"Captain Zhao, what happened?"

Looking at Zhao Fei's ugly expression.

The other security guards put down their mobile phones and looked at him one by one.

They have never looked so ugly as Zhao Fei's face.

A bad premonition came over me.

"What are you all doing here? You all think there is nothing wrong with the school, right?"

Look at these security guards in the security department office.

Zhao Fei suddenly felt an unknown fire.

These are the people he brought in.

Normally, he hardly contributes anything.

They didn't even let them see the gate.

But they were given higher wages than those who worked.

This also led to the current leaders coming to inspect.

No one knew about it.

"Brother Zhao, what's going on?"

Watching Zhao Fei suddenly get angry.

Everyone else was also confused.

I don’t know why he suddenly asked them to go to work or something.

And aren’t they like this every day?

Or he said it himself.

We are all on our own, there is no work or anything like that.

"I've been staying in the office every day. Now the leaders are here to inspect. Why hasn't anyone told me about this? What do you do for food!"

Zhao Fei's anger grew stronger.

Give them the highest wages and do the easiest work.

They're good.

Just lie down in the office.

It's easier than the captain himself.

At this time, Zhao Fei was not willing to spare them.

Now he has been suspended.

I'm afraid that I, the captain of the security department, won't be able to keep it either.

And the leaders who came this time were no better than before.

This was specially sent by the central government.

in addition.

He also knew the documents to rectify the school spirit and discipline.

I just didn't expect that I would be sent directly from the Central Committee.

Even if he wanted to find someone, no one would dare to pick him up now.

This made Zhao Fei very upset.

Then all the anger was directed at these people.

"The leader came down to inspect?"

Listen to Zhao Fei's words.

Everyone was also stunned.

He quickly said: "Isn't Lao Zhang watching at the door? Why didn't he call us?"

Everyone became confused.

There is someone guarding the door.

Logically speaking, the gatekeeper must have informed them.

"If I'm not Lao Zhang, will I be suspended?"

I heard Lao Zhang who was guarding the door.

Zhao Fei became even more angry.

He is almost sixty.

Giving him three thousand is a compliment.

He is so ignorant.

He also revealed everything about himself.

"What, suspended?"

"Did Lao Zhang say something to the inspection leader?"

"Lao Zhang, after the leader leaves, I will definitely fire him. He doesn't have any words to keep the door open."

"That's right..."


When I heard that Zhao Fei had been suspended, he was so angry at Lao Zhang.

They immediately understood.

He also said bitterly at the moment.

"Expelled? We will be expelled then!"

Listen to them.

Zhao Fei was very annoyed.

They actually want to fire Lao Zhang, maybe they still feel the same as before.


Everyone was confused.

Why were they the ones expelled?

The leader just came over to inspect.

Why is it so exaggerated to expel them?

Does the leader still care about security?

"Captain Zhao, where does this leader come from? How can we..."

"Yes, Captain Zhao, why does the leader care about our security?"

"Captain Zhao..."

Everyone panicked.

Although the salary of this security guard is not high.

But it's easy.

And they are just short of earning five thousand yuan a month by doing nothing.

They don't want to lose this job.

And it’s not like no leaders from Shanghai University have come to inspect.

They couldn't figure it out.

Why did such a big accident suddenly occur this time?

So what did Lao Zhang say?

"Do you still think this inspection is the same as usual? The leader who came here this time was directly sent by the central government. He was not just inspecting the school. He was rectifying all the work. Even the tax bureau and the education bureau were fully cooperating. He did everything Checked..."

Listen to their chirping.

At this time, Zhao Fei was very irritable.

Then he said: "If something happens to me this time, everyone will be involved."

"A leader directly sent by the central government? It's over..."

When I heard him say that.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This time they are in real trouble.

To know.

Their wages come from the security guards who actually work.

Now the leader knows this.

It is again a critical period of rectification.

They will definitely be killed as the first ones.

"Captain Zhao, think of a way..."

The security guards panicked.

He quickly said to Zhao Fei.

"What can I do? Now I'm suspended."

Zhao Fei said very depressed.

This time even Huang Deshou gave him an ultimatum directly.

What can he do.

If it were before.

Even if he makes a small mistake, Huang Deshou won't care about it.

At most, I can say two sentences myself.

But now he is suspended directly.

There is absolutely no room for negotiation.

What else can I think of?

"This... Captain Zhao, why don't you ask your relatives in the Education Bureau..."

At this time.

A security guard suddenly said.

Zhao Fei can become a security guard at Magic University.

It's entirely because I have relatives in the Education Bureau.

So they thought to see if they could unblock it.


Listen to him.

Zhao Fei suddenly thought of this.

He quickly came to the phone and dialed the number!

"Hey uncle, it's me, Xiaofei!"


"I was suspended from my job by Director Huang. It was said that a subordinate leader came to our school and found out about my affairs..."


"What? The director..."


"I know, I know, I'm going to see if I can save it now!"


Zhao Fei hung up the phone.

There was horror and despair in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Captain Zhao?"

Look at the ugly look on his face.

Everyone asked quickly.

"The director is checking us now..."

Zhao Fei was heartbroken.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

No wonder Huang Deshou directly suspended him.

It turns out that the director of the Education Bureau really gave the order.

Doesn't that mean.

Are the leaders who came here this time appointed by the central government?

"Captain Zhao, what did your second uncle say?"

The security guard asked again.

"My second uncle said, let me go see the leader right now and see if I can talk to him or something!"

Zhao Fei was heartbroken.

"Then let's go quickly. If we are late, it will be too late!"

Now I can only go and have a look.

They don't want to lose this job.

"That's right, let's go quickly!"

Listen to them.

Zhao Fei also reacted.

He quickly put on his clothes and led them towards the door.

"Lao Zhang, I have written down everything you reported..."

After chatting with Lao Zhang for a while.

Li Ang then stood up.

"Ah...leader, don't, don't, don't…"

Until Li Ang said this.

Only then did the security guard Lao Zhang react suddenly.

The person talking to me is the leader.

Why did I say everything to him?

It’s over!

Let the captain know this.

This is going to get you fired!

"What's wrong? Don't you believe me, or do you think I will collude with them?"

Look at the security guard looking nervous.

His brows wrinkled slightly.

"Believe, believe, just..."

Lao Zhang paused.

The next words were still not spoken.

Then he said in a somewhat disappointed voice: "Three thousand is pretty good. I have a house in Modu, and my wife has a pension. Three thousand is enough, but if you check, my job will not be guaranteed!"

There was a prayer in Lao Zhang's words.

He can't lose this job.

After all, at his age, he definitely can't do physical work.

And once the security company knew that the security captain was investigated by the leader because of him.

Then he won't even think about working as a security guard in the future.

After all, the circle is so big.

——[Hey, even though I knew I was being treated unfairly, I still didn’t dare to speak out...]

——[There is no way, this is the current situation of us people at the bottom, and nothing can be changed at all. 】

——[Yeah, it would be great if he was a real leader. I think he is quite upright. 】

——[Indeed, if he hadn’t said that he was pretending, I would have felt it was true. And have you noticed that he is really serious, as if he really wants to do things for us at the bottom? 】

——[What’s the use of trying to get things done, he’s just a fake leader. 】

——[It would be great if he was the real leader. 】


Seeing Lao Zhang trying his best to stop him.

At this time, netizens also sighed one by one.

They all understand the security guard's feelings of not letting Li Ang pursue the case.

This is the helplessness of the people at the bottom.

And Li Ang is just a fake leader.

Although he said he would not join those people.

But then you have to be real.

At this time, netizens hope that he is the real leader.

Because of his serious look.

It seems like he really wants to do practical things for the people at the bottom.


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