Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1021: Leaving the island

Chapter 1021 leaving the island

Monica said, "Don't worry, training is important!"


Hei Weiwei has dispatched two speedboats to disguise themselves as fishermen and quickly sent them away. Her heart was slightly uneasy and slightly frowning. Yang Lihua came back and said, "It is a US merchant ship, an ordinary pirate case."

This area of ​​the sea has not always been very peaceful, merchant ships rarely go, if there is a merchant ship, half will have a naval escort, if there is no naval escort, this route is very dangerous, only some smuggling boats.

Black Rose nodded. "Can someone approach the shore?"

"No." Yang Lihua said, "There is no warning, I will send people to strengthen defense along the coast."

Black Rose nodded, thoughtful.

Moore said, "Change places."

She nodded, for the sake of caution, or to change places, "prepare the plane."


Shen Qianshu, Monica and Moses are preparing for training. There is a sound in the valley. "Everyone immediately gathers on the island, and everyone immediately gathers on the island."

"Where, I’m scared to death." In the quiet jungle, a sharp woman’s voice screamed, scary, "What voice, where is the voice coming from?"

"Go, go back," Monica said.

The three left the mountains and walked back.

Mosi said, "If you encounter such a thing, black roses will not be controlled. As long as no one is close to the island, the island will not be exposed. She will not care. It is a critical moment, and the black rose is multi-party. The forces will stare and will be more cautious and will definitely transfer us tonight."

Monica nodded.

Shen Qianshu is understandable.

"Would you like to change places?"


Shen Qianshu asked, "It is impossible for such a big goal to remain silent. If she is, she will also transfer."

Mosi said, "You don't know, this island is not very secret, but most people can't find it. There is no naval escort. It's just a smuggling channel. No one will pay attention, and no one will care. If she didn't care too much. You, she won't change places."

Shen Qianshu said, "I have lived for so many years and felt that I was so important for the first time."

“Would you like to have a firecracker to celebrate?”

"Magic girl, a firecracker can't satisfy me, let fireworks."

Moses said, "Look for death!"

The three people went down the mountain very cautiously. They changed a road and walked on the edge of the cliff. They were afraid of being intercepted on the road. When they returned halfway, they heard the sound again. The black rose entered peace time. No one was allowed to do it. The three talents turned to the original road. Back to the island before dark.

"What is peace time?"

Monica said, "Peace time, during this time, no one is allowed to use firearms, violence, no one is allowed to attack others, otherwise they will be shot."

"So obedient?" Shen Qianshu raised his eyebrows and joked and said, "If I were the group of girls, I would not be so obedient. Anyway, in a bedroom, I sacrificed someone to kill me. I sacrificed one person and earned more. This death squad must have."

Mosi said, "You think it is simple. This is not a militarized management. If Black Rose feels that the entire dormitory is guilty, the entire dormitory can't escape."

"That's really abnormal."

Yang Lihua came over and came over. "Ten minutes, pack up and go to the runway."

Shen Qianshu has nothing to clean up, even changing clothes is not hers, and she is too lazy to pack things.


The next update is ten o'clock!

Ask the little fairies for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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