Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1006: Medicine can't stop

Chapter 1006 medicine can not stop

Yang Lihua said, "Monica is accurate and responsive, and is most suitable for jungle operations. In addition to being a good fighter, gunman or a doctor, Moshi is very versatile."

This combination is terrible.

Today, I have added a thousand trees.

This team is very interesting.

According to the traditional game theory, it is a violent output, a functional output or assistant, and an output + nurse.

Definitely a perfect team of three people.

Moore said, "The living person said that it was not Monica and Moses, it was Shen Qianshu."

Black Rose is a bit strange, "It seems that Monica and Moshi have trained her well."

Yang Lihua said, "This is impossible. I know too much about Shen Qianshu. She is soft-hearted, kind, and will never kill. The other is a teenage girl. She can't possibly have their life. This is absolutely impossible."

"What do you mean, they lie, why?"

Yang Lihua said, "I don't know, but I know that Qianshu will not kill."

"Enough, don't argue, who is killing, I don't worry at all, Yang Lihua, you go out first."


Yang Lihua retired.

Moore said, "If you really sink a thousand trees, are you not afraid that her wings will be hard to reverse?"

"Moore, this is a gamble, winning and losing, is a matter of thought." Black Rose said, "The night is not dying, in contact with other people in Black Rose, you intercept his message from various channels, do not let the message spread. Go out."

"I know."

Salsa Island.

Mu Yuan and Yu Ling are studying the terrain. After Xie Jing’s people monitored an aircraft out of the island, there was no news.

Mu Yuan said, "Since you said it was a bait, what are you suspecting, do you want to go in?"

Yuling said, "There is a force deployment inside. Since there is force to deploy, there must have been people. This place is a whirlpool. The ship can't get in, quiet, and read the weather forecast for the past six months."

Xie Jingzhen transferred the weather forecast.

Yuling said, "Look at the weather forecast. The fog here is not scattered all the year round. Helicopters and drones can't get in and they will be blown away by the cyclone. If so, how did they get in and deploy force?"

Mu Yuan asked, "Is it... when there is always good weather?"

"They live on the island, how can they live, such a large-scale deployment of force, can not be completed overnight, nor can it be solved by a plane." Night Mausoleum said, very calm.

Xie Jing’s contemplation.

This is an island.

Since there is no way to enter the water and the air, there is only one way to get in, that is, the underwater tunnel.

"Impossible." Mu Yuan was shocked. If such a large underwater tunnel was built, there would be no movement.

Xie Jingxuan said, "It is unlikely. It is still a torrent zone. It is too dangerous to establish a submarine tunnel."

Yuling said, "On the surface, it is a torrent of water, a few meters of whirlpool. We don't know, the sea floor here is very deep, there is nothing impossible. The islands not far away have been doing reclamation projects, and it is possible to build a submarine tunnel. ”

Mu Yuan said, "This is beyond the scope of our exploration."

If this is to be explored, the submarine will be dispatched.

This is the territorial sea of ​​other countries, and the submarine cannot come.

Yuling said, "Quiet, look for the explorer's adventure report on this area, there must be some content."

(End of this chapter)

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