.

When Muzixi went upstairs to change clothes, Qiu Wanqing accompanied Jin Changshun downstairs. When he saw the smile on Jin Changshun's face, he thought he understood something.

"Uncle, thank you for your help." Qiu Wanqing felt very grateful for Jin Changshun's help. He thought, now that Jin Changshun is Muzixi's father, generally speaking, parents are in charge of major marriage matters, even if they can't completely decide, they still play a very large role.

And Muzixi is a girl who cares about love, so she naturally thought a little more about Jin Changshun's words. So, he was very grateful to Jin Changshun for helping him speak at this time, helping him say what he had been embarrassed to say.

Jin Changshun smiled and asked Qiu Wanqing, "When do you plan to launch an offensive pursuit?"

He was worried that if Qiu Wanqing was so slow, other people might take advantage of him, so he was also worried for Qiu Wanqing. What he hoped most was that Qiu Wanqing married his daughter, Muzixi.

However, Qiu Wanqing didn't seem to express anything. No, it was expressed, but it was not stated clearly, and his silly daughter couldn't see it. These two are relatively stupid, otherwise they wouldn't have dragged on for so long without confessing their love.

"Uncle, I've been developing, but Muzixi has no such intention." Although Qiu Wanqing is proud of his work, but emotionally, he is really a layman, and he doesn't know how to pursue Muzixi!

He felt that he and Muzixi were already in such a familiar relationship that he really couldn't say that he loved Muzixi and wanted to pursue her. It was also because of the man's face, maybe because he was too close, in short, he felt that it was difficult for him to say it, and he couldn't say it.

It seemed to be something that everyone already knew, and he didn't want to pierce the window paper. I just hope that after a long time, muzixi will know his intentions and accept him.

"You were pretty smart when you were working, why are you so stupid now?" Jin Changshun said helplessly, seeing the feelings between these two people was so anxious that they didn't say anything. But what can I ask him to do, so he can only say clearly: "Girls like to be pursued by others, and they also need to know what boys think.

Just say it directly and let her know what you think! If you don't say it, how will she know what you think! "

These two people were too impatient, so they didn't know how to say it. It's like there is a boy and a girl who have a very pure relationship, but the truth is that one doesn't say that he likes the other person, while the other doesn't even know that the other person likes him.

Jin Changshun didn't want the two of them to miss it in vain, so he reminded him, and hoped that Qiu Wanqing could take the initiative.

Hearing this, Qiu Wanqing seemed to understand a little bit. No wonder Muzixi still had the same expression on his face. It seemed that she was not much different from before. It turned out that she always thought that Jin Changshun's words were only Jin Changshun's meaning, not his. Therefore, Muzixi is not worried about the relationship between the two.

So that's how he is so stupid, only now he understands.

However, it is not too late to understand now.

"Then, I'll make it clear to her." Qiu Wanqing said confidently, a little eager to try. He wanted to know what kind of reaction Muzixi would have when he knew he liked her. He was looking forward to it. Will she be very happy, knowing that he likes her, she should be happy!

But what if she is unhappy? She doesn't like him? After he said it, wouldn't the two be embarrassed?

In this way, how can the two meet again in the future? They don't know what to say after meeting!

Could it be that it was self-defeating like this?

"But, if she doesn't like me, wouldn't our relationship be very embarrassing?" Qiu Wanqing said worriedly, the joy just now was gone, and it turned into deep worry.

He was worried that if muzixi didn't like him, after he said it, the two of them would not be able to be friends anymore.

"This..." Jin Changshun also thought thoughtfully, Qiu Wanqing was right, if Muzixi didn't like Qiu Wanqing, then the relationship between the two of them would be very embarrassing in the future, in that case, they might not even be friends Unable to do it, Jin Changshun finally said: "Then you can figure it out, I just remind you."

"Well, thank you, Uncle." Qiu Wanqing thought for a while, and quickly recovered, then thanked Jin Changshun with a smile. He knows what he should do, he will come slowly, don't be impatient.

Anyway, they have enough time. If he doesn't let Muzixi leave him, he will have a chance sooner or later. As long as Muzixi is not allowed to leave, that is enough.

Muzixi and Qiu Wanqing were already walking on the street outside half an hour later. The sun was so good today that Muzixi couldn't open her eyes. She looked up at the sky. The sky was blue and there were many clouds on it. Floating, looking slow and peaceful, calmed down her mood, and she was no longer so impetuous.

Just after eating, Muzixi was also full of energy, but after being exposed to the sun like this, she felt a little drowsy. She knew that the biological clock might be at work, and she usually took a lunch break at this time.

That's right, I'm used to being lazy, and suddenly I don't have a lunch break, but I'm not used to it.

After the two arrived on the street, Qiu Wanqing asked Mu Zixi, "Where should we go for a walk?"

Muzixi thought for a while, and then she had the answer in her heart. She smiled and pointed to the front and said, "There is a park not far ahead, let's go there for a walk!"

It was a place she had been to before, because it was relatively close to home, so she visited all the parks near her home, including this park of course.

Qiu Wanqing nodded in agreement, no matter where he went, as long as Muzixi liked to go, he would be happy to accompany him to the end. Besides, he didn't think it mattered where he went, as long as Muzixi was there, he could go anywhere.

"Muzixi, you should also pay attention to your diet recently. Except for the lunch I gave you, you should also pay more attention to the remaining two meals." Qiu Wanqing urged worriedly, watching Muzixi's daily meal With a thin face, he was worried.

Muzixi knew that he cared about him, so he would not refuse his kindness. He liked to remind himself, tell himself, just let him talk, and all she did was nod her head in agreement to reassure him.

Seeing Muzixi's obedient agreement, Qiu Wanqing knew that she was just dealing with him.

After walking for a while, the two finally arrived at the entrance of the park. At the entrance of the park, Qiu Wanqing stopped. He thought that it might take a long time to come out after entering, so he planned to buy water for Muzixi before entering the gate. drink. It seemed that they passed a vending machine just now, and there were all kinds of drinks in it, so he planned to go there to buy a bottle for Muzixi to drink.

After making up his mind, Qiu Wanqing asked Muzixi, "What drink do you want?"

Generally, boys have to take care of girls' feelings, so before buying something, ask girls what they like, and then buy the right medicine, so as not to make girls hate it.

He is a boy, so it doesn't matter what he drinks. And girls are more picky, so it's better for him to be considerate.

"Orange juice." Muzixi answered briefly. She was really a little thirsty after such a long journey. Anyway, she didn't have time to buy drinks after going in for a while. It would be good to buy them at the door and bring them in.

"Okay." Qiu Wanqing nodded and took down Muzixi's drink, then lifted his foot and left: "You wait here for me once, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

Qiu Wanqing left here after a while, came to the drink vending machine that he had just passed, and began to choose his favorite drink and Muzixi's drink.

Not long after Qiu Wanqing left, Cheng Haotian came over. He originally planned to look for Muzixi, and was walking on the way to her house, but unexpectedly, when he looked up, he saw a person standing not far away, wasn't it the Muzixi he wanted to see?

Cheng Haotian was very happy when he saw Muzixi, and walked towards her quickly.

"Muzixi, why are you here?" Cheng Haotian greeted Muzixi warmly. He missed Muzixi very much. Seeing her now made him very happy.

However, his greeting was a bit abrupt. Because, it was Muzixi who should be asking that question!

"I should be asking you this!" Muzixi replied, she was very strange, this is near her home, why did Cheng Haotian appear here, his company seems to have nothing to do with here!

Muzixi didn't want to chat with him, but she promised Qiu Wanqing that she would wait here for Qiu Wanqing, so she couldn't leave here yet. Otherwise, Qiu Wanqing would not be able to find her when he came over.

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