Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1032: 1032 life and death speed

Chapter 1032 Chapter 1032 Speed ​​of Life

"Peace time, no shooting, no blood, no repetition, peace time, no shooting, no blood, no warning, no serious punishment!" This is a full map notification that everyone can hear.

The teenager and the girls face each other.

The teenager received the gun.

Cher's squad happened to meet them. Milli coveted M4, and Xue pulled her. "Since he refuses to give it, then go, no firearms, no enemy."

"They are also opponents."

"After killing Shen Qianshu, they are opponents." Cher was much more calm than Milsi. She also heard the dialogue between Meng Qi and Shen Qianshu, knowing that they had grievances. She came over and reached out with a big hand.

"Cooperation, how?"

Meng Qi's face is very gloomy and does not speak.

The number of girls is very large.

Cher said, "Our goals are the same, killing Shen Qianshu, so there is no need for internal consumption, damage to their own strength, you want to kill Shen Qianshu, I also think, everyone is better to sit down and discuss **** her. ”

Meng Qi ignored her show. "This is my business. I don't need anyone to help me. I am far away from me."

He took the boys and left with pride.

Milsi said, "This person is too arrogant. What is great, I really want to kill him."

Cher said, "Don't be impulsive."

Mirch, "It’s an enemy sooner or later."

"That is also after killing Shen Qianshu, go find where they are going. At this time they are not equipped, we have many people, it is best to get rid of them."

The black sniper, who had long been ready to go, was the first to go out and find them.

On the whole map, everyone is looking for equipment everywhere.

Monica and Mosi, Shen Qianshu is relatively unlucky. I don't know why. They haven't found much from the 16th floor to the third floor. Shen Qianshu has two guns and several magazines, which is rather pitiful.

Monica M4 bullets are particularly numerous, however, they do not have a M4, AK bullets are particularly small, only three magazines, medicines and food are not too much, Moses a bag, Monica a bag.

"It’s really full of malice." Monica cursed.

Make bricks without straw.

Even if she is a sharpshooter, there is no bullet, nothing is!

"Yeah, it's too neurotic." Moses said, "Deliberately increase the difficulty of selection."

Shen Qianshu, "If you are alone in the search for this building, you can find a lot of things."

In her opinion, it is already a lot.

Almost there are guns and bullets on the ground.

Have food, have medicines.

How good.

Monica said, "Miss sister, you mean that we have taken up your resources."

The courage is fat.

If you are bold enough, you will say it again.

Shen Qianshu said, "Magic girl, you are too sensitive."

Mosi smiled, the two turned to the second floor, still a pistol, Monica and Mosi did not want it, they were all a model pistol, no more useless, Monica picked up the gun and threw it at hand. In the cupboard, it was hidden.

Very hearty.

Just out of the building, the little black girl pointed a gun at them.

"They are here, they are here!" She yelled.

At this time, everyone just entered the abandoned city. Not long after, everyone was squatting equipment, just warned, peace time, no guns, no blood, everyone did not deliberately hide, Shen Qianshu and Monica, Moshi It is a very conspicuous group.

Shen Qianshu said, "Hey, relax, relax, this is peace time, although I don't know if you will kill me if you shoot, but you shoot, I promise you will die."

Since it is a selection, in order to comply with the rules.

Black Rose must have a punishment mechanism.

Otherwise, everything is messed up.

The black girls were very excited. Everyone was surrounded. Mills of girls, including Milli and Cher, were all around, and they all looked at Shen Qianshu, Meng Qi and others in another ruined building.

Everything is ready to go.

"Let the gun down," Monica said. "Not too late, you better not break the rules."

"Who are you scaring?" said the black girl. "There are only these players here. I will kill you first."

She pulled the trigger at Shen Qianshu, and Monica was ready to throw down Shen Qianshu. However, the strange thing was that the bullet was like something being bounced away, and it turned in the direction and shot into the ruins.

The black girl squinted and fell to the ground, shouting.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, who, who, hurt, hurt..."

Originally a group of girls waiting for the black girl to kill Shen Qianshu, as a wall view, at this moment afraid of being tired of themselves, all retreat, face to face, it seems like in a system, everyone is in the system.

Moses said, "Punished."

Shen Qianshu clenched his fist slightly, and she could see that everything was regular here, but the girl did not give up.

Harm yourself.

She screamed, tumbling painfully on the ground, suddenly groaning, leaving two lines of blood and tears on her face, very scary, her face twisted open her arms, screaming, suddenly exploded, her whole person was blown up It is divided.


"How is this going?"

"God, what's going on?"

"Who is controlling, who is controlling this?"

Monica and Moses were also shocked.

Shen Qianshu said, "I warned you, don't start."

Her teeth are shaking.

For the first time in my life, I saw a person bursting into pieces in front of himself.

Just a fresh girl.

A piece of mechanical indifference sounded, "Peace time, no killing, repetition, peace time, no killing."

"Melly eliminated, repeat, Melly eliminated!"

Shen Qianshu swallowed the throat, Meng Qi frowned, said to the teenager who was shocked behind him, "Go."

The faces of Milch and Cher are also pale.

Monica said, "Let's go!"

The three of them walked in a different direction from the girls. The size of the ruins is very large. It is equivalent to a small city and covers a very wide area. Monica said, "We have to take these three days and make what we want. Everything is in order."

Shen Qianshu said, "How do they control this?"

Mosi said, "I don't know."

Monica and Moshi looked at each other and looked at the wrist watch.

The only thing that comes out of them is the watch. This looks like an ordinary watch, not a watch.

Shen Qianshu had some small trembling. Monica and Mosi were responsible for checking the ruins and picking up things. Mosi finally got a M4 and Monica gave all the M4 bullets to her.

"This is too strange." Shen Qianshu said that his face is still white. "If everything can be manipulated, does it mean that the selection of black roses can also be manipulated?"


The early morning update ended, and made a small mistake! ! Forgive

(End of this chapter)

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