President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 205 Mu Zhili's Choice

No matter how rich you are Cheng Haotian, I will not be with you. It is impossible for us, please give up as soon as possible!

When Cheng Haotian heard her words no, he felt that everything around him was dark, as if he was the only one in the world. There was a pain in his chest, like a needle prick, as if his favorite thing was about to be lost, and it hurt him so much. And he was unable to hold Muzixi's hand, begging her not to leave.

Seeing Cheng Haotian standing there with a dull expression, Muzixi took the opportunity to leave quickly. She has already rejected him, so naturally she wants to cut the mess quickly and not have too much entanglement with him.

If she wanted to leave, she should leave completely. Cheng Haotian can't be allowed to have hope in her anymore, otherwise neither of them can get relief, so we must solve the problem quickly. If you leave, leave quickly and thoroughly.

Seeing Muzixi leave, Qiu Wanqing smiled with satisfaction, and he looked at Cheng Haotian's sluggish look, and felt a little sympathetic to Cheng Haotian. If he knew why today, Qiu Wanqing thought, if Cheng Haotian treated Mu Zixi at the beginning Zixi is better, and there will be no subsequent tragedies, so everything is karma.

And he and Muzixi were destined to be together.

After seeing Muzixi leave, Qiu Wanqing took the two bottles of drinks and left. Under the sun, the drink was already hot, but Qiu Wanqing was in a very good mood. He knew that Muzixi had rejected Cheng Haotian, so Muzixi didn't have Cheng Haotian in his heart, that's great, Cheng Haotian, you made Muzixi suffer so much before, but now it's you Also tasted it!

Cheng Haotian was still standing there in a daze for a long time after Muzixi left. He was thinking about their sweet time that day. On Muzixi's birthday, they went to the amusement park, and then they rode bumper cars, ferris wheels, and rides together. The ferris wheel reached the highest point, and finally asked a stranger to send her blessings at the entrance of the theater...

He remembered that Muzixi was very happy that day, and he was also very happy, but why, they weren't together?

Why did they not get together in the end, and Muzixi refused his pursuit?

Cheng Haotian thought that he and Muzixi still have fate, otherwise God would not let him meet her again, so he would not give up easily. He wants to pursue to the end and cannot give up easily.

He wants to be with Muzixi, forever.

Looking at Muzixi's appearance just now, she hesitated for so long, and did not reject him directly, so Muzixi still has some feelings for him, it cannot be that she has no feelings at all, he doesn't know why she doesn't Agree, but he can't give up, he must chase her.

Cheng Haotian finally regained some energy, thinking of his own decision, he began to be full of energy again. He said to himself secretly, come on! As long as you persist until the end, you will be successful. He will never give up until the last step!

Unless Muzixi has become someone else's bride and the two have legal protection, then he has no way to pursue it. Otherwise, he can't give up. He believes that as long as he persists to the end, he will succeed. There is a saying that everything depends on human effort, which is what he has always believed in.

Muzixi then went to the company in the afternoon, because the company had an urgent matter that she needed to deal with, so she chose to go to the company to deal with it herself. After a busy afternoon at the company, she finally got everything done.

Looking at the time, it was already evening. She didn't have time to contact Qiu Wanqing on the phone all afternoon, and she didn't know what he was busy with. Has his urgent matter been taken care of?

After Muzixi went home by car, he immediately called Qiu Wanqing and asked how his affairs were going.

After the call was connected, she realized that Qiu Wanqing had returned to City A. The name of City A is familiar to her, but she doesn't know where she heard of it, she just knows that City A is the place where Qiu Wanqing once stayed, and he has his friends and relatives there.

And Muzixi has never been to City A, so he doesn't know much about it. If there is a chance, she must go there to see what the place where Qiu Wanqing lived was like, is it better than here?

Qiu Wanqing told him on the phone that he was already busy with his work, so that Muzixi didn't have to worry about him, and that she had to eat well and take good care of herself, which was the best reward for him.

Muzixi still agreed, and felt relieved for Qiu Wanqing.

In fact, she always felt that when Qiu Wanqing was here, she felt a little depressed, and she didn't know why, maybe it was because Qiu Wanqing was too wordy, so let her do everything!

And she is at home by herself, she doesn't have to worry about anything. She didn't need to worry about Mu Zhili so much, it seemed that Qiu Wanqing treated her like a child and was always disciplined.

After the conversation between the two ended, Muzixi went back to the room. When she entered the door, she found a voice.

Who the hell is in her room? Muzixi was startled, but also stood still in place vigilantly, listening to the source of the sound quietly. She didn't know, how could someone enter her room at this time?

"Well, okay..." It was Mu Zhili's immature voice, and Mu Zixi was relieved now. It turned out that it was Mu Zhili, not a bad person, and she thought it was some kind of criminal!

However, who is Mu Zhili calling? What is it for, and who are you talking to?

Muzixi quietly approached the balcony, she knew where the voice came from, and then she stood behind the door, quietly listening to the conversation between the two. She wanted to figure out what Mu Zhili was talking about and who she was talking to!

"Mom went to the company this afternoon. It seems to be something urgent. I went out and called Uncle Qiu just now..." Mu Zhili said there in a childish voice, but the words were clear.

The person who said this seems to be her! Muzixi became alert. Who the hell was she, and why did she report her whereabouts to that person? Muzixi became curious, and without waiting for Mu Zhili to finish speaking, she opened the door and stared at Mu Zhili.

She needs to know who Mu Zhili is calling and why she is reporting her whereabouts. If she is a criminal, then she will be in great trouble. Mu Zhili was a child, so she was so easy to deceive.

And Mu Zhili didn't panic at all when she saw her mother coming in. She also looked up at Muzixi, and said unhurriedly to the person on the other side of the phone: "Okay, my mother is here, I'm going to talk to her, I won't talk to you anymore, goodbye! "

Finally, Mu Zhili hung up the phone slowly before walking towards Muzixi. She didn't seem to feel that she had done anything wrong, on the contrary she felt that she had done a very good thing.

Isn't it a good thing that she reported her mother's whereabouts to her father?

Anyway, the candidate for her father in her mind is Cheng Haotian, so no matter what she does, she always takes her father's order as the main purpose, and she will tell the truth what father wants to know.

Muzixi looked at Mu Zhili who was so calm and composed, and couldn't believe it. Why was Mu Zhili so calm, as if she was not afraid at all? Didn't she know that her mother's whereabouts cannot be casually told to others of it?

Maybe, it's just because Mu Zhili is really too young.

"Who were you chatting with just now?" Seeing Mu Zhili approaching, Mu Zixi couldn't help asking. Of course, her words contained anger, as well as a kind of exasperation. She didn't know who Mu Zhili told her whereabouts, she only knew that it would be very detrimental to them if Mu Zhili told other people about her information.

If Mu Zhili told someone with an evil heart, she must know her fixed schedule, and then she could come and steal things. Mu Zhili was too careless to tell other people such important information. My child, I don't understand what is at stake.

Mu Zhili told such important information from her side so easily, which made Mu Zixi too worried. She didn't know what kind of trouble this would cause, it might be very serious, but Mu Zhili didn't know at all!

"I told my father!" Mu Zhili replied righteously, without any fear of Mu Zixi's anger. In her opinion, it was only natural for her to tell her parents whereabouts.

dad? Muzixi was surprised, when did Mu Zhili have a father, but she, a mother, didn't know? Who made Mu Zhili believe it easily again?

Muzixi was a little worried now, worried that this person was abducting and selling children, not someone who just came to steal her things. So, what she is more worried about now is Mu Zhili's safety. Everything else, compared to Mu Zhili, is already very insignificant.

"Who is your father, why don't I know!" Muzixi asked suspiciously, and then persuaded with some worry: "You are still young, and you don't know what is true or false, so don't easily believe what others say."

However, this time Mu Zhili didn't obey obediently, but stood up and argued with Mu Zixi with her face up. How could she talk about her father like that, Mu Zhili was very sad.

Her father, how could others say that, as if her father was a liar. But in her heart, father is like a god!

"Uncle Cheng is my father, I don't allow you to say that about my father!" Mu Zhili put her hands on her hips, staring at Mu Zixi with her eyes, looking very naughty and cute.

In order to protect her father, Mu Zhili reported her father's name. She forbade her mother to talk about her father like that.

So that's the case, no wonder Mu Zixi said, why is Mu Zhili disobedient again? It seems that after Mu Zhili met Cheng Haotian, the number of times she was disobedient increased a lot, and as long as it was his problem, Mu Zhili would argue with reason, and she would never listen to her persuasion. What happened to this child? .

What advantage did Cheng Haotian give her, let her follow him so wholeheartedly, speak for him, defend him everywhere, and even tell him her whereabouts? Muzixi doesn't understand, Cheng Haotian and Qiu Wanqing have similar appearances, why do children have to choose Cheng Haotian?

Because he didn't understand the child's thinking, Muzixi decided to ask what happened today.

"Why do you like Uncle Cheng but not Uncle Qiu?" Mu Zixi was puzzled, and asked Mu Zhili this question. She actually wanted to ask this question a long time ago. It's just that there has never been a suitable opportunity.

She wanted to know what the child was thinking, why did he choose Cheng Haotian instead of Qiu Wanqing? In the eyes of their adults, they would not choose Cheng Haotian, but the honest Qiu Wanqing.

Therefore, Muzixi wanted to know what the child was thinking. Why does Cheng Haotian please children more than Qiu Wanqing?

Mu Zhili glanced at Muzixi, with a little complacency on her face. That's the one she picked, and of course she'll support it to the end.

However, she still looked like a little adult and said: "He is handsome and rich, but the most important thing is, I like it!"

The most important thing in a few words is that she likes it, as long as she likes it, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides, if Leng asked her to explain why, she couldn't explain in detail. Children, many times it is based on feeling.

This reason makes Muzixi dumbfounded. He is handsome and rich. Is this something a child should consider? Perhaps the most important thing is that she likes Cheng Haotian! Why Mu Zhili likes Cheng Haotian so much, isn't it because he took them to the amusement park last time?

But this, Qiu Wanqing can also do it!

"Did you like Uncle Cheng because he took you to the amusement park last time?" Mu Zixi continued to ask, trying to find out the key points that could make Mu Zhili change her mind.

Mu Zhili thought about it seriously. In fact, the way she was thinking was so funny that Mu Zixi couldn't help laughing. It's just a child, if you insist on acting like a thinker, can you not make her laugh?

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