President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 210 Mu Zhili’s trick

Qiu Wanqing was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "It didn't take long, I just arrived a while ago. Let's not talk about this anymore. You think about what to eat, and I will take you there."

"Hmph!" Mu Zhili snorted dissatisfied at this time and said, "Uncle Qiu, you know how to care about your mother, and you don't even care about me!"

Qiu Wanqing was a little unhappy when he saw Mu Zhili. He quickly squatted down, touched Mu Zhili's head and said, "How could uncle forget you? Look what uncle brought you." As he said that, Qiu Wanqing took something from his pocket. He took out a mobile phone and handed it to Mu Zhili.

Mu Zhili's eyes lit up when she saw the mobile phone. For a five-year-old child, the mobile phone is still super attractive. Seeing Mu Zhili's happy look, Qiu Wanqing said: "Zhili, this is given to me by my uncle." Do you like the gift you brought?"

Mu Zhili glanced at Qiu Wanqing, straightened her face, and said, "It's okay, that's all." Although she said this, she still put the phone in her pocket. The mobile phone Qiu Wanqing gave her was the latest model, and it was much better than her original one in terms of performance and price, so of course Mu Zhili was very happy.

"Wan Qing, isn't the thing you gave her a little inappropriate for her? After all, she is only five years old." Muzixi interjected softly.

Qiu Wanqing smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as Zhili likes it. If uncle sees anything new, I'll buy it all for you."

Qiu Wanqing was very kind to Mu Zhili, but Mu Zhili obviously didn't want to buy it and said, "No, it's enough that uncle gave me this mobile phone. Don't give me anything else!"

Qiu Wanqing knew that Mu Zhili had not accepted him yet, and of course he was not in a hurry. He knew that even if he was anxious about such a thing, he could not rush it, so he said, "It's okay. Why are you so polite to uncle?"

"Wanqing, why are you free today and come here in the afternoon? You seem to be very busy these two days." Qiu Wanqing came to Muzixi every day for the past two days. Muzixi felt that Qiu Wanqing had nothing to do.

"Hehe." Qiu Wanqing smirked and said, "Isn't this just to see you? In fact, there is nothing in my company. I leave it to the people below. I just want to spend some time with you. "

Muzixi knew how Qiu Wanqing felt about her, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go, it's already so late now, let's go eat first."

As soon as Muzixi said he wanted to eat, Qiu Wanqing said quickly: "I know there is a good new western restaurant nearby. We can try it there."

Seeing Qiu Wanqing walking so close to her mother, Mu Zhili felt very uncomfortable. She thought about it and said, "Mom, I don't want to eat Western food. Can we eat somewhere else?"

"Huh?" Muzixi said curiously: "Zhili, don't you usually like to eat Western food the most? Why don't you like it now?"

Of course Mu Zhili did it on purpose. She just wanted to undermine Qiu Wanqing, so she deliberately said that she didn't want to eat Western food. She quickly covered her stomach and said, "Mom, my stomach hurts. Let's go home!"

Seeing Mu Zhili holding her stomach, Mu Zixi quickly said: "Zhili, you were fine just now. Why do you have a stomachache now? Then I will take you home!"

Muzixi's concern leads to chaos, but Qiu Wanqing can't see that Mu Zhili is just faking it. He knows very well that Mu Zhili has not accepted him yet, but he is not discouraged either. He knows that he can't be anxious now. , to make Mu Zhili accept herself step by step.

As soon as she heard that she was going home, Mu Zhili's face showed a smile of success, but the next second, she immediately realized something, and it quickly became very painful.

Qiu Wanqing finally had to send Mu Zhili and Mu Zixi back together, with deep helplessness on his face.

Mu Zhili showed a wicked smile, which happened to fall into Mu Zixi's eyes.

"Mu Zhili, what on earth are you doing? Since your stomach hurts, let me take you to the hospital first! What if you have any problems in the future!" Mu Zixi looked at Mu with a worried look. Zhili.

What? Go to the hospital? Mu Zhili frowned at the thought of going to the hospital. It was terrifying to know that a place like a hospital smelled strongly of medicine every day and had to get injections at every turn!

Thinking that Mu Zhili had not yet fully accepted herself, Qiu Wanqing tried to smooth things over and said, "Forget it, the child may have just come out of the house and caught wind. He will be fine in a while. There is no need to go to the hospital."

Mu Zhili was waiting for Qiu Wanqing, looking like she had better smooth things over for me. She was really cute.

How could a mother care about this? Mu Zhili was her only daughter. This sudden stomachache made her anxious. Also, this little girl just smiled evilly, I don’t know what the hell she had in mind.

"No, I have to go to the hospital today!" Mu Zixi seemed to have made up her mind, holding Mu Zhili's little hand and looking at her.

Qiu Wanqing knew that Muzixi must have made a decision and couldn't change it at all, so he said nothing more and stood aside to see what this clever little girl should do.

Going to the hospital is the most fearful thing for many children. What Mu Zhili wants to do may be revealed soon! Although Qiu Wanqing didn't show it on his face, he was gloating in his heart.

"Mom, I don't have a stomachache anymore. It just hurt a little bit..." Mu Zhili didn't stop, and looked at Muzixi, her voice getting weaker and weaker.

Muzixi finally understood what the little girl was trying to do, and said with a serious face: "Mu Zhili, do you know that it is rude for you to do this? How many times have I told you !”

Muzixi had never had the heart to reprimand Mu Zhili, but today she got so angry, and it was because of the uncle Qiu Wanqing next to her! Although Mu Zhili is young, she has a strong sense of self-esteem. How could she endure such grievances?

"Mom is the most annoying! I just won't go to eat with you, I want to go home by myself! I never want to see you again!" Mu Zhili thought and couldn't help but break away from Mu Zixi's hand without looking back. Run straight ahead! I wish I could get rid of both Muzixi and Qiu Wanqing!

Muzixi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her harshness would hurt Mu Zhili's self-esteem, but she didn't expect that she would be so angry that she would throw away her hand...

Muzixi chased out subconsciously.

However, it was just past the rush hour at this time, and all the cars on the road were moving smoothly. Originally, Qiu Wanqing's car was parked on the side of the road, but Mu Zhili actually ran towards the other side of the road!

"Zhili! Be careful!" Muzixi saw the constant flow of vehicles passing by her daughter one after another! Her heart almost reached her throat. If this was a traffic jam, no one would notice Mu Zhili running across the road, but now Mu Zhili was running on a road full of vehicles!

She is her only daughter! The only spiritual sustenance! How could she not worry!

I was so frightened that my face immediately turned pale! There is no strength left in my feet!

But Mu Zhili only focused on getting angry, and couldn't even hear Muzixi's call!

snort! Mom is the worst, and uncle Qiu Wanqing, I don’t want them to be together!

Mu Zhili had tears in her eyes and just ran forward without looking at the cars on the road.

Pipi! At this moment, a large truck came oncoming, driving quickly from not far away! It seems that Mu Zhili is not seen! No intention of slowing down at all!

Muzixi was immediately frightened to the extreme! He stepped off the curb and fell to the ground!

When Qiu Wanqing saw Mu Zhili, he didn't seem to see the big truck at all! Even Muzixi can’t catch up! Suddenly I felt anxious, and I quickly ran up, taking three steps at a time and then two steps at a time! Regardless of life or death, he ran through two cars in a row! Came to Mu Zhili's side! At this time, the truck driver also saw Mu Zhili and Qiu Wanqing!

But it's too late! He slammed on the brakes! A harsh brake sound sounded immediately! He approached Mu Zhili like a talisman!

Mu Zhili suddenly woke up! Turning his head, he was suddenly shocked and stunned!

After all, he is only a five-year-old child! I couldn’t react right away!

"Zhili!" Muzixi saw that the big truck was about to hit Mu Zhili! My heart is almost torn!

But right now! Qiu Wanqing rushed to Mu Zhili's side and pushed Mu Zhili away violently!

Mu Zhili fell half a meter violently! But she didn't have time to feel the pain.

The sound of a truck hitting an object was heard behind me!


The big truck drove straight past, and finally stopped when it hit a person and walked about a meter. The truck driver was so frightened that he was sweating and even forgot to get out of the car.

At this time, Muzixi's view was blocked by the large truck that was trying to turn, and he couldn't see the scene over there...

When she saw the big truck stopped, she immediately got up and rushed over!

"Zhili!" Muzixi covered her mouth and staggered towards the other side of the road, unbelievable at the scene in front of her. If I hadn't said these words to my daughter just now, maybe she wouldn't be angry with me! There will be no danger...

Every step she took, she was afraid of seeing her daughter covered in blood...

At this moment, Muzixi was almost fainting. If anything happened to Mu Zhili, she, Muzixi, would not be able to bear it.

I was still in shock, but there were still traces of friction between the tires and the ground on the road.

Muzixi hurriedly ran forward and looked at Mu Zhili lying on the ground with her eyes closed. She panicked and squatted on the ground, not daring to touch Mu Zhili.

"Daughter, my daughter, what happened to me?" Muzixi had tears in her eyes, unable to accept this fact.

The truck driver seemed to feel that something was wrong at this time. He quickly got out of the truck and panicked when he saw someone lying on the ground.

Muzixi tried to stay calm, stood up, looked at the truck driver, and almost shouted to the man: "You! Give me back my daughter!"

The truck driver was stunned. He endured Muzixi's shaking of him and looked at the people on the side. It stands to reason that if someone was really hit and killed, there should be blood! Why do the people on the ground seem to be fine?

"You murderer! I'm going to make you die badly!" Muzixi raised the bag in his hand and threw it at the truck driver.

Mu Zhili felt a little dizzy. She looked at her mother who was going crazy and said, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Hearing the voice of her daughter, Muzixi thought she had heard it wrong. When she looked back, Mu Zhili had really woken up and was looking at her.

"Zhili, let mom see if you are okay!" Muzixi quickly stepped forward and held Mu Zhili in his arms, for fear that Muzixi would be in some dangerous situation again.

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