Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1002: This is the bait

Chapter 1002 This is the bait

This is not a self-defense counterattack.

It is an active attack.

She was a little stressed in her heart.

"You haven't killed anyone?" Moses asked.

Shen Qianshu, "I am a jewelry designer, a good student from Xiaosan, a good boy who went abroad to get a scholarship, when I killed someone, my hands are used to draw design drawings."

Monica said calmly, "Congratulations, you can open up a new skill."

"What is the new skill of killing?"

"For the killer, killing is just a job." Mosi said, "You aim, shoot, convince yourself, overcome the pressure, you don't shoot and kill, they will kill you."

"Cult girl, don't brainwash, I can't do it." Shen Qianshu said.

The girl opposite is also a girl in the flower season.

She really can't do it.

Too cruel.

No one has the right to take a life.

"You think of the other person as a black rose, you can do it."

Shen Qianshu said, "I am not going to kill the black rose."

"Hey, so noble?"

"I am not noble, I killed her to do something, because killing her, I have the pressure of murder for a lifetime, it is not worth it, let her live, let her look at my mother and father, love and love, I am alive. Colorful, this is revenge."

Monica and Moses are silent for a moment.

It’s the last word that I’m always addicted to my fists. I hate the magical girl who’s shot. “It makes sense.”

Suddenly, a bullet hit them not far away, hit a little rabbit, and successfully shut up the three people who were smashing each other. Shen Qianshu quickly aimed at it, and the **** on the opposite side was moving, not aiming. .

Monica said, "You don't kill them. That rabbit is your end."

Moses said, "Don't shoot."

Monica, "calm, this is the bait."

Deliberate exposure to the location led them to shoot and determine their position.

At this time, it is more patience.

They seem to have discovered the location of Shen Qianshu and others, but they are not sure.

After a shot, it was calm.

Shen Qianshu’s palms are sweaty.

"They will not take a shot at us." Shen Qianshu asked.

"Are you afraid?" Monica said.

"A bit."

Moses said, "First observe."

Monica and Moses carefully observed that Shen Qianshu also did not move. The rabbit was shot not far away. The sound of the bullet was extremely small, and it was quickly covered by the wind in the valley.

I waited for an hour.

The opposite was completely relaxed.

One of them picked up the camouflaged leaves and took a long breath.

"It seems that we have made a mistake. They did not hide here to attack us. Instead, they went to the mountains. It seems that they will not go out tonight. Let's go to them and pay attention to hide the whereabouts. Don't be too aggressive."

The other person also took the disguise. "Monica and Mosi are really treacherous, deliberately causing the illusion of their sniper. As a result, people have already ran, hate, we ambushed here all day."

"It's not like this, we are ambushing here, waiting for them to pass, they will definitely go out tomorrow, and they will be ambushing them on their way."

"Yes, as long as Shen Qianshu is in our field of vision, she must not escape."

"No, they don't necessarily come out from here, and they don't walk in the mountains. We quietly enter the mountains, look for them, and give a fatal blow."

Several people sorted out their equipment and carried their bags. "Someone is in the mountains today, be careful, don't accidentally hurt the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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