President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 270 The President's Way of Chasing His Wife

The lives of Cheng Haotian and Mu Zhili gradually calmed down. Every day, Cheng Haotian took Mu Zhili to work in the company, and played with Mu Zhili after finishing his business.

On this day, Cheng Haotian and Mu Zhili were about to go out when the officials said that Muzixi's lawyer had arrived.

Muzixi has been away for almost half a month, why did her lawyer come to the door at this time?

Cheng Haotian met lawyer Muzixi in the study.

"Mr. Cheng, hello!" The lawyer came in to say hello, and without any extra words, he took out a document from his office bag, "Today is mainly about the custody transfer agreement prepared by Manager Mu in June. Some procedures require your signature to take effect."

Cheng Haotian took the document to read, and was surprised that it was Mu Zhili's custody transfer agreement!

Although a little shocked, seeing the lawyer who has been watching him, Cheng Haotian quickly read the documents.

Looking at the agreement, Cheng Haotian's heart ached. He didn't expect that Muzixi would be so resolute that even the last contact would be broken?

She hates him so much that she doesn't even want her daughter?

After sending the lawyer away, Cheng Haotian fell into deep thought, unable to recover for a long time...

Mu Zhili's custody and transfer agreement, which was prepared in June, made people feel a little abnormal.

At that time, it happened not long after Jin Changshun's death, and Muzixi's mood was not stable during that time. Could it be that Muzixi planned to let him raise Mu Zhili at that time?

But judging from how precious Mu Zixi is to Mu Zhili, how could she be willing to let Mu Zhili leave her so easily?

Unless something happened, Muzixi had to give up Mu Zhili...

Think about Muzixi's expression on the day he left. At that time, because of what Muzixi said, he only cared about being sad, and didn't think much about it. Now think about it...

Muzixi's expression didn't look like he hated himself and wanted to take revenge on himself, but instead seemed to be suppressing deep sadness and reluctance...

Thinking about it further, during the period of Jin Changshun's death, Muzixi's performance, and this agreement, Muzixi was not only sad because of Jin Changshun, but most likely because of the loss of Mu Zhili...

Then, can he also boldly guess that Muzixi is actually reluctant to leave him and Mu Zhili?

Muzixi, what is it that forced you to give up Mu Zhili, whom you regard as your life?

Thinking about what happened during that time, it can only be related to Jin Changshun's death. After seeing it, it is necessary to find out how Kim Jang-soon died...

Thinking of this, Cheng Haotian called his secretary, "Go to the hospital to find out how Jin Changshun died." After explaining, Cheng Haotian hung up the phone.

I hope it's not the same as I thought, otherwise, this time, he will definitely make Qiu Wanqing pay the price...

The next day, Cheng Haotian received a reply from his secretary, "Mr. Cheng, I found Jin Changshun's attending physician, and he said he didn't know the situation, because it was not him who operated on Jin Changshun, but Mu The operation performed by Mr. Qiu that Miss found, he will not talk about other things."

"Well, I see." After listening to the secretary's words, Cheng Haotian explained some work and hung up the phone.

It seems that he needs to go to the hospital in person to meet the doctor...

Cheng Haotian went to the hospital and found the surgeon.

Seeing Cheng Haotian's arrival, the doctor was a little surprised.

Cheng Haotian walked up to the doctor and extended his hand in a friendly way, "Hello, I'm Cheng Haotian."

The doctor was so polite that he smiled, and stretched out his hand to shake it back, "Hello, I don't know what Mr. Cheng wants from me?"

"I came here mainly to find out what happened to Jin Changshun's death?" Cheng Haotian kept staring at the doctor, wondering how he would react, "You are Jin Changshun's attending doctor, so you should know the specific situation at that time. "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cheng, the hospital has regulations that doctors can't disclose the patient's condition casually." The doctor looked at Cheng Haotian and asked this question, after thinking about it, he still refused.

Although he was very skeptical about Jin Changshun's operation, but since everyone is dead, why should he ask for trouble?

The good doctor Cheng Haotian hesitated, so he knew that he understood the situation at that time. It's just that there is no benefit, so I definitely won't say it.

Therefore, Cheng Haotian compared a few numbers with the doctor with his hand, and said to the doctor with a smile, "Of course, if you can provide more specific information in this way, the benefits will only be more, not less."

The doctor was horrified by Chenghao Tianbi's figures. He really was the president of a large group, and he made such a big move.

The doctor thought about it for a long time, but finally he couldn't resist the temptation of money, and lost to Cheng Haotian's sugar-coated bullet.

"At that time, Mr. Jin suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital. Originally, I should be the surgeon. Later, Dr. Qiu came. My medical skills were not as good as Dr. Qiu's, so I was replaced by Dr. Qiu. Actually, it was not a major operation. My medical skills are not as good as Qiu's, and I also know that Mr. Jin can survive the operation, and it is impossible to die after being stimulated to that degree, but in the end, Mr. Jin died..."

The implication could not be more clear, that Jin Changshun's death was probably man-made. As for who it is, there is no need to say it. In that case, except for the chief surgeon who may do something, no one else can do it at all.

Then, Jin Changshun's death is really related to Qiu Wanqing...

In order to make Muzixi leave him, in order to get Muzixi, Qiu Wanqing was really insane, and he could do it all.

Muzixi will not be happy with such a person.

Therefore, even if Muzixi really couldn't forgive him, he couldn't let Muzixi and Qiu Wanqing be together. He was going to bring Muzixi back.

If Muzixi knew that Jin Changshun's death was related to Qiu Wanqing, and knew that Qiu Wanqing was not as gentle and harmless as he appeared on the surface, would she still be able to marry Qiu Wanqing?

This time, he must let Muzixi see Qiu Wanqing's true face...

Immediately took out the phone and called the secretary, "Check out the situation of Muzixi in the Maldives for me, the more detailed the better."

Originally, she thought that since Muzixi hated him, he would stop disturbing her life. However, after knowing what Qiu Wanqing did, he had to find out.

When the secretary gave Cheng Haotian the information he had investigated, Cheng Haotian looked at Muzixi's life in the Maldives, and Cheng Haotian became happier the more he looked at it.

Especially when he knew that Muzixi had not married Qiu Wanqing, nor lived with Qiu Wanqing, but lived in Jin Changshun's original villa there, joy flooded into his heart, as if his heart was rippling in honey water like...

In this situation, coupled with Jin Changshun's matter, Cheng Haotian couldn't wait to see Mu Xizi.

Do as soon as you think of it, Cheng Haotian said to the secretary, "I'll book him a plane ticket to Maldives tonight."

When Cheng Haotian got off the plane, Qiu Wanqing received a call from the mafia.

"Well, I see." Qiu Wanqing listened to the report over there, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Haotian, I guessed that you would not give up so soon, but I didn't expect you to come so soon...

"Continue to pay close attention to his actions." Qiu Wanqing hung up the phone.

Cheng Haotian, since you are here, how can I disappoint you? Qiu Wanqing was thinking like this, with a vicious expression on his face and dark eyes...

Originally, he thought that what Muzixi said when he left had already made Cheng Haotian give up. The reason why he let the mafia pay attention to whether Cheng Haotian entered the country was because he was always cautious in doing things. Unexpectedly, it would come in handy up.

What he has to do now is not to let Muzixi and Cheng Haotian meet. Muzixi is too easily influenced by Cheng Haotian, so they must not be allowed to meet...

When Qiu Wanqing was still thinking about how to prevent Cheng Haotian from meeting Muzixi, Cheng Haotian had already arrived at the place where Muzixi lived.

Standing in front of Muzixi's gate, Cheng Haotian suddenly became a little afraid of seeing Muzixi, and felt a little more timid when he was close to the nostalgia...

This is the first time in his life that he has such an uneasy feeling of wanting to see someone but also being afraid of seeing someone.

After wandering outside the door for a while, thinking about what to do, he knocked on the door anyway.

When Muzixi heard someone knocking on the door, she thought it was Qiu Wanqing who came, opened the door and saw Cheng Haotian, stayed for a while, and then closed the door with a "bang".

Cheng Haotian looked at the door that was closing quickly in front of him, and secretly thanked himself for his quick reaction, otherwise his nose would bleed. After rejoicing, Cheng Haotian felt a little sad, and his heart was a little sad. Does Muzixi not want to see himself?

Muzixi leaned back against the door, her breathing was short, her heart was pounding...

Why did Cheng Haotian come here? What is he here for?

When she endured the grief in her heart and forced herself to accept the reality, why did Cheng Haotian appear?

For Cheng Haotian, she wanted to see him but dared not.

These days, she forced herself not to think about him, trying her best to forget him.

During the day, she kept herself busy with various things, and kept herself from being idle. She kept herself exhausted from being busy every day, and fell asleep at night, thinking that she could forget about him in this way.

When she didn't see Cheng Haotian, she could still lie to herself that she had forgotten him.

However, the moment she saw him, she knew that she could deceive others, and thought she could deceive herself, but she couldn't deceive her own heart.

Only when she saw him did she realize that she had never stopped thinking about him. As time went by, it accumulated more and more, and now it almost drowned her...

Cheng Haotian kept knocking on the door, but he didn't see Muzixi open the door.

Muzixi's reaction made him feel very depressed...

However, he didn't forget what he was here for. Since Muzixi didn't want to see him, he said outside the door.

"Zixi, I know you don't want to see me. Although it makes me sad, I won't force you." Cheng Haotian said to the door.

Seeing that Muzixi still didn't respond, he continued helplessly, "I heard you say that you were with me to take revenge on me, and my heart ached, but I was such a jerk for what I did to you before, don't you Forgive me, and I should."

Cheng Haotian's tone paused, resisting the pain in his heart, and said slowly, "I also plan not to disturb your life from now on, silently bless you, raise Zhili well, as long as you can be happy, I think you will be happy in this life That's enough."

Muzixi listened silently to what Cheng Haotian said. When she heard that Cheng Haotian only wanted to be happy and he was content, her stinging heart felt like it was being scorched by fire. pain……

"But Zixi, I just learned from the hospital, Jin Changshun's attending physician, two days ago that there was something wrong with Jin Changshun's death, and it was probably related to Qiu Wanqing." Cheng Haotian saw that Muzixi still didn't open the door, so he had to say this suspicion.

He really wanted to take a good look at Muzixi. He didn't know how she was doing these days, okay?

However, she insisted on not opening the door and not letting herself see her.

Muzixi was shocked when he heard what Cheng Haotian said. There is something wrong with his father's death, and it has something to do with Qiu Wanqing?

But how is this possible?

That day, she was obviously there. Dad died because of her, because she stimulated him. How could it be related to Qiu Wanqing?

But she also believed that Cheng Haotian would not lie to herself with this kind of thing. Is there really a problem with the death of her father? She couldn't help but start to doubt it.

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