President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 273 Cheng Haotian Forces Love

Muzixi waited anxiously, eager to see through...

Finally the door of the operating room opened, and Cheng Haotian was pushed into the ward.

Seeing Cheng Haotian being pushed out, Muzixi hurried up and asked worriedly, "Doctor, how is the patient?"

"Are you a family member of the patient?" the hospital asked Muzixi.

"Yes." Muzixi was so worried that he didn't pay attention to the doctor's question, so he answered it casually.

"Because the patient took very good self-protection measures when the accident happened, the patient is fine, but the trauma seems to be more serious, and he has to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days..." The doctor roughly talked about Cheng Haotian's situation .

Hearing what the doctor said, Muzixi felt relieved.

"Thank you, doctor." Muzixi thanked the doctor gratefully.

Muzixi learned about the situation from the doctor, went through the hospitalization procedures, and then returned to Chenghaotian's ward.

"Haotian, you have to wake up soon..." Muzixi said worriedly. Although the doctor said he was fine, but he didn't see him wake up, her worry was still unavoidable.

Since the doctor said it was just a trauma and nothing serious, it also made her feel uneasy and let go of a lot. But seeing Cheng Haotian covered in bandages, Muzixi couldn't help crying.

When Cheng Haotian had a car accident, even though she was in grief, she didn't cry, and when she was waiting outside the operating room, even though she was anxious, she didn't cry.

Because she didn't dare to cry, she was afraid that if she cried, she would really lose Cheng Haotian forever.

Knowing that he was fine and that he was still there, as soon as her nervous heart relaxed, tears flowed out unstoppably like a flood.

"Hao Tian, ​​luckily you are fine, woo woo..." Mu Zixi crawled beside the hospital bed, crying in relief.

Fortunately, he was only traumatized. Fortunately, he didn't really leave. Otherwise, she didn't know, what would happen to her?

There was no choice but to leave him, but at least at that time she knew that he was alive, in a place she knew, breathing the same air as her, and if she missed him, she could secretly visit him.

If something really happened to Cheng Haotian this time, there would be no such person as Cheng Haotian in this world anymore. If you miss him, you can only look at the cold photos...

Just thinking about it this way, Muzixi felt that life would be worse than death!

In the darkness, Cheng Haotian heard a burst of crying. He didn't want to pay attention to it. Whoever it was was crying, it had nothing to do with him anyway.

He is so tired now, he really wants to rest...

However, the crying kept going, making him unable to sleep. He had to open his tired eyes and saw that it was Muzixi whom he missed day and night. She was crying...

He wanted to comfort her and tell her not to cry. Seeing her cry would make his heart ache, and he couldn't bear her to cry at all.

He had never been so reluctant to bear a woman's tears before, but for Muzixi, he felt that as long as she stopped crying, he would do anything for her.

Cheng Haotian raised his hand, feeling so painful...

He remembered that he was in a car accident.

On his way to see Muzixi, he was talking on the phone with Muzixi when a black car suddenly drove past him. He didn't have time to avoid it, but he just protected his vitals in time and fell into a coma...

So he is in the ward now, is muzixi worried about him?

She still cares about him, still loves him, right? Otherwise, why would you cry so sadly?

Although Cheng Haotian was very happy to see Muzixi cry for him, because it proved that Muzixi still had feelings for him, but even so, Cheng Haotian was still reluctant to see Muzixi cry.

"Fool, don't cry." Cheng Haotian endured the pain, raised his hand, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Muzixi's eyes, full of pity and reluctance.

Before, he had never been so reluctant to let her cry, but he was often the one who caused Muzixi to cry.

But now, Muzixi's tears not only hurt his eyes, but also hurt his heart. Seeing her tears hurt even more than digging his heart, wishing to be sad instead of her.

"Although I'm very happy to see you cry for me, because it means you care about me, but even so, I still can't bear to let you cry, even if it's for me." Cheng Haotian said with infinite tenderness , said while wiping away Muzixi's tears.

This is a feeling he has never had before, but since he fell in love with Muzixi, it seems to have happened naturally. Cheng Haotian didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but took it for granted.

To truly love someone is to make her happy.

I don't want her to cry, I don't want her to be hurt, I want her to smile happily every day, live a free and carefree life...

Muzixi was treated so tenderly by Cheng Haotian, and after hearing him speak so affectionately, the tears of being moved couldn't stop gushing out.

Cheng Haotian watched more and more tears, and knew that she was moved by his words. When he was happy, he felt distressed and reluctant, and said deliberately: "Why are there more and more tears? Zixi, if you are moved, Just express it with a smile, don't cry. Zixi who is crying is really ugly!"

Muzixi was very moved when he heard what Cheng Haotian said earlier, it turned out that he loves her so much!

However, when I heard the back, I felt very angry, why did she look ugly when she shed tears, who can look good when she sheds tears?

Muzixi doesn't admit it, she doesn't mind Cheng Haotian saying that she is ugly.

You know, a woman doesn't like being called ugly by the person she loves.

What was touched just now has all dispersed...

Annoyed and angry: "Who, who is moved, they are worried about you. If you think they are ugly, then you just don't look at them, and no one forces you to look at them."

Muzixi said so, but slowly stopped crying...

Seeing that Muzixi stopped crying and made him feel bad, Cheng Haotian felt relieved and felt better.

He thinks Muzixi is better than crying when she is angry, at least seeing her angry, he won't be heartbroken.

Although Muzixi was angry with Cheng Haotian for saying she was ugly, she was still very concerned about his injury. After all, he was in a car accident and just woke up, so she was too embarrassed to argue with him.

Seeing that he is so energetic just after waking up, and can still make fun of himself, it should be all right.

Looking at the bandages all over his body, Muzixi was worried after all, and asked with concern: "Are you still in pain, do you want to call the doctor?"

Seeing that Muzixi was angry with him, Cheng Haotian still didn't forget to care about him. He thought that Muzixi must love him, otherwise, he wouldn't put him in a more important position than herself.

When Cheng Haotian thought of this, his heart softened, and the bubbles of happiness kept popping up.

For a long time, he was not very sure whether Bu Muzixi really loved him.

After all, there was really nothing worthy of Muzixi's love for him in the past, but now he does feel Muzixi's concern for him.

However, thinking of Muzixi's departure, Cheng Haotian frowned, "Since you care about me so much, why did you leave me?"

For Muzixi's departure, Cheng Haotian was very concerned and sad...

Since she cares about him so much, why is she willing to leave him and make him sad?

Looking at Muzixi's thin body, he knew that she was not having a good time these days, and he felt distressed and angry at the same time.

He knew that Muzixi might have reasons to leave because she had no choice but to tell him that she didn't want to rely on her or even trust him. That's why it was so difficult to choose herself. people bear.

It was Muzixi's distrust that made him feel angry.

However, no matter how much anger you have, when you see Muzixi crying for him, it will disappear...

When Muzixi heard Cheng Haotian's question, she was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

Now, it is superfluous to say anything, and it is useless to say anything. They are destined not to be together in this life.

She was more sad than anyone else to leave Cheng Haotian, and she was reluctant to part with it. However, that was her choice, she could not regret it, and she could not be allowed to regret it.

From the time she decided to obey her father's last words and marry Qiu Wanqing, there was no way for her to return to Cheng Haotian's side...

Her father's last words and Qiu Wanqing's feelings left her no way out. Facing Cheng Haotian's questioning, she didn't know what else to say besides being silent.

Cheng Haotian looked at Muzixi's silence, his heart ached, his anger came up, and his tone was a little bad, "Zixi, you actually love me, don't you?"

Cheng Haotian stared at Muzixi with fiery eyes, as if Muzixi could give him the answer he wanted.

Faced with Cheng Haotian's question, Muzixi could only silently shake his head desperately.

As if in this way, she can deny that the facts that Cheng Haotian said can shake off her love for Cheng Haotian...

However, she can veto what Cheng Haotian said, or lie to him, saying that she doesn't love her, but she has to face her own heart.

That heart, tell her honestly that she loves Cheng Haotian, and loves Cheng Haotian very much...

So, she could only shake her head, she didn't dare to face her heart, let alone answer his Cheng Haotian's words, for fear that once she opened her mouth, she wouldn't be able to control her own mouth and express the love in her heart.

Since it is already doomed not to be together, speaking of her love will only make her sadder, so it is better not to say anything and hide her love in the bottom of her heart.

Let Cheng Haotian think that she doesn't love him, and then find someone who is suitable for him and loves him, and live a happy life, it's better than living a sad life with her hopeless love.

Although Cheng Haotian guessed Muzixi's feelings for him, facing Muzixi's repeated silence made him a little uncertain again.

Muzixi's silence made Cheng Haotian sad and sad.

He chased all the way to Maldives, not because of Muzixi's silence, he was hurt like this, she still didn't want to say it, didn't want to admit her feelings.

He just wanted her to tell the truth, is it that difficult?

She just needs to face her own heart honestly, and then tell her honestly, even if, at that time, she still said the words of rejecting him, even if he would be in pain, he would accept the reality with pain.

However, she kept silent again and again, unwilling to return to his question, let alone face her own heart.

If Muzixi is like this, she doesn't refuse or accept, either keeps silent or shakes her head, making Cheng Haotian, who has been looking forward to her love all the time, how can he bear it with full of confidence.

Regardless of his injured body, Cheng Haotian couldn't help struggling to get up, and said excitedly while struggling: "Muzixi, I came all the way to Maldives to find you, not to see you silent and shaking your head, Is it that hard to admit that you love me?"

"Haotian, don't get up, you're still hurt." Muzixi saw Cheng Haotian struggling to get up, but she felt his hurt, hearing him force her like that, she felt sad and sad.

Wanting to help him lie down, but afraid of touching his wound, she could only beg helplessly, "Haotian, lie down quickly, the wound is about to burst, stop struggling, okay?"

But Cheng Haotian didn't listen to her, and insisted on struggling. Today, he insisted on forcing out her sincerity. Otherwise, his heart would always be disturbed by her, and he would not be able to sleep well if he couldn't eat well.

No matter what the result is, Cheng Haotian only needs to go to Muzixi to face her own sincerity. Is it so difficult? Could it be that she really didn't love him, and she was afraid to tell the truth and make him sad, so she kept silent about his question?

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